

Environmental Panorama
December of 2009

A project to restore part of the South Winterborne stream to its original course has now been completed as part of the work of the Dorset Winterbourne Project.

A project to restore part of the South Winterborne stream to its original course has now been completed as part of the work of the Dorset Winterbourne Project.

The South Winterborne at Came Farm Dairy was identified in a report by the River Restoration Centre as having good potential for restoration, which could improve the value of the site for biodiversity. The work recreated the original route by excavating a new channel and re-profiling the existing one.

'The river at Winterborne Came had been moved to run along a straight course, so it was much deeper than would occur naturally, and had steep sides. Surveys showed that important wetland species such as water vole and amphibians were not using the site,' said Sarah Guest for the Environment Agency.

'The restored route of the winterbourne returns it to a more natural course and profile – the sides have more shallow slopes and the route meanders, creating 400m of important chalk stream habitat. 350m of the former straight watercourse has been re-profiled so that the sides are more gently sloped and provide a diverse habitat for wildlife.'

The work was carried out when the course of the winterbourne was dry and to minimise disturbance to wildlife.

‘We are very grateful to the landowner who was fully behind the project and it has been fabulous to be involved with the actual digging of the new more natural channel, allowing wildlife to move back into such a rare habitat,’ said Sarah Williams, Chalk Stream Conservation Officer for Dorset Wildlife Trust.

Winterbournes are rare chalk streams which are groundwater fed and only flow at certain times of year as groundwater levels in the aquifer fluctuate. They support a range of specialist wildlife adapted to this unusual flow regime, including a number of rare or scarce invertebrates, otter and water vole. Chalk rivers are an irreplaceable part of the landscape of southern England.

'We will be carrying out surveys following the work to assess the impact on biodiversity – it is hoped that some of the rare mayflies that occur elsewhere in the South Winterborne may move into the restored river,' said Alison Turnock, Dorset AONB Biodiversity Officer.

They are a priority habitat under the European Habitats Directive and UK Biodiversity Action Plan. The majority of England's chalk rivers are not protected by European and national conservation designations and these often forgotten ‘Cinderella’ chalk rivers are under considerable environmental pressure from abstraction, urban and infrastructure development, effluent discharges, agriculture, land drainage and flood defences.

The Dorset Winterbourne Project is led by the Dorset AONB Partnership, which includes the Environment Agency, Wessex Water, Natural England, Dorset Wildlife Trust, Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group, Dorset County Council and North Dorset District Council. It aims to conserve and enhance rare winterbourne streams and their associated heritage. Funding was secured from the Environment Agency and from the Weymouth Relief Road environmental enhancement section 106 grant.

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Serving up environmental protection for Christmas dinner

Businesses processing vegetables for our Christmas dinners and other food and drink processors are being checked by Environment Agency officers

Businesses processing vegetables for our Christmas dinners and other food and drink processors are being checked by Environment Agency officers to make sure that they are protecting our environment from pollution at the same time as serving up festive fare.

Some of the many food and drink processors operating in Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Lincolnshire are being visited by the Environment Agency to make sure that any waste they produce is properly dealt with and that their sites have good measures in place to prevent any potential pollution problems happening.

Environment Officer Eileen Daly said: ‘Of the sites we’ve visited so far we’ve seen some great examples of good practice, but we are also finding places where we’d like businesses to make some improvements to protect our environment better.

‘We’d like their resolution for the New Year to be that they check the waste carrier licences of people they employ to take their waste away and what is going to happen to it after it has been removed from their site. There are illegal waste operators in this area and the best way of putting them out of business is to stop using them.’

Around 45 of the medium to large businesses processing food and drink ranging from root vegetable washing and processing, to salad preparation, ready meal preparation, meat processing and confectionary production are being visited by the Environment Agency.

The businesses have a legal obligation to ensure that anyone they employ to dispose of or recycle their food or liquid waste is doing so properly. They also need to make sure that they have proper procedures and measures in place in case there is an accident or spillage on site that could result in pollution if not correctly handled.

Environment Agency officers from around the region are joining forces to undertake the checks. The officers carry out a thorough inspection of the site and check procedures mostly on waste storage, handling and disposal, to check that wastes are being disposed of and recycled legally. They also give advice on complying with relevant legislation and the best way to handle issues such as site drainage and storage of oil and chemicals to avoid any risk to the environment.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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