

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

19 May 2009 - Baltic countries need to continue to reduce their input of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous to the Baltic Sea . Technological fixes are not the solution for hypoxia and algal blooms conclude researchers from, among other institutions, Denmark's National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University.

During the summer of 2008 record areas of the Baltic Sea were affected by hypoxia in bottom waters, killing bottom-living organisms and limiting area for fish and other fauna over 70,000 km2 – almost twice the area of Denmark. Moreover, the dead seafloor leaks large amounts of phosphorous causing blooms of blue-green algae in late summer.

In recent years, the question has been raised of whether engineering technologies – bioengineering – can be applied to alleviate some of the problems of hypoxia? In order to answer this question approx. 60 researchers from around the world – but with strong representation from the Baltic countries – met in a series of workshops in Sweden and Finland during the course of 2007 and 2008. The results of these workshops have been published in two articles in the journal ‘Environmental Science & Technology’. The conclusions can be summarized as follows:

- If the problem in the Baltic Sea is hypoxia – can more oxygen then be added to bottom waters?
Calculations demonstrate that 2-6 million tonnes of oxygen a year would need to be added to the marine area to keep the Baltic Sea sufficiently oxygenated. This is equivalent to 20,000-60,000 lorry loads full of oxygen – an impossible task.

- Can inputs of oxygenated saltwater to the Baltic Sea be increased to flush the oxygen-depleted bottom water away?
This is technically possible but does not solve the problem of hypoxia in deep waters. A drastically increased inflow of saltwater would just aggravate the problem by enhancing stratification of the waters, thereby increasing hypoxia.

- How about conversion of the Baltic Sea to a lake?
This too is technically feasible, but would have dramatic consequences for the sea. As a lake, the Baltic Sea would have an entirely new composition of fauna and flora, and all organisms dependent on saltwater, such as cod, would disappear.

- Can we oxygenate the water masses with wind turbines?
The Swedish government has financed several projects in order to explore this possibility. In theory it is possible, but whether the method could work in practice is doubtful. The feasibility and costs of such a project should be carefully examined, and more important still, the consequences of such a project for the water circulation and fauna and flora in the Baltic Sea need to be investigated.

- Can we bind phosphorous by adding aluminium to the waters, thereby reducing algal bloom?
This would require enormous amounts of aluminium and it is uncertain how aluminium would react in a brackish environment such as the Baltic Sea . In the worst case, the aluminium would be poisonous to organisms. Moreover, this measure would be in conflict with the international convention forbidding dumping of chemicals in the sea.

Some the above methods could work on a smaller scale, e.g. in enclosed coastal areas, but not as solutions to the problems in the Baltic Sea . In order to combat hypoxia, it is therefore of crucial importance that the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous flowing into the Baltic Sea from the surrounding land continues to be reduced.

Contact: Professor Jacob Carstensen, tel. +45 4630 1345,

Hypoxia-Related Processes in the Baltic Sea . Daniel J. Conley, Svante Björck, Erik Bonsdorff, Jacob Carstensen, Georgia Destouni, Bo G. Gustafsson, Susanna Hietanen, Marloes Kortekaas, Harri Kuosa, H. E. Markus Meier, Baerbel Müller-Karulis, Kjell Nordberg, Alf Norkko, Gertrud Nürnberg, Heikki Pitkänen, Nancy N. Rabalais, Rutger Rosenberg, Oleg P. Savchuk, Caroline P. Slomp, Maren Voss, Fredrik Wulff, and Lovisa Zillén.

Tackling Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea : Is Engineering a Solution? Daniel J. Conley, Erik Bonsdorff, Jacob Carstensen, Georgia Destouni, Bo G. Gustafsson, Lars-Anders Hansson, Nancy N. Rabalais, Maren Voss, and Lovisa Zillén.

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Monitoring at olivine mine at Seqi

19 May 2009 - The olivine mine at Seqi. - Olivine has been mined and exported at Seqi in West Greenland since 2005. In 2004 and 2005 baseline studies were performed in order to describe the occurrence of fish, marine bottom invertebrates, and birds in the area and to obtain information on sediment characteristics.

An area in the inner parts of Tasiussarsuaq, close to the olivine deposit, was found to be anoxic at depths greater than 100 m. To assess possible impacts of the olivine deposit prior to mining, a range of elements was analysed in lichens, brown seaweed and blue mussels before the olivine mining started. There were no measurable natural elevations of elements originating from the olivine deposit.

In 2007 a spreading of dust was indicated after the mining started. The dust contains elevated concentrations of chromium and nickel and some other elements as reflected in the increased levels of these elements in lichens collected close to Seqi. In seaweed and blue mussels this dusting has resulted in elevated concentrations of chromium and nickel, but only at one station very close to the deposit. No chromium or nickel pollution could be detected in fish or in water samples from the lake. Thus the effect of the mine is very local.
Baseline and monitoring studies at olivine mine 2004 to 2007. Asmund, G., Boertmann, D. & Johansen, P. 2009. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University , Denmark . 88 pp. - NERI Technical Report No. 715.


Source: Danish Ministry of the Environment
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