

Environmental Panorama
June of 2009

The Environment Agency today announced that Welsh business VION UK has been included in the short-list for this year’s Water Efficiency Awards.

The Water Efficiency Awards is the leading scheme in England and Wales for recognising the achievements of organisations who have reduced their environmental impact by becoming more water efficient.

VION UK serves as an example to other businesses and has demonstrated how to reduce cost and environmental impact.

Their water minimisation project proves that green business is good business and that by implementing sustainability measures cost savings can be made. Envirowise, the Government-funded programme to help businesses with the sustainable use of resources, estimates that UK companies could save £9 million a day through simple water efficiency measures.

VION UK has been nominated for the Water Save Award which recognises practical measures that save water and money.

VION UK, a poultry processing site in Anglesey, completed an Envirowise water audit which led them to implement a water minimisation project. Their standard 1’’ hoses were replaced with pressure washers and lances; this ensured three times less water was used with the same results.

Additionally, water pressure within the factory was reduced as a whole. Some sprays in the second row of Featherators (water machines which remove feathers) were switched off as deemed unnecessary and the relocation of packing room to the source of collection has ensured large amounts of water are no longer necessary to carry the product to the packing room.

As a final precaution, the company now regularly monitors the volume of water used telemetry to read their main water meter and use manual readings of sub-meters installed around the site. These initiates have ensured a 19% of water savings in the 12 months since their audit, and large financial savings.

Ian Barker, Head of Water at the Environment Agency said: “It is vital that businesses remain committed to reducing their environmental impact by becoming more water efficient through this difficult economic period.

“The organisations short-listed are shining examples for other businesses to follow. This year’s awards have seen entries of an extremely high calibre and the judges face a tough task to identify winners in each of the categories.”

The overall short-list is split into three separate categories – Water Save, Water Solve and Water Shout, recognising practical measures that save water and money, smart solutions for water use and campaigns that change the way people use water.

Nominations for a fourth category, The Chief Executive’s Award, which commends outstanding overall achievements in water efficiency, will be announced at a later date.

All winners will be announced at a ceremony on HMS President, London on Wednesday 15th July.

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Environment Agency issues Saltend permit

The Environment Agency has today (Wednesday 24 June) announced its decision to issue an environmental permit to Waste Recycling Group (WRG) for its proposed non-hazardous waste incinerator at Saltend in East Yorkshire.

In October last year we received an application from Waste Recycling Group (WRG) Limited for a permit for the plant at Queen Elizabeth Dock, Hull. This plant, also known as an energy from waste facility, burns waste at high temperatures, with the energy used to generate electricity.

The new permit will set strict conditions governing the operation of the incinerator, ensuring that public health and the environment are properly protected.

Simon Firth, Environment Manager for the Environment Agency said: “We have considered this application very carefully, and we are satisfied that the incinerator will not cause any significant pollution providing it is operated in accordance with our permit.

“We consulted widely on WRG’s application in December 2008 and April this year, and we have done everything we can to ensure that everyone has had an opportunity to comment. Over the various consultation stages we have received over 50 written responses from members of the public, and we have considered these alongside comments from professional bodies such as the Primary Care Trust and Health Protection Agency.

“The issue of a permit is only the first stage in our regulation of the incinerator. When the facility is up and running we will monitor its environment performance, including emissions to air, to ensure that the permit conditions are not breached. We will continue to involve the community where we can and will make sure that the monitoring data is readily available to the public.”

The permit and the decision document that explains the permit conditions and how the Environment Agency made its decision are available to view at the public registers which are held at:
• The Environment Agency, Phoenix House, Global Avenue, Leeds, LS11 8PG
• Hull City Council, 33 Witham, Kingston Upon Hull, HU9 1DB

For more information on the Environment Agency’s role in regulating incinerators, energy recovery or energy from waste plants, visit:

The Environment Agency needs you - call for regional committee members
The Environment Agency is looking for people living in Kent, East and West Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who can help make the local environment a better place for people and wildlife.

The Environment Agency is looking for people living in Kent, East and West Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who can help make the local environment a better place for people and wildlife.

Regional committee members help shape and steer the Environment Agency’s work and demonstrate real environmental leadership amongst their peers and networks and out in the community.

The Environment Agency currently has a vacancy on its Regional Flood Defence Committee, the committee responsible for deciding on the Environment Agency’s annual programme of flood defence improvement and maintenance work.

Harvey Bradshaw, Regional Director, said: “Our committees are vitally important to our success. As guardian and champion of the environment at a time of great change, we’re looking for people who are persuasive and able to influence change and who are interested in how a changing climate will affect our economy, landscape and the communities and wildlife that live there.”

Environment Agency members act as ambassadors for both the environment and the Environment Agency itself. They represent a wide range of customer and stakeholder groups, bringing knowledge and experience to help inform Environment Agency decisions and access to the varied audiences they need to reach.

The committee meets four times a year at the Environment Agency regional office in Worthing. The positions are non-salaried but members can claim travel expenses and, in some cases, subsistence and financial loss allowance. All candidates must live or work in the Environment Agency’s Southern region which covers Kent, East and West Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Applications from those who have experience of working with those with disabilities or diverse communities will be particularly welcomed.

The closing date for applications is 20 July 2009 with appointees taking up their posts in August 2009. Anyone looking to make a real difference to their environment can request an application pack from Sue Lade, Committee Services - External Relations, Environment Agency, Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1LD. For an informal chat about the posts please call Amanda Latham on 01903 832128.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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