

Environmental Panorama
June of 2009

Multiple Blue-Prints for Better Managed Drylands and Improved Livelihoods from UNEP-GEF Project

Nairobi, 17 June 2009 - Improved varieties of the tropical, nutritious 'Sahel Apple' tree allied to the setting up of market gardens and community nature reserves are helping to turn the tide of land-degradation and desertification in some African countries, a new study shows.

In other countries on the Continent, communities are testing the re-introduction of extinct grass species, the deployment of rainwater harvesting, rotational grazing and the simple anti-erosion techniques as anti-desertification strategies.

The promising techniques have emerged from the US$10 million Desert Margins Programme (DMP) led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in partnership with the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and with support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director, said: "Land degradation threatens nearly a billion people in some 100 countries and it is estimated that around a third of the world's lands are experiencing desertification. There are many factors at work including climate change. Thus governments need to Seal the Deal on a serious and far-reaching new agreement at the crucial UN climate convention meeting in Copenhagen in just 172 days time".

"But land degradation and desertification is not inevitable and the multiple inspiring solutions from the Deserts Margin Programme underscore this. It is time to scale-up and to replicate these kinds of actions in order to climate-proof vulnerable communities while boosting livelihoods, biodiversity and water supplies en route to achieving the UN's poverty-related Millennium Development Goals," he added.

The success of the project is highlighted in a number of pilot projects in nine African countries. Some of the countries are the following;


Here land degradation constitutes a major problem for agricultural production, particularly in the areas on the edge of the desert.

The Sahel Apple introduced by the DPM is a fruit tree that has the potential to provide nutritious fruit with a high-market value and at the same time restores degraded lands.


This country's rangelands are characterized by low and erratic rainfall, prolonged dry periods and frequent droughts. Indeed the problem of desertification and land degradation is serious as over 80% of the country's total land area is categorized as arid and semi-arid.

According to the report, the project introduced new technologies into the area for improving soil moisture, bush management and constructing terraces which are now contributing to a successful revegetation of denuded ranges.


Mtobo in the Matebeland South province is one of the driest areas in the country. It was facing the disappearance of vast areas of forests due to frequent bush fires, massive tree cutting for curios and the disappearance of key species of trees and animals. Land pressure was also causing households to settle in grazing areas.

The project has catalyzed the reintroduction of extinct grass and tree species, enrichment of woodland areas and an incentive by the community to manage the woodlands more effectively.

Today, on the Day to Combat Desertification, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is calling on the global community to accelerate efforts to combat desertification and the effects of drought and seek solutions like those tested under the Desert Margins Project.

An evolution of the global carbon markets also opens the door to paying farmers and land owners for climate-friendly farming techniques.

UNEP and partners with funding from the Global Environment Facility, have just launched the Climate Benefits Project that will be estimating the amounts of carbon that can be stored in soils and vegetation under different management regimes.

Communities in Western Kenya alongside ones in Niger, Nigeria and China are pioneering the work.

Drivers of Land Degradation and Desertification

Poverty and the challenge of feeding a population of six billion people, which has almost doubled in the past four decades, are part of the pressures driving the loss of vegetation and soil fertility.

While true deserts grow and shrink naturally, it is the drylands which make up 40 percent of the Earth's land surface that suffering desertification as a result of unsustainable use of land and water in too many places.

These drylands, which include the real deserts, savannahs and tropical dry forests are dynamic ecosystems that feed agricultural growth and are often home to extremely specialized communities of animals and plants. However, they are also increasingly vulnerable to the threat of land degradation.

On top of this, climate change is also contributing to land degradation. Land and water resources, essential to development and livelihoods are particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate change which is leading to floods, droughts and rising sea levels. It has been estimated that nine out of every ten recorded natural disasters are climate related.

According to the UNEP-led study, best-bet technologies that combine modern science with traditional and indigenous knowledge such as those introduced in the nine DMP pilot countries in Africa, are a global example of how to combat the trend of desertification with viable solutions.

Notes to Editors:

About UNEP

The United Nations Environment Programme, established in 1972, is the voice for the environment within the United Nations system. UNEP acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment. To accomplish this, UNEP works with a wide range of partners, including United Nations entities, international organisations, national governments non-governmental organisations, the private sector and civil society.

The World Day to Combat Desertification has been observed since 1995 (General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/1995) to promote public awareness relating to international cooperation to combat desertification and the effects of drought, and the implementation of the UNCCD. Last year, more than 40 events took place all over the world.

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is a concrete outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. The Convention was adopted in 1994 and entered into force in 1996. To date, 193 countries have ratified or acceded to the UNCCD. It is a unique instrument that brought attention to the land degradation in drylands where exist some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and people in the world.
For more information, please contact:

Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson and Head of Media
Anne-France White, UNEP Associate Information Officer

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Sports plays a growing role in quest for sustainability

Nairobi, 18 June 2009 – The crucial role played by Sports in various aspects of sustainable development was discussed by UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner in an address to the 'Forum on Productive Youth Development through Sport in Africa'.

The Forum brought together practitioners and experts in the field of sport and productive youth development to share experiences on best practice, discuss collaboration strategies and make recommendations on Sport and Development.

Describing the role of environmental sustainability in sports, Mr. Steiner cited the success of the Beijing Olympics in not just meeting, but exceeding the environmental standards outlined by the International Olympic Committee.

Mr. Steiner, who is also UN Under-Secretary-General, said "I think Beijing stands out at the moment when the Olympic games had perhaps its most transformative impact in terms of the host city going well beyond the parameters in terms of Beijing itself and the country".

Over the past ten years, UNEP has worked closely with the International Olympic Committee in setting criteria to define the sustainability of cities that want to host the Olympic Games.

Mr. Steiner also acknowledged the intersection between youth, sports and the environment, that was most evident in the work of Tunza, UNEP's youth network.

"Sports has become a way in which youth can combine the reality of their enthusiasm to be engaged in sports while also taking social responsibility and doing something about their communities, neighbourhoods and the issue of environmental sustainability."

The Forum, which is a joint initiative of the UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) and the Jacobs Foundation, concludes on Thursday, 18 June.

About UNEP's Sport and Environment Programme:

UNEP has been actively involved in work on sport and the environment for well over a decade. UNEP works to: promote the integration of environmental considerations in sports; use the popularity of sports to promote environmental awareness and respect for the environment among the public, especially young people; and promote the development of environmentally friendly sports facilities and the manufacture of environmentally friendly sporting goods.

For more information please contact:
Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson and Head of Media


Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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