

Environmental Panorama
June of 2010

Posted on 25 June 2010
Washington, DC: A new resource to help business deal responsibly with water-related risks by engaging with communities and public authorities in policy formulation and implementation was released today by the leading UN business liaison group.

UN Global Compact subsidiary group CEO Water Mandate created the Framework for responsible business engagement with water policy to guide business involvement in driving for policies that integrate environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and socially equitable water management approaches.

The Framework, prepared by the Pacific Institute in collaboration with WWF International, provides a way for companies to address water related risks and opportunities beyond what can be achieved using only internal initiatives.

“We have an innovative model for companies to think about managing their business risk by engaging water policy and driving toward sustainable water management,” said Jason Morrison, director of the Pacific Institute’s Globalization Program, Technical Director of the CEO Water Mandate, and author of the Framework.

“Ultimately, solving water problems requires not only better public policy and stronger institutions, but also inclusive and meaningful stakeholder involvement in decision making.”

The Framework broadens the understanding of corporate engagement beyond policy advocacy and lobbying to interactions with public authorities, communities and civil society over company use of water and broader issues of sustainable and equitable management of the river basins in which companies and their suppliers operate,

“In the context of this Framework, sustainable water management addresses social equity, economics, and environmental issues in order to maintain the supply and quality of water for a variety of needs over the long term,” said Gavin Power, deputy director of the UN Global Compact and Head of the CEO Water Mandate.

“In many parts of the world, sustainable water management efforts could benefit from corporate engagement – provided that this involvement is grounded in the concepts of equity and accountability, which must include stakeholder participation.”

The Framework itself will be supported with an extensive Guide coming out at the end of the year which will provide detailed insights, strategies, and tactics for responsible engagement.

“Many companies, large and small, can benefit from practical guidance on possible entry points for engagement, how to set clear boundaries, and how to avoid pitfalls,” said Stuart Orr, freshwater manager of WWF International.
“This Framework can facilitate companies’ responsible and transparent engagement with water policy in a way that reduces business risks while advancing policy goals and positively impacting nearby communities and ecosystems.”

The primary principles laid out in the Framework for Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy include advancing water management that is sustainable, respects public and private roles, and is inclusive, accountable, and transparent.

The Framework details how companies engaging with governments and other stakeholders to advance sustainable water policies and management can encourage efficient water use across a catchment and contribute to the development of effective and equitable policy and regulations.

Companies can also support research and monitoring, gather and share needed data and advocate for and support environmentally and socially responsible infrastructure development

They should support and be appropriately engaged in participatory processes for water related decision making or oversight, should actively work with communities to remedy or prevent water resource problems and should assist these efforts with finance.

Companies should also be fully involved in increasing public awareness of water resource issues.

“This Framework works to facilitate equitable processes through which all affected parties can come together and contribute to mitigating shared water risks,” said the Pacific Institute’s Morrison. “It can be a powerful tool for combating this century’s emerging water issues.”

The Framework for Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy is a product of the CEO Water Mandate, drafted by the Pacific Institute in its capacity as the “operational arm” of the Mandate Secretariat in consort with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International, and with the support of Pegasys Strategy and Development Ltd, Ross & Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd., and Water Witness International. It can be downloaded at:


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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