

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

19 May 2009 - Media Invitation - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - TUESDAY, 19 MAY 2009: Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi will deliver a key note address at a gala dinner to mark the International Day for Biological Diversity on Thursday, 21 May 2009 in Cape Town.

International Day for Biological Diversity will be celebrated worldwide on 22 May 2009 under the theme, “Invasive Alien species.” Invasive alien plants are one of the greatest threats to biodiversity as well as ecological and economic well being of society. They exacerbate poverty and threaten development through their impact on agriculture, natural systems and forestry. The increasing negative impacts of climate change on ecosystems and species also aggravates the situation.

The department will celebrate the conclusion of the soon to be gazetted National Biodiversity Framework (NBF).The NBF is an important milestone in the conservation arena and spells out the most urgent actions to be conducted to manage the country’s biodiversity over the next five years.

The NBF is one of the achievements since the promulgation of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA) in 2004. The Minister responsible for the environment is expected to report to Cabinet on its implementation five years from date of publication of the NBF.

Several priority actions listed in the NBF have already been initiated and these include the development of several planning tools and regulations. One of the tools of the NBF is the development of the regulations for the Alien and Invasive species (AIS). The draft AIS regulations were published for public comment in April 2009. The comments period has since closed and comments received are currently being processed.

The gala dinner is part of a two day conference on environmental resource economics scheduled for 21 and 22 May. The conference is organized by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) which is an entity of the department.

Details of the Gala Dinner are as follows:
Date: Thursday, 21 May 2009
Time: 19:00
Venue: Ritz Hotel, Sea Point, Cape Town
Corner Main and Camberwell Roads, Sea Point, Cape Town

Media is invited to the gala dinner and can confirm attendance with Nthabiseng Mphela at 012 310 3203/ 082 823 3695 and Lizzy Suping at 012 310 3310/083 758 0553.

The United Nations proclaimed May 22, the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. When first created by the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly in late 1993, 29 December (the date of entry into force of the Convention of Biological Diversity), was designated The International Day for Biological Diversity. In December 2000, the UN General Assembly adopted 22 May as IDB, to commemorate the adoption of the text of the Convention on 22 May 1992 by the Nairobi Final Act of the Conference for the Adoption of the Agreed Text of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This was partly done because it was difficult for many countries to plan and carry out suitable celebrations for the date of 29 December, given the number of holidays that coincide around that time of year.

For further information on International Day for Biological Diversity visit Convention on Biological Diversity -
Media enquiries can be directed to:
Roopa Singh (Director: Communications)

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Urban Environmental Management Programme (UEMP) Conference Started Today in Somerset West

20 May 2009 - Media Statement - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2009: “The Danish funded Urban Environmental Management Programme (UEMP) has already had an immense impact in South Africa,” said the Royal Danish Ambassador, Mr Dan E Frederiksen, during his keynote address at the annual UEMP conference in Somerset West, Western Cape.

“No one can doubt that many interesting and innovative initiatives have been implemented under the UEM programme regarding urban development,” he added.

The UEMP conference takes place on 20 and 21 May at the Lord Charles Hotel in Somerset West

“The Danish funded Urban Environmental Management Programme is in the process of implementing well over 275 projects in Waste Management, Air Quality, Environmental Planning and Environmental Health in South Africa,” said Mr Peter Lukey, Chief Director of Air Quality Management and Climate Change at the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT).

Lukey said that of the 275 projects approximately 80 projects have been completed. Special attention this past year was given to the theme of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency.

The UEM programme allocated a special grant of R 60 million in 2008 to the four metros within the programme (Johannesburg, Cape Town, Ekurhuleni and eThekwini) to supplement their existing projects in combating Climate Change and reducing green house gas emissions. These projects include roll out and implementation of projects such as the establishment of Energy offices, Retrofitting of Council Buildings, LED streetlight retrofitting, Climate Proofing of Urban Communities and roll out of Solar Water Heaters.

During his welcome address Frederiksen stated that he was happy with the progress made in the implementation of the R 60 million funding allocated to the metros for energy and climate change initiatives.

“The focus for this mini-programme was, besides implementation, large-scale roll-out of proven approaches and technologies. And I really think we here are seeing some very interesting initiatives,” said Frederiksen.

“For example the large-scale roll-out of tree planting in eThekwini, the large-scale roll-out of the low-cost housing ceiling programme in Cape Town, the large-scale roll-out of solar water heating in Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni, and many others. I find it very important that we together continue to implement practical projects that we can showcase, not only to each other, but also to the rest of Africa and the world,” emphasised Frederiksen.

The main purpose of the hosting of the UEMP conference is to enhance dialogue and collaborative effort through reflection, sharing of experiences and facilitation of linkages and cooperation between the different project implementers of the UEM programme as well as a wider spectrum of partners nationally and regionally.

The UEMP case study file was also launched today, 20 May 2009 by the Royal Danish Embassy and the South African Cities Network. The resource file is the first set of 39 case studies cutting across all the themes of the UEMP. The resource file supports the knowledge management objectives of the UEMP and is aimed at sharing information and lessons among the Programme partners.

One of the (early) highlights of the UEMP programme this year was the sponsoring of the Climate Change Summit in March 2009, to initiate the National Climate Change Response Policy with the intention of having an initial draft by end 2009.

DEAT today presented the National Climate Change Response Database to conference delegates. The database provides a central portal for and easy access to the excellent climate change work being done in South Africa as well as a networking platform for researchers and potential donors.

The Metros presented on the implementation of the R15 million of climate change and renewable energy projects.

On Day 2 of the conference parallel sessions on air quality, environmental health, urban environmental planning, waste management as well as practical interventions for low income solar water heater roll out will take place.


The programme began in 2006 with a five year budget of DKK 220 million. The design of the programme is in line with international best practice on aid effectiveness (Paris Convention 2005).It is based on the premise that any development cooperation support will have the highest chance of success if it is locally owned and driven. Hence the South African partners are responsible for the implementation and progress of the programmes.

What is the UEMP?

The five year UEMP ( 2006 - 2010) is a programme in collaboration between the Governments of South Africa and Denmark which amongst others responds directly to South African government priorities and promotes intergovernmental cooperation.

Funded by Denmark, UEMP is a partnership between eleven government partner institutions of South Africa from all three spheres of government - national, provincial as well as municipal.

What are the focal points of the UEMP?

The Programme emphasizes improved capacity of service delivery, strategic management and collaboration between the different spheres of government. The environmental focus is on air quality, sustainable energy management, environmental health, sustainable planning and waste management.

Who are the UEMP partners?

UEMP partners include, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), the Department of Health (DoH), Province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Province of the Western Cape and Province of Gauteng and Ekurhuleni, eThekwini, Johannebsurg and Cape Town Metros and Sedibeng District Municipality.

Where can I get more information on UEMP?

Roopa Singh (Director Communications)



Source: South African Environmental
Press consultantship
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