

Environmental Panorama
July of 2009

Media release - 13 July 2009 - Bilateral agreements for environmental assessments are now in place between the Commonwealth and all Australian states and territories with Victoria and the ACT both signing agreements in the past month.

The agreements are in accordance with national environment law, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

"This is a great step forward and I am very pleased that more streamlined environmental processes are now in place Australia wide," Minister Garrett said.

Victoria and the ACT can now run a single environmental assessment process for projects that require environmental approval at both a federal and a state/territory level. This assessment can then be used by both levels of government in making separate approval decisions.

"Bilateral assessment agreements cut out unnecessary duplication and are a more efficient way of ensuring we uphold important state and Commonwealth environmental protection.

"This does not change the fact that approval for developments impacting on matters of national environmental significance sits with me.

"We have worked closely with the Victorian and ACT governments in developing these agreements and I am certain they will assist in the continued protection of the environment and our precious biodiversity.

While the signing of these agreements fulfils a goal set out by COAG, Minister Garrett said there will be room to further minimise red tape.

"An independent review of national environment law, the EPBC Act, is currently underway. It will look at opportunities to further reduce the regulatory burden while maintaining appropriate and efficient environmental standards," he said.

The bilateral agreements can be viewed at

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World's best environmental practice for new mine

Media Release - 14 July 2009 - Highlighting the Australian Government's commitment to world best practice environmental standards, a uranium mine in South Australia has been approved subject to strict approval conditions which will ensure no credible risk to the environment.

The environment minister, Peter Garrett, said approving the Four Mile uranium mine was a difficult decision to make and came after a rigorous and comprehensive assessment.

"I have not taken this decision lightly. As with all proposals examined under national environment law, this mine was subject to a comprehensive, scientifically robust and transparent assessment process," Mr Garrett said.

"Following this thorough assessment and careful consideration, I am certain this operation poses no credible risk to the environment."

The proposal for the Four Mile mine in South Australia, which will be located near the existing Beverley mine, was also subjected to two independent reviews. Both reviews concluded the mining operation could go ahead without any significant lasting impact on the identified environmental values of the area and that the proposal represents world best practice in uranium mining.

In approving the mine, Minister Garrett has imposed a number of stringent conditions including a rigorous monitoring regime. This will demonstrate the agreed environmental outcomes are being met by the mine operators.

These strict monitoring requirements will remain in place well after the mine ceases its operation in order to ensure the long term protection of the environment.

Processing waste disposal from the new mine will occur at the site of the existing Beverley mine.

"The Government is committed to world best practice environmental standards in uranium mining and in protecting the environment for the benefit of future generations," Minister Garrett said.


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
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