

Environmental Panorama
November of 2009

Environment chief calls for progress on carbon trading at crunch climate summit

The Copenhagen Summit must not be the last word in achieving a climate change solution – rather it is the “crucial start” for doing so, Environment Agency Chairman Lord Smith will say tomorrow.

In his keynote address at the Environment Agency’s annual Conference in London, Lord Chris Smith will call for a reality check and an acknowledgement that “a signed and sealed treaty with clear targets and measurable rapid reductions in emissions” is unlikely to be achieved in December, but must remain a goal for 2010.

He will say that an agreement of principles and commitments at Copenhagen which has “cap and trade” mechanisms as its cornerstone will “at least give us a chance of beating the worst that climate change might bring.”

Lord Smith will say Copenhagen “won’t solve all the issues. Some of the most significant emissions countries aren’t yet ready to conclude a deal – not least the US, where the Senate won’t have made its decisions until the New Year.

“What we have to aim for, though, is a number of clear “in principle” decisions, agreed by the participating nations, with a commitment to agree actions arising from those principles in the course of the following nine months. The commitment both to principles and to action must be genuine, and there must be a determination to move forward with urgency.

“Much of the focus of comment around the world has been on the development of ‘cap and trade’, to use economic incentives to change carbon-intensive behaviour. And I believe that cap and trade has to be a key part of the overall approach to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.

“It’s not a perfect mechanism, and it takes time to develop. We know that, of course, from the current European emissions-trading scheme, which the Environment Agency administers here in the UK. At present it has little impact on actual emissions. That’s because the way it has been introduced has kept the cap high, the price of carbon that results relatively low, and with large quantities of free credit available within the system.

“But as the scheme moves into its Phase 3 in 2013, that will begin to change. And over time, as the cap tightens and the carbon price rises, it will become more effective. It will only become properly effective, though, when business has both a realistic and a certain carbon price to factor into its planning. “

But the Environment Agency Chairman will underline that the Copenhagen talks will fail to deliver if they focus solely on one issue.

Lord Smith will warn: “Cap and trade is not the only show in town. And there’s much else that needs to be agreed: Flows of funds from north to south. Incentives to preserve forest and peatland cover and to prevent deforestation. Action to tackle emissions of other greenhouse gases. Some infinitely more powerful in effect than carbon dioxide.

“And committing ourselves in each country to use a whole range of different tools – government action and procurement, regulation, economic and fiscal incentives, business responsibility, advice and education – to bring about change.”

Media enquiries: Scarlett Elworthy on 020 7863 8617 or outside normal office hours, please contact the National Duty Press Officer on 07798 882 092.


• Video clips and transcripts of Lord Chris Smith’s speech will be available from 10.00 Monday 9 November
• To arrange an interview contact the National Press Office please contact Scarlet Elworthy on 020 7863 8617.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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