

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

Partnership with Atlantic Provinces and Ducks Unlimited will conserve wildlife habitats, create jobs - FREDERICTON, N.B. -- May 22, 2009 -- Keith Ashfield, Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) and MP for Fredericton, on behalf of Canada’s Environment Minister Jim Prentice, today joined Mac Dunfield from Ducks Unlimited Canada to announce $3 million in Government of Canada funding for the five-year $9 million Atlantic Habitat Partnership Initiative. This important partnership is designed to maintain critical infrastructure to sustain wetlands across Atlantic Canada in order to conserve habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife.

“Our funding will help to ensure the conservation and protection of a biodiversity of native and migratory birds and many other types of wildlife in the Atlantic provinces for many years to come.” said Minister of State Ashfield. “Our government’s investment will co-fund five years of infrastructure construction projects in wetland areas that will provide jobs and stimulate local economies.”

The governments of the four Atlantic provinces are contributing a total of $3 million, and Ducks Unlimited Canada is also contributing $3 million, to this Partnership Initiative.

Environment Canada’s $3 million investment will assist with construction activities to upgrade wetland infrastructure such as dams and fish ladders.

The Atlantic Habitat Partnership Initiative is designed to maintain critical infrastructure to sustain 560 water control pipes and systems, like dams, 150 fish ladders and over 170 kilometres of dykes on more than 400 square kilometres of wetlands . Many of the wetlands were created or maintained over the past 15 years under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and its agent in the Maritimes, the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture.

The funding announcement coincided with the International Day for Biological Diversity, a marker designed to remind the world of the importance of conserving global biodiversity.

“Canada’s government understands that along with climate change, protecting biodiversity is one of the paramount environmental challenges of our time, and is therefore working with diligence and determination to use our biological resources more sustainably,” said Minister Prentice.

Of the Atlantic Habitat Partnership Initiative, Ducks Unlimited Canada’s executive vice-president Jeff Nelson said: “This Initiative will enable Ducks Unlimited Canada to carry out the essential work of maintaining infrastructures such as dykes that require periodic reinvestments. We congratulate the federal government on its leadership in providing funding to protect Atlantic Canada’s wetlands. Wetlands provide many environmental benefits to Canadians and Ducks Unlimited Canada is pleased to have this recognized and supported by the Government of Canada. This significant federal investment and commitment to this partnership illustrates that our conservation work is important. It says that wetlands and the environment are valued by all Canadians.”

Today’s announcement is an example of the action the Government of Canada is taking to protect and preserve our natural heritage, in cooperation with our provincial and private partners.
Frédéric Baril
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment

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MouldBay Clean-Up Part of Canada's Economic Action Plan
OTTAWA, Ont. -- May 22, 2009 -- Today, the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment, confirmed that the clean-up of the Mould Bay Weather Station is a proposed project under the accelerated Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan.

"I have asked my officials to proceed quickly on the clean-up of this shameful situation that has been allowed to linger since 2002 - this government will act where previous governments failed,” said the Honourable Jim Prentice. “We are using the investments made in Canada’s Economic Action Plan to clean up the legacy of contaminated sites across Canada by accelerating the assessment and remediation work. Mould Bay is part of this plan.”

MouldBay is one of hundreds of assessments projects being proposed under the accelerated Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan, with the goal to complete the combined Phase II/III assessment by summer 2010, which will lead to the development of a remedial strategy. Following this work, the implementation of a remedial strategy could begin in summer 2011.

The former weather station was completed in April 1992, and a decision to close the station was taken by the previous government in 1997. By 2002, the site was deemed surplus to the Department’s program requirements.

Through Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the federal government aims to accelerate activities under the existing Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan over the next two years. An additional $80 million will enable accelerated action on site assessments and continued program management. This new funding is also expected to accelerate an estimated $165 million in environmental remediation/risk management activity on priority federal contaminated sites across Canada.

The full federal contaminated sites inventory at:
Frédéric Baril
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
Press consultantship
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