

Environmental Panorama
July of 2009

Teams of Environment Agency officers are out on the ground across the North East talking to residents and gathering more information about the weekend’s floods.

Officers will be using the details to build up a better picture of the flood issues in the region which will help them to manage flooding in the future.

One Severe Flood Warning, 24 Flood Warnings, and 27 Flood Watches were issued by the Environment Agency for the North East between Thursday and Sunday.

On the River Wansbeck catchment on Friday, around 70 millimetres fell in places - just over a month’s rainfall in one day. The longterm average for July is 69 millimetres. In coastal areas such as Peterlee, around 100mm fell on Friday, compared to the long term average for July of 52mm.

The Severe Flood Warning was issued for Millburngate in Durham at 3.30am on Saturday, and some commercial properties were later flooded.

Phil Marshall, team leader for the flood risk mapping and data team, said: “The information we are gathering will be very helpful in building a picture of where and when flooding can happen in the future. We can then use this to help warn and inform residents more accurately.”

In Morpeth, Environment Agency and local authority staff worked as part of a multi-agency response to prepare the town for potential flooding. They then kept a vigil at Morpeth until the river peaked at midnight on Friday, when the rising waters halted after riverside walkways flooded.

This followed a Flood Warning, issued at 2.30pm on Friday for the low-lying areas of the town.

Phil Welton, Environment Agency site controller at Morpeth on Friday, said: “We issued a precautionary flood warning for Morpeth Riverside based on the weather forecasts. This was to give the emergency services and residents as much warning as possible for any potential evacuation.”

On the River Gaunless, an Environment Agency dam successfully protected more than 200 properties downstream in West Auckland and South Church, following a Flood Warning issued on Friday afternoon.

The £10 million Gaunless scheme was completed in 2004 and holds back the river flood waters, then gradually releases them over a few days. Environment Agency staff were on site to monitor the dam and to clear the trash screens which collect waterborne debris.

At Crook in County Durham 12 properties flooded near the confluence of the Beechburn Beck, also known as the Crook Beck, and Howden Beck. These watercourses respond very rapidly to heavy rainfall, and flood warnings are not possible.

In the Rothbury area on the River Coquet, Flood Warnings were issued for Thropton late on Friday evening, and also early on Saturday morning for Brinkburn Weldon and Felton, and Rothbury.
Around 80mm of rain fell on Friday on the River Coquet at Linbriggs, near Rothbury. The longterm average July rainfall for this location is 57mm.

Staff were on site in Rothbury to monitor the river levels and help with sandbagging, which successfully protected 10 properties. The garages of four properties flooded at The Maltings in the town, and officers have been talking to residents about what happened.

Recent Environment Agency work on the Coplish Burn in Rothbury helped to reduce the risk of flooding to the town. The £500,000 scheme is still being improved and includes replacing or strengthening more than 200 metres of culvert, raising the pumping station at Riverside to ensure it can be used during a flood, and improving the trash screens so they filter out more debris.

Phil Marshall said: "We worked round the clock to minimise the risk of flooding in Rothbury and we are pleased that our timely flood warning to residents, and our recent work to widen a problem culvert helped to limit the damage. However we know that flooding is devastating for anyone who is affected by it, and it is only by working together and exploring the different options available to communities that we can meet future flood challenges.”

Rothbury also has an existing flood defence which worked over the weekend, and a flood warning service is available to 72 properties at risk. A total of 41 properties are signed up so far.

Residents across the region are urged to find out whether they could be at risk of flooding and eligible for a warning by ringing Floodline on 0845 988 1188.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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