

Environmental Panorama
November of 2009

The Environment Agency may issue further flood warnings across Cumbria this evening and overnight, as heavy rainfall across the region continues.

The heaviest rain is expected between 2100 and midnight, with rivers levels likely to peak early on Wednesday. While there is a possibility of further flooding in some areas, river levels are not expected to return to those experienced last Thursday and Friday.

What are we doing?
Environment Agency staff will issue any further flood warnings through its free flood warnings service and will use loudhailers to warn those in areas where there is no electricity or phone lines are down.

Environment Agency teams are currently reinforcing flood defences in Cockermouth with sandbags and staff have also been out across the country today checking flood defences, inspecting reservoirs, deploying pumping equipment and clearing debris from rivers.

River levels in Cumbria
River levels across Cumbria remain high, the ground is still saturated and residents and emergency services are being warned to be prepared to take action if necessary. The public are being warned to stay away from flood water and rivers and follow local advice on road diversions.

River levels on the Severn
River levels on the Severn are being closely monitored and the Environment Agency has deployed temporary defences as a precaution to protect properties in Shrewsbury, Upton-on-Severn and Bewdley (Severnside North).

Flood warnings
Since Wednesday, the Environment Agency has made more than 76,000 calls to homes and businesses warning them of the threat of flooding. The Environment Agency’s Floodline has received more than 27,000 calls from members of the public.

David Jordan, Director of Operations at the Environment Agency, said: “Our teams have been working around the clock to check flood defences, inspect reservoirs and clear debris from rivers so they can flow as freely as possible.

“We may issue further flood watches and flood warnings later today and overnight as rivers peak following today’s heavy rain. Our teams are monitoring the situation closely but people must remain vigilant and be prepared to take action if necessary. Anyone concerned about flooding should visit the Environment Agency’s website for more information or call our Floodline on 0845 988 1188.”

The Environment Agency currently has 15 flood warnings and 54 flood watches in place across the country.


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Notes to editors
What should people do to prepare for flooding?

Check if you are in a flood risk area
Enter your postcode on our am I at risk pages to view our flood risk maps and to see if your property is in an area at risk of flooding from rivers and the sea.

Get further essential information on what to do before, during and after a flood on our flood pages.

Sign up to Floodline Warnings Direct
Our free service provides flood warnings direct to homes at risk of sea or river flooding by telephone, mobile, email, SMS text message, fax or pager. As well as signing up for warnings, you can get simple advice on what to do before, during and after a flood. Call 0845 988 1188 to find out if you are at risk.

Make an emergency flood plan
Flooding happens quickly and often when you least expect it. It's easy to lose each other at time like this. Preparing an emergency flood plan will help you through a serious situation. Creating the plan with your children, explaining what to do and even practising the plan will prepare them for the time when you may need it.

Check your insurance cover and confirm that you are covered for flooding.

Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies.

Prepare a flood kit of essentials items
This could include copies of insurance documents, a torch, a wind up or battery radio, warm waterproof clothing and blankets, prescription medication, bottled water and non-perishable foods, baby food and baby care items, important contact details.

Keep a list with all your important contacts to hand.

Think about what you can move now
Move items of personal value such as photo albums, family videos and treasured mementos to a safe place.

Flood-proof your home
There are things you can do to your property that will make it easier and cheaper to clean up after a flood: Raise the height of electrical sockets to 1.5 metres above ground floor level. Use lime plaster instead of gypsum on walls. Fit stainless steel or plastic kitchens instead of chipboard ones. Position any main parts of a heating or ventilation system, like a boiler, upstairs. Fit non-return valves to all drains and water inlet pipes. Replace wooden window frames and doors with synthetic ones. Find more information on flood-proofing your home.

Use temporary flood protection equipment
Flood protection equipment can help restrict flood water. Plastic covers to seal airbricks can stop flood water coming in through your airbricks. Sandbags may be provided by your local council or you can buy your own, or fill pillowcases and plastic bags with earth. Floodboards fix to frames around windows and doors. They can be washed, stored and used again.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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