

Environmental Panorama
February of 2010

Our Chairman, Lord Chris Smith, gave a lecture to the Henley Business School on Wednesday 3 February, where he spoke of how climate change remains our most urgent priority.

Recent reports of a mistake in a climate change paper lead some of the media to splash the news that climate change isn’t happening — that we no longer need to worry — across their front pages.

'In a way I wish that were true,' said Lord Smith. 'But it isn't.'

In his speech, Lord Smith explored some of the major changes that will be required over the next few decades and some of the opportunities to make these changes — both within society and our economy, energy and transport policies.

'Climate change is happening'
'Let me lay to rest the myth fostered by some of the media in recent months that somehow the scientific evidence for climate change is deeply flawed, and that recent challenges to one or two points in the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports mean that we don’t need to worry any more.

'There’s no excuse, of course, for science that lacks rigour and a robust evidence base. Sloppily expressed emails at the University of East Anglia were irresponsible and very damaging. A blithe assumption that the Himalayan glaciers may melt by 2035 — when they won’t — should never have been inserted in the IPCC report.

'But let's not allow these one or two errors to undermine the overwhelming strength of evidence that has been painstakingly accumulated, peer reviewed, tested and tested again, and that shows overwhelmingly that our emissions of greenhouse gases are having a serious impact on the earth’s atmosphere, and that as a result climate change is happening and will accelerate.

'Climate science is not a religion. It is fallible. It will be revised as more evidence emerges. But it has very clearly identified the direction in which things are heading, the causes of those changes, and the need to take action before it is too late.'

Read the full transcript of Lord Smith’s speech (PDF, 69KB)Act together
The lecture concluded that we will only be able to confront climate change if we act together as a society and economy. Lord Smith said we must value more fully the impact we have on our environment, make the changes we need to reduce it and prepare for the effects of climate change.

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MP to see how new Romsey office sets the environmental standard

Sandra Gidley MP will discover how the Environment Agency is leading by example when she officially opens our new environmentally efficient office in Canal Walk, Romsey at 10am on Monday 22 February.

The development in the centre of Romsey has already achieved an excellent rating under BREEAM 2006, the most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings around the world.

In relocating over 50 staff from its offices in Colden Common near Winchester, the Environment Agency wanted to develop a new commercially viable building in Romsey to the highest possible environmental standards.

Christchurch based architects Quorum Design and main contractor Drew Construction from New Milton used the latest technologies, innovative design and stringent site management to ensure excellent environmental performance in both the construction and use of the building.

Technologies used in the building range from rainwater harvesting to cut water consumption and intelligent lighting systems to cut electricity use, as well as natural ventilation systems being provided. The office also includes under floor low pressure hot water heating systems to provide efficient effective heating without using wall space. The environmental impact during construction was also reduced through use of recycled materials and careful management of energy and resources on site.

The Environment Agency is now urging other organisations and developers to follow its example by developing office buildings which reduce their impact on the environment, whilst saving resources and costs.

James Humphrys, Environment Agency Area Manager said: "It is crucial that we help set new standards on environmental performance. This state of the art development shows public and private sector organisations not only that it can be done, but also that it reduces costs to the business too.

“This project clearly demonstrates how organisations can work with developers to build exceptional offices which meet their needs whilst reducing their impact on the environment. By relocating to a more efficient building in Romsey, the Environment Agency will save around eleven per cent every year on operational and energy costs, an estimated £60,000 saving per year."

The Canal Walk offices are located adjacent to Romsey railway station and the area has good bus routes for staff. The Environment Agency promotes cycling and aims to reduce the environmental impact of travel by cutting carbon emissions. Provision for future electric vehicles has been built into the design of the development.

• The Environment Agency has been ranked as the top green UK public sector organisation in the Sunday Times’ annual Green List, published in May 2009. The Sunday Times’ Green List is a guide on businesses with the most radically improved environmental performances, and takes account of the views of employees, as well as assessing the environmental performance, policies and practices of businesses.

• BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is the leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings around the world, with over 110,000 buildings certified and over half a million registered.

• It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become the de-facto measure used to describe a building’s environmental performance. Credits are awarded in eight categories according to performance. These credits are then added together to produce a single overall score on a scale of Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding which is also reflected in a star rating from 1 to 5 stars.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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