

Environmental Panorama
February of 2010

12 February 2010 - China — Industries pumping out poisonous substances day after day into rivers that entire communities rely on for their basic water needs - the reality of water pollution in China is one of the country's biggest tragedies.

In this context even a seemingly small step by the Government to blacklist 20 factories in the Guangdong province for failing to meet water discharge standards, is of great significance. Three of the factories on the blacklist were amongst those found to be releasing hazardous chemicals as part of their wastewater discharge in our Poisoning the Pearl report last year.

In 2009, Greenpeace collected and analysed samples of wastewater discharges and sediments from five industrial sites located throughout the Guangdong province that has the Pearl River running through it and is known as the "world's factory floor", accounting for nearly 30 percent of China's exports in 2007. The subsequent results of the sampling and analysis were released in a scientific paper in October 2009.

Warning for blacklisted companies
Out of the five factories that we sampled, three have been put on the government blacklist.

The true extent of this pollution is still an unknown. A problem further exacerbated by inadequate water pollution regulation, allowing factories to discharge wastewaters containing complex cocktails of chemicals capable of causing serious damage to China's rivers and the life in and around them. Detailed report on the Poisoning the Pearl.

However, being blacklisted means greater scrutiny on these companies and their industrial discharges which could in the future translate to deadlines by the government for the companies to stop polluting the Pearl River Delta. This is a warning to the factories and it may also affect the company's financial status in terms of ability to launch a stock market listing or apply for a loan.

We welcome the decision
The government started publishing these lists in 2006 and the important thing to notice is that factories previously blacklisted have improved their performance.

We welcome both the list and the fact that three of the companies we highlighted to the government last year have been included.

Those three companies are Qingyuan Top Dragon, Wing Fung P.C. Board, and Techwise Qingyuan Circuit.

However a final note of caution

Since China's pollution regulations focus largely on conventional pollutants and not toxic chemicals, Greenpeace is urging the government to urgently rework this legislation. The blacklisting is a positive first step, but to seriously combat pollution that causes cancer and sickness, China needs to start monitoring and eliminating hazardous chemical discharges into its rivers.

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GUILTY! Japan's justice system "breached human rights of Greenpeace anti-whaling activists"

08 February 2010 - Tokyo, Japan — When two of our activists were detained after exposing major corruption in the Japanese whaling industry - we knew the Japanese authorities breached internationally guaranteed human rights. Now, as these two activists prepare to take the stand and have their day, or more in court, the violation of their human rights has been confirmed by a UN working group.

Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, known as the “Tokyo Two”, are due to stand trial on February 15th - charged for theft and trespass. But over the past two years it has become clear that much more is now under the legal spotlight. Corrupt government practices, censoring public information, Japan’s adherence to international law, freedom of speech and the right of individual protest together with the commercial killing of thousands of whales are all under the spotlight. And before the verdict has even been rendered, a working group of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has already ruled that, in the defendants' attempts to expose a scandal in the public interest, their human rights have been breached by the Japanese justice system. The Working Group’s opinion is the first of its kind for Japan.

Take Action: Stand beside Junichi and Toru as co-defendants and show the Japanese government that it cannot silence the opposition to whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Update: February 12th, Nobel Peace Prize winners Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and Betty Williams, along with several top celebrties, have added their support for Junichi and Toru. And our Executive Director Kumi Naidoo has written an open letter to Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

The scandal
In 2008, Junichi and Toru exposed a scandal involving government corruption entrenched within the tax-payer funded whaling industry. Their findings included the embezzlement of whale meat. The Tokyo District Prosecutor began an investigation but then shut it down the same day that Junichi and Toru were arrested.

The two were held for 26 days, 23 of them without charge - often tied to chairs while they were interrogated, without a lawyer present. They face up to ten years in jail for doing what any honorable citizen should do – expose corruption. But it is not just Junichi and Toru's liberty that is at stake here – it is the fundamental right to peacefully investigate and expose corruption, to challenge authority and to do so without fear of persecution.

Since their initial arrest in June 2008, more than a quarter of a million people have signed a petition to demand justice for the Tokyo Two, and legal experts including Supreme Court advocates worldwide have expressed concern about the prosecution. International human rights and advocacy groups such as Amnesty International have questioned the legitimacy of the prosecution.

A hugely significant UN ruling
The UNHRC’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention informed the Japanese government in December that its treatment of Junichi and Toru breached no fewer than five articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The working group also recognised the following facts.

?"Sato and Suzuki acted considering that their actions were in the greater public interest as they sought to expose criminal embezzlement within the taxpayer-funded whaling industry."
?"Junichi and Toru willingly cooperated with the police and the Public Prosecutor but that this cooperation was not acknowledged."
?"The Government did not submit any essential information, such as details of Junichi ans Toru's activities as environmental activists, the investigation they carried out, the evidence they gathered or the help they gave to authorities to formally investigate their allegations."

“This is the first time anyone has been found to be arbitrarily detained in Japan, so even before it has officially begun this case has become a landmark,” said Dr Naidoo. “Prime Minister Hatoyama’s government has shown itself to be a leader when it comes to climate change, now it is time for it to show its commitment to human rights and ensure this case is remembered as a progressive turning point for justice in Japan.”

--Open letter to Prime Minister Hatoyama from Greenpeace International Executive Director Dr. Kumi Naidoo

The Working Group concluded: “The right of these two environmental activists not to be arbitrarily deprived of their liberty; their rights to freedom of opinion and expression and to exercise legitimate activities, as well as their right to engage in peaceful activities without intimidation or harassment has not been respected by the Justice system.” As such, the Working Group found that the government has contravened articles 18,19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles 18 and 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It also took the view that Sato and Suzuki had been denied the right to challenge their detention before an independent and impartial tribunal in fair proceedings, and requested that the remainder of the trial be conducted fairly.

Junichi Sato (left), Toru Suzuki (right), and their lead counsel, Yuichi Kaido (centre) face reporters at a press briefing following their first pre-trial hearing at Aomori District Court in 2009.

Whaling on trial
Thedecision to engage in this politically motivated prosecution was made by the previous government in Japan. The new administration can remedy the shame of this damning UN opinion by ensuring that the trial will be fair, adhering to international legal standards. Further, it should re-examine the original allegations made by Junichi and Toru.

Prime Minister Hatoyama has already shown leadership. In Copenhagen he stood out with his support for ambitious action on climate change. Now he has the opportunity to be seen as a world leader in human rights, by ensuring that corruption is put on trial - rather than the honourable men who exposed it.


Source: Greenpeace International
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