

Environmental Panorama
June of 2010

The Brazilian Government is starting the implementation of an environmental management system at Comandante Ferraz Brazilian Antarctic Base (Portuguese: Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz), installed to conduct research on that continent. Among other objectives, the project team intends in future to obtain ISO 14001 certification (relating to environmental management).

The first activities carried out by the Brazilian team were the surveys of environmental aspects and impacts of the base, which began on February 2010. The work is being conducted in partnership with the National Institute for Science and Technology - Antarctic Environmental Research (INCT-APA). The Brazilian researchers also visited other bases located in Admiralty Bay, in order to identify solutions adopted by other countries in research activities.

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Brasília hosts forum on biodiversity in July

Ten national and international organizations, hundreds of NGOs and popular movements announced for 2010 (International Year of Biodiversity) the I Forum on Biodiversity of the Americas, to be held between July 5 and 9, in Brasília.

The objective of the Forum will be the collective search for solutions to environmental problems. The meeting, for example, will not focus on the discussion of the current environmental problems, but on how to solve them in society. The answers will be consolidated into a sustainability guide, which will be published in three languages.

The event was approved by the Mercosur Parliament during one of its executive sessions in Montevideo (Uruguay), making the Brazilian capital the continental center for decisions on the subject. During the Forum, another two meetings will take place: the Mercosur First Seminar on Biodiversity and the 19th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Botanical Gardens Network.

Currently, the major discussions on global environmental issues occur in Europe. The Forum suggests a change in this paradigm. The Brazilian Representation at Mercosur Parliament has been working tirelessly to make environmental issues the axis of its work with member countries.

The event will bring together environmentalists, researchers, educators, politicians, institutional groups, coordinators of NGOs, leaders of social movements and other professionals dedicated to environmental issues. There will also be specific opportunities for popular participation.
More information on the blog:


Source: Brazil - Ministry for the Environment
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