

Environmental Panorama
November of 2009

27 November 2009 - Siberia, Russian Federation — If you live in a developed country, you’re pretty well insulated from climate change. Shifts in weather patterns, heavier rainfall, gradually rising sea levels and temperature increases – at the moment western society absorbs these changes without us really noticing much difference. But for the indigenous peoples of the Arctic, living on the front line of climate change, shifts in the planet’s behaviour are much more obvious.

The Nenet people of the Yamal peninsula are nomadic reindeer herders who live within the Arctic circle on the northern coast of Siberia. In summer they graze their herds on the tundra of the peninsula, and in winter as the ground freezes they move south to milder parts of the Siberian steppes. They use the frozen surface of the landscape to cross the numerous freshwater lakes and marshes of the peninsula, which in summer they catch fish in.

But things are changing. The Arctic is the most sensitive area of the planet to climate change. While global average temperature has risen by around 0.8 degrees, some parts of Siberia have warmed by as much as 5 or 6. And so the Nenet have noticed the ground is freezing later and later in the year – and in some places, not freezing at all. The reindeer herders have to wait longer and longer before they can move their animals south across frozen ground.

Here, on the frontiers of the world, the warming of Siberia is already threatening a way of life that has remained fairly constant for thousands of years. It’s not only that the Nenet have to move later in the year - many of the freshwater lakes that dot the landscape are leaking away as the frozen walls of earth that contain the water melt, and collapse. And so the Nenet are also losing the fishing that provides one of their main sources of food.

Eternal ice

Siberia is a landscape that’s underpinned by frozen ground, called ‘permafrost’, but this ground is beginning to thaw. Off the coast, whole islands made of permafrost are literally disappearing as the arctic sea washes away the rapidly melting land. Melting permafrost is causing roads, pipelines and foundations to collapse across the country. Every year, there’s an increase in the area of ground that melts in summer and the area that doesn’t refreeze in winter.

This isn’t just a problem in the Arctic. This melt has global implications, because it’s going to speed up climate change.

Permafrost is like a giant frozen compost heap – full of dead plants, animals, trees and other carbon-rich organic matter, and in places it reaches 1.5km (one mile) deep. While it stays frozen, that carbon is locked up in the ground. But as the Arctic warms and the permafrost thaws, microbes start to break down that organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.

Flaming lakes
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas – probably causing, tonne for tonne, around 25 times more global warming over a hundred years than carbon dioxide. By lighting escaping methane, scientists can capture dramatic images of plumes of flame bubbling up through holes cut into Siberian lakes.

These emissions are adding more and more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, which is accelerating climate change. Permafrost contains massive amounts of carbon – probably about twice what’s currently in the atmosphere, and about 5 times more than all the human-caused greenhouse gases we’ve released. While we don’t have a really clear understanding of how much carbon might be released as the permafrost melts, it’s fair to say that any extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from melting permafrost are bad news.

Because of the melting permafrost, what happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic. And so we need strong political action from world leaders at Copenhagen. We need to control the warming that’s leading the Arctic to melt away. It’s probably too late to stop climate change ending the Nenet’s traditional way of life for good. But if we don’t act now, that’s going to be the case for pretty much everyone.

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Climate destroyer shut down by activists in Indonesian rainforest ahead of Copenhagen Climate Summit

25 November 2009 - Riau, Indonesia — With just 12 days before the critical UN Copenhagen Climate Summit, we are taking direct action again today - blocking one of the world's largest pulp mills, in the heart of Indonesia's rainforests

UPDATE: Our last 4 activists occupied one of the cranes for 27 hours in extreme conditions. All activists have now been detained by the police for questioning.

Thirteen activists locked down cranes at the giant paper plant's port calling for strong leadership from world leaders to avert climate chaos and to provide funds needed to end tropical deforestation as part of a fair, ambitious and legally binding climate deal at the Copenhagen Climate Summit in December.

Deforestation is one of the roots of the climate crisis. We are shutting down this plant at the frontline of forest destruction to tell Heads of State that they can - and must - pull us back from the brink of catastrophic climate change. The paper mill is owned by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP). The parent company, Sinar Mas, is a leading driver of global climate change due to its widespread role in forest destruction. This plant is fed by wood from one of the world's largest peatland forests, on the Kampar Peninsula in Sumatra, which stores up to 2 gigatonnes of carbon.

Don't believe the hype
Our action comes as President Barack Obama is attempting to relegate the Copenhagen climate deal to nothing but a political statement and to postpone critical decisions on a legally binding agreement. President Obama and other world leaders cannot be allowed to sabotage a strong outcome in Copenhagen because of their lack of political will. Significant funds are urgently needed to end tropical deforestation in Indonesia and around the world. This must be a central part of any climate agreement.

Paper giant APP sells its products on the global market in China, the United States, Europe and Australia and supplies many international brands and distributors with paper products. Customers include Vogue, Kentucky Fried Chicken and designer Marc Jacobs. APP, alongside their main competitor APRIL, are both responsible for destroying rainforests and their carbon-rich peat soil across Indonesia, including the threatened Kampar Peninsula of Sumatra - the location our Climate Defenders Camp. Containing 2 billion tonnes of carbon, the Peninsula is one of the planet’s largest natural carbon stores and a key defence against global climate change.

Suspension for peat's sake!
We have been working with local communities over the past month to highlight the central role that deforestation plays in driving global climate change. Our Climate Defenders took action in the area against APRIL on November 12. Since then, both the camp and the local communities have been under sustained intimidation by the authorities including threats, arrests and deportations. But last week the Indonesian government suspended APRIL from destroying the area further - pending a review of the company’s permits.

Indonesia is the world's third largest climate polluter after China and the US, mainly as a result of the ongoing destruction of its forests and their peat soils. Globally, a million hectares of forests are destroyed every month. That's an area the size of a football pitch every two seconds -- emitting so much CO2 that deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change, responsible for about a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Seal the deal with trees
With the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit just around the corner, Heads of State of developed countries must show real leadership and secure a robust climate deal in December that includes a global funding mechanism that will transfer 30 billion euros (US$42 billion) annually from industrialised countries to poor forested countries like Indonesia, Congo and Brazil, with the aim of ending deforestation by 2020. Such a deal must deliver substantial emissions reductions from deforestation as well as protect wildlife and respect the rights of forest-dwelling people. It must also ensure that money does not end up in the hands of those responsible for forest destruction, like those in the logging industry.If world leaders can commit to halting deforestation at the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen - they can accomplish one of the quickest but also one of the most cost effective tasks required to prevent runaway climate change.


Source: Greenpeace International
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