

Environmental Panorama
February of 2010

Nick Smith4 February, 2010 - Environment Minister Nick Smith today commended Puketapu 3A Incorporation and Mighty River Power on their 2400 hectare forest proposal in Taupo that will reduce carbon emissions and nitrate run-off.

"This innovative agreement perfectly illustrates the benefits of the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme and its support for the Lake Taupo Protection Trust," Dr Smith said. "It also demonstrates the importance of the relationship between the Crown and Maori on afforestation.

"The ETS provides the financial incentives for landowners to improve the environment by planting trees and reducing nitrate pollution.

"The parties in this afforestation project have made it plain it would not be occurring if the Government had not settled the ETS last year. This complex scheme encourages those that burn fossil fuels to contribute to forest planting.

"The tragedy of the last five years is that New Zealand has seen the loss of more than 65,000 hectares of forest due to uncertainty and perverse incentives under the previous Government to deforest. A key objective of the ETS is to boost forest planting and this deal in Taupo - so soon after the legislation was passed - is a clear sign that is happening.

"I commend Puketapu 3A Incorporation, Mighty River Power and the Lake Taupo Protection Trust on the initiative and hope others will see the economic opportunities to make a positive difference to the environment."

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New standards proposed for soil contamination

Nick Smith5 February, 2010 - New standards are needed to assist councils in dealing with contaminated sites, says Environment Minister Nick Smith.

Dr Smith today released a draft National Environmental Standard on assessing and managing contaminants in soil.

"The past use of chemicals or hazardous substances in industry, agriculture and horticulture has left a legacy of soil contamination," Dr Smith said.

"Soil contamination in New Zealand is not as serious a problem as many other industrialised countries but we do have sites that pose risks to public and environmental health.

"Our track record of dealing with these at places such as Mapua and Waiwhetu Stream is chequered. Councils need greater guidance from Government to assist them and that is what the National Environmental Standard is all about.

"The standards will provide clear guidance to councils on the appropriate use of land depending on the soil contamination. Affected properties should only be regarded as safe for use if they have been systematically identified, assessed, and if necessary, cleaned up.

"The standards also define the level of concentrations at which the risk to human health is considered acceptable. This is based on the latest toxicological findings from international research."

A 10-week consultation on the proposed National Environmental Standard for assessing and managing contaminants in soil begins tomorrow (6 February). For more information go to:

"These standards are about ensuring the public and landowners that district planning controls are appropriate, are nationally consistent and that councils gather and use the appropriate information," Dr Smith said.


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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