

Environmental Panorama
July of 2009

Media release - 16 July 2009 - Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett, in his capacity as the Chair of the Environment, Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC), has called for comment on a national approach to dealing with computer and television waste.

The consultation package includes a comprehensive analysis of the community's willingness to pay for recycling and provides options to promote discussion on a way forward.

At its last meeting the EPHC committed to finding a solution to the growing problem of unwanted televisions and computers, Mr Garrett said.

"This is the first step in agreeing a solution, and we would like the public to be a key part of this process.

"Community response to the consultation package will help pave the way for new product stewardship arrangements."

The formal consultation package includes the report on the choice modelling study on recycling of televisions and computers. This is the first time that choice modelling has been used in a process of this kind and it will provide a qualitative assessment of community attitudes to this issue. This report shows that the community is willing to pay for a television and computer recycling scheme.

The consultation package also includes a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS). This document includes a cost-benefit analysis which assesses a number of management options aimed at increasing the recovery and recycling of end-of-life televisions and computers. These options include a business as usual base case, a number of co-regulatory (where industry runs the scheme and government provides support through regulation) and regulatory options.

"The preliminary findings of the cost-benefit analysis are positive with all options showing a net benefit to the community. No one option stands out as a preferred approach and the outcome of the public consultation process will help inform the final recommendation". Mr Garrett said.

Public meetings will be held in key cities as part of the consultation process.

Written submissions and comments close on Thursday 13 August 2009.

Find out more about the consultation package and how to have your say by visiting

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Government cuts emissions and energy reporting red tape for business

Media release - 2 July 2009 - Companies required to report data on their greenhouse gas emissions and energy use will have their reporting red tape reduced, Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong announced today.

At present, some companies are required to provide the same or similar data to up to eight different agencies in different jurisdictions.

This process will now be streamlined under an agreement between the Commonwealth, state and territory governments for a nationally consistent approach to greenhouse and energy reporting.

Senator Wong said the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Streamlining Protocol will help to reduce the administrative burden for companies when reporting to governments on a wide range of greenhouse and energy information.

"This initiative will reduce duplication created by the range of measures that require businesses to report greenhouse gas emissions and energy information," Senator Wong said.

"In extreme cases, some companies are preparing up to eight different reports for each different jurisdiction.

"The Protocol will be used by all governments to streamline reporting requirements for existing and future greenhouse and energy programs and to establish a standard national approach for collecting greenhouse and energy information."

Senator Wong said streamlined reporting would ensure more comprehensive and consistent information was available to both government and the public.

"This information will be used to monitor the long-term effects of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment and better direct Australia's action on climate change," Senator Wong said.

"Streamlining the greenhouse energy reporting process into a single, national system will reduce the administrative burden for Australian business."

More information on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Streamlining Protocol is available at


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
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