

Environmental Panorama
February of 2010

QUÉBEC, Que. -- February 24, 2010 -- Environment Canada wishes to inform hunters that they can register now and until April 30, 2010, for the draw for the Greater Snow Goose Hunt taking place from October 7 to 28, 2010, at Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area.

Starting in 2010, amendments will be made to the hunting program. The traditional hunt, where hunters are brought to the hunting area along the flats at low tide by horse-drawn sled, will be suspended. By suspending the traditional hunt, we believe there will be a greater concentration of geese in the intertidal marsh and in the staging areas. Individual hunting success should therefore remain the same or be improved. The regular hunt (without horses) will be maintained.

The hunting package, which offers two half days for four hunters, costs $430, taxes included. Many services are available for hunters: information session on hunting techniques, electronic calls, decoys, high-tide blinds, transportation of equipment to the hunting grounds by all-terrain vehicle, and goose storage.

Registration forms for the draw can be downloaded from the Environment Canada Web site at the following address: Additional information can be obtained by calling 418-827-3776, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m.

Registration fees are $8 and non-refundable. Only one registration per person will be accepted. To increase their chances of winning the draw, hunters should make sure that all their group members have registered. Hunters have until April 30, 2010, to return their registration form. The winning hunters will be contacted by telephone in mid-May in the order in which their names were drawn.

The hunt, which has been managed by Environment Canada since 1972, contributes to controlling the overabundant Greater Snow Goose population throughout North America. It is also part of the Arctic Goose Joint Venture, whose objective is to advance the scientific understanding and the management of North America’s geese ( Other management measures, including planting lure crops, have been introduced at the National Wildlife Area to reduce the grazing pressure caused by the Greater Snow Goose on the bulrush marsh as well as on the region’s farmlands.

Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area is located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, 50 km east of Quebec City. It is part of a network of 51 protected areas across Canada dedicated to conserving significant habitat for wildlife species, some of which are considered endangered.
Media Relations
Environment Canada

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Celebrate the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity with Environment Canada’s Nature Matters! Contest

OTTAWA, Ont. -- February 26, 2010 -- Environment Canada invites Canadians aged of 9 to 35 years to celebrate the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity by participating in the Nature Matters! Contest.

Biological diversity is the variety and abundance of life on Earth. To help raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity all over the world, the United Nations General Assembly declared that 2010 will be the International Year of Biodiversity. Environment Canada is celebrating this, in part, with the national Nature Matters! Contest.

Until March 14, 2010, Canadians between the ages of 9 and 35 years are invited to submit written or video essays that answer the following question:

“Why is nature important to you?”
One grand prize winner and two runners up will be selected from each age group (9-13 years, 14-19 years and 20-35) in each of the two categories — video and written:

•Grand prize winners will be invited to Ottawa to attend the Grand Re-opening Event of the Canadian Museum of Nature on the International Day for Biological Diversity, May 22, 2010, where their achievement will be announced.
•Grand prize winning essays will be enlarged to poster size and displayed in public art panels outside Environment Canada's environmental museum, The Biosphère in Montreal.
•Grand prize winning video essays will be projected for Canadian and international visitors at The Biosphère in Montreal during 2010.
•Grand prize winning and runner-up essays will be published on the website of the Canadian Biodiversity Information Network, a shared public resource of our Federal, Provincial, and Territorial governments.
•Grand prize winning and runner-up essays will be announced through Environment Canada's network of national education and environment organizations, reaching well over one million people.
The contest is open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada only, submissions will be accepted in either French or English.

For full contest details, please visit the web site, at

Media Relations
Environment Canada


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
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