

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

15 May 2009 - Nongkhai/Bangkok, Thailand —The Thai Navy has seized two Tiger carcasses and 45 pangolins, and arrested eight traffickers who had planned to smuggle the animals across the Mekong River into Lao PDF.

Navy officers followed two cars carrying the traffickers in Ponpang village in the Rattana Wapi district of Nongkai Province on April 26, and made the arrests as they were attempting to transfer the slaughtered Tigers and live pangolins to a boat.

Eight people were arrested including a Vietnamese woman and her Thai husband. Several others in the boat fled upon sighting the navy officers.

The two Tiger carcasses, chopped in half, and the 45 pangolins, two of which were dead, were found inside the two cars.

The navy and Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Suppression Division have sent the tiger carcasses to the Department of National Parks for DNA testing.

“TRAFFIC lauds the Thai authorities for carrying out these DNA tests. Determining the origin of these Tigers is crucial if authorities hope to end this tragic trade,” said TRAFFIC Southeast Asia’s Acting Director Chris R. Shepherd.

This seizure is not the first case involving Tigers being smuggled across this border.

In January 2008, the Thai Navy thwarted an attempt to smuggle six slaughtered Tigers, five Leopards and 275 live pangolins across the Thai-Laos border.

In that incident, the Tigers had also been found sliced in half, while the Leopards had had their organs removed.

News reports quoted authorities saying that at least six people escaped into the forest while others on a waiting boat fled into Lao carrying four sacks believed to contain more animal remains.

This January, Thai police seized four Tiger carcasses in the resort town of Hua Hin.

The dead Tigers, weighing about 250 kg had been decapitated and were found in a truck passing through Hua Hin in the Prachuap Kiri Khan province.

Police said the dead Tigers were believed to have come from Malaysia and were being transported to China.

A Thai daily, Bangkok Post, also reported that genetic testing would be conducted on the Tiger carcasses at Kasetsart University to see if they were domesticated or wild animals.

The following month, Thai authorities discovered the butchered carcasses of two Tigers and a panther when they stopped a truck in the southern province of Pattani.

The driver of the vehicle was arrested and charged with illegal possession of the carcasses of endangered wildlife.

He told authorities he was hired to drive from Sungai Golok, a town on the Malaysian border to Hat Yai in Thailand. Reports said the carcasses were also sent for DNA testing to determine the subspecies and hence the origin of the animals.

TRAFFIC also encouraged governments throughout Southeast Asia to work together to tackle the problem.

“The trail of butchered Tigers winds through many countries in Southeast Asia.

“Tracking down those who illegally kill and trade these Tigers and putting them behind bars is a task countries cannot accomplish their own,” said Shepherd.

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WWF to grade palm oil buyers

12 May 2009 - Gland, Switzerland – Only one percent of the sustainable palm oil available on the market has been bought, according to new figures released by the WWF today.

In a bid to speed up this “sluggish performance”, WWF will assess the world’s major users of palm oil over the next six months and publish a Palm Oil Buyer’s Scorecard highlighting companies that support sustainable palm oil and exposing those who have not fulfilled their commitments to buy it.

WWF helped set up the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) as an international body for the industry to develop sustainability standards. Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) has been available since November 2008 and provides assurance that valuable tropical forests have not been cleared and that environmental and social safeguards have been met during the production of palm oil. Yet further production will hinge on manufacturers and retailers committing to buy what’s available.

“So far around 1.3 million tonnes of certified sustainable palm oil has been produced by RSPO member plantation companies, but less than 15,000 tonnes have been sold,” said Rodney Taylor, Director of WWF International’s Forests Programme. “This sluggish demand from palm oil buyers, such as supermarkets, food and cosmetic manufacturers, could undermine the success of the RSPO and threatens the remaining natural tropical forests of Southeast Asia, as well as other forests where oil palm is set to expand, such as the Amazon.”

WWF asks all companies buying palm oil to make public commitments that they will use 100 percent certified sustainable palm oil by 2015; to make public their plans with deadlines to achieve this goal; and to begin purchasing certified sustainable palm oil immediately.

The Palm Oil Buyer’s Scorecard will rank the commitments and actions of major global retailers, manufacturers and traders that buy palm oil. Companies will be scored on a variety of criteria relating to their commitments to, and actions on, sustainable palm oil. The resulting scores will not only help consumers evaluate the performance of these companies but will also encourage the companies themselves to better support the use of sustainable palm oil.

As a founding member of the RSPO, WWF has worked since 2002 with the palm oil industry to ensure that the RSPO standards contain robust social and environmental criteria, including a prohibition on the conversion of valuable forests. The RSPO brings together oil palm growers, oil processors, food companies, retailers, NGOs and investors to help ensure that no rainforest areas are sacrificed for new palm oil plantations, that all plantations minimize their environmental impacts and that basic rights of local peoples and plantation workers are fully respected.

The RSPO began in 2002 as an informal cooperation on production and usage of sustainable palm oil among Aarhus United UK Ltd, Golden Hope Plantations Berhad, Migros, Malaysian Palm Oil Association, Sainsbury’s and Unilever together with WWF. These organizations held the first Roundtable meeting in August 2003 in Kuala Lumpur in order to prepare the foundation for the organizational and governance structure that resulted in the formation of the RSPO. Since then the RSPO has grown to include more than 300 members between them accounting for more than 35% of global palm oil production.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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