

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

The Environment Agency has started its annual programme of bathing water testing off the coasts of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset.

Every year between May 1 and the end of September 20 samples are taken from each of the region’s 191 European Commission (EC) designated bathing waters and checked for water quality.

The samples are analysed at the Environment Agency’s laboratory at Starcross, Devon and measured against strict EC mandatory and even tighter guideline standards. They are tested for various types of sewage-related bacteria that might pose a threat to bathers’ health.

Compliance with mandatory standards in recent years has been consistently over 95%. In 2006 the south west achieved 100% compliance for the first time. Wet weather over the last two summers saw a slight decline in standards.

Higher than average rainfall in 2007 and 2008 caused an increase in storm overflows from sewers, diffuse pollution and run-off from farmland and urban areas. This impacted on bathing water quality and resulted in 75% of the region’s beaches attaining the more stringent guideline standard compared to 89% in 2006. The mandatory figure was 94.8% compared to 98.4% in 2007.

The quality of bathing waters has improved markedly since 11000 as a result of £2 billion of investment by the water industry in England and Wales. Compliance with guideline standards in the UK increased from 52% in 2000 to 85% in 2005.

‘The South West has 1,000 kilometres of coastline and 191 designated bathing waters. The coastline and bathing waters are vital to the region’s economy, particularly in terms of their contribution to the tourism and leisure industry, so it is important to know the waters are of a high quality,’ said Richard Cresswell for the Environment Agency.

‘We will continue to work with potential polluters in order to maintain and further improve these already high standards.’

Swimmers, surfers and holidaymakers can check the quality of bathing waters as the results are posted on the Environment Agency’s website on the ‘Your Environment’ pages.

The main survey follows pre-season sampling during March/April. These checks are carried out at beaches considered to be at possible risk of failure and to identify and put right any pollution problems before the start of main bathing season.

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Agency delivers de-silting solution on the River Brue

The ancient market town of Bruton in Somerset will shortly become a hive of activity as the Environment Agency sets to work removing tonnes of silt from the river around Town Bridge.

The silt, which has built-up immediately upstream and downstream of the bridge, needs to be removed because it poses a flood risk.

As well as reducing the size of the river channel, the silt has turned the area under the bridge into a meeting place for local youths who indulge in anti-social behaviour. Away from the public gaze, they light fires, drink alcohol, smoke and congregate at evenings and weekends.

With the silt removed and flow successfully restored, the risk of flooding in Bruton will be reduced and anti-social activities curtailed as local youths will no longer be able to congregate under Town Bridge.

The de-silting will be carried out next week by the Environment Agency’s operations delivery staff using lorries and lifting equipment positioned on and under the bridge. The work, which starts on Thursday (May 14), is expected to take around two days. Straw bales will be positioned in the River Brue around the works area to prevent silt being washed downstream.

Vegetation has been kept down on the riverbank around the bridge prior to de-silting to discourage nesting birds and minimise any disturbance to wildlife.

The work coincides with a special ‘Environmental Day’ event at Wincanton on May 14 organised by the Police and featuring displays by the Environment Agency, local authorities and the police on a range of subjects from crime prevention to the handling and disposal of waste.

‘We’re looking forward to be carrying out this work as part of Environmental Day to reduce flood risk and provide added value by helping to reduce anti-social behaviour into the bargain,’ said Daryl Parker for the Environment Agency.

Environment Agency checks over a hundred vehicles for unauthorised carriage of waste
Over three days last week Environment Officers from the Midlands, together with colleagues from the Yorkshire and North East Region, supported a Police led, multi-agency, vehicle stop & search operation.

At locations around the borders of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire Police officers identified suspect vehicles through an Automatic Number Plate Recognition system.

These vehicles were then escorted to pre-determined locations where they were inspected by various agencies.

Those carrying waste were inspected by the Environment Agency and when appropriate, we questioned the occupants to make sure they were all registered waste carriers.

Vehicles carrying controlled waste for profit must register with the Environment Agency. The licence costs 152 GBP and lasts for three years.

In all, we checked over one hundred of the vehicles stopped by Police. Of these, fourteen were found to be already registered as waste carriers. A further thirty five were provided with information sheets and application forms.

The owners of six vehicles found to be carrying controlled waste, without holding a waste carriers licence, face further investigation. If prosecuted of this offence, a fine of up to 5000 GBP can be set at a Magistrates Court.

An Environment Officer involved in the operation said “Unregistered waste carriers are more likely to fly-tip their waste as well as presenting unfair competition to their more responsible colleagues who have registered with us. Both householders and businesses are legally responsible for ensuring that their waste is disposed of properly. If someone offers to remove your waste cheaply, you should be suspicious.

“When using any waste carrier always check that they are registered with the Environment Agency by calling 08708 506506 or by looking at the public register pages of our website at”

Following the success of this operation, similar exercises are planned for the near future.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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