

Environmental Panorama
June of 2010

Posted on 09 June 2010
Rome, Italy – The huge over-capacity of Europe's tuna fleet was graphically illustrated today as boats were called back to port at midnight tonight, after catching in a week their total allocations for the month long bluefin tuna season.

High-tech purse seine fishing boats – whose vast sack-like nets encircle shoals of bluefin tunas as they gather to spawn – set off for the high seas on May 15th, but bad weather prevented them from catching any fish for the first ten days. The season was due to close a month later, on 15th June.

“This early closure of the EU’s Atlantic bluefin tuna purse seine fishery does not point to recovery of the fish – it points to the gross overcapacity of fleets,” said Dr Sergi Tudela, Head of Fisheries at WWF Mediterranean.

“That EU purse seine fleets have in the space of a week caught their whole annual quota of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean is further proof that these boats are simply not appropriate for this fishery and that the whole operation is entirely unsustainable – not to mention economically unviable.”

France’s purse seiners, for example, had already caught 1,456 tonnes by June 8th – some 86 per cent of their quota for the year – while Spain’s had caught 728 tonnes, over 90 per cent of their quota.

“Purse seiners are so hyper efficient they leave no chance to the tunas they target in the peak spawning period when the fish are at their most fragile,” said Dr Tudela.

“The fact that these high-tech vessels are kept idle in port for more than 50 weeks a year is a total absurdity and shows the boats’ non-compatibility with a fish stock that is heavily depleted and in urgent need of recovery. The only reason the boat owners can afford to go out on the water at all is that they were largely built thanks to extensive EU subsidies in the first place.”

“WWF is calling for an immediate phase-out of purse seining in this fishery – and will use every lever at its disposal to push members of ICCAT when they meet in November in Paris to set the scrapping process in motion at once.”

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US public desire for climate action little dented by denialist sound and fury

Posted on 10 June 2010
Gland, Switzerland: Significant new research from Stanford University is showing that Americans remain convinced of the reality of climate change and supportive of specific government action on it – despite a vigorous and high profile assault on climate science earlier this year.

The research, outlined by Jon A. Krosnick, Professor of communication, political science and psychology at Stanford in the International Herald Tribune today, found around three quarters of interviewees believed the earth had warmed, believed human behaviour was substantially responsible and wanted government to limit greenhouse gas emissions by businesses.

Professor Krosnick said the study had found “no decline in Americans’ trust in environmental scientists”. In 2010, the proportion trusting environmental scientists “a moderate amount, a lot, or completely” was 71 per cent, up from 70 per cent in 2009 and 68 per cent in 2008.

“We are very heartened to find that on climate, you apparently can’t fool many of the people much of the time,” said WWF International Director General James Leape.

More significantly, the research finds that climate change is a highly distinctive “issue public”. Among those who feel strongly about the issue nearly 90 percent believe it is primarily a result of human activity and more than 90 percent want the government to act.

Normally, issues which are strongly motivating exhibit roughly equivalent proportions of supporters and opponents.

Professor Krosnick noted that in both the US and the UK “a huge majority shares a common vision of climate change”. “This creates a unique opportunity for elected representatives to satisfy a lot of voters,” he concluded.

Mr Leape said it may take some time to fully appreciate the significance of the findings. “In Australia, we are finding for instance that the government is being punished in the polls after dropping its emissions trading system, which we were also told was deeply unpopular,” he said.

“Public responses to the issue of climate change are clearly much more complex than much of the analysis of them. Pronouncements that climate change is slipping off the international agenda may well turn out to be premature.”


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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