

Environmental Panorama
June of 2010

Data from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) released on Monday (June 7) by the Minister of the Environment, Izabella Teixeira, indicate a 48% drop in Amazon deforestation between August 2009 and April 2010, compared to the same previous period.

Despite the drop registered in the months of March and April 2010, deforestation was 49 km² greater than in the same months of last year. To the minister, this increase is due to the reduction in the amount of clouds covering the Amazon region. This year, the visibility of the forest was about 25% higher than last year.

The Interministerial Commission to Fight Environmental Crimes and Offenses (CICCIA) begins this week to implement a plan to curb Amazon deforestation during the period of the year with a greater tendency to deforestation due to reduced rainfall in the North Region.

In seven years, Pantanal has lost 2.82% of its total area

Between the years 2002 and 2008, an area of 4,279 km² was deforested, which is equivalent to 2.82% of the biome's total area (151,313 km²). The average annual rate of deforestation reported in these seven years was 713 km², or 0.47%. The third Brazilian biome to have its monitoring data released, the Pantanal registered the second highest deforestation rate during the same period (2002-2008). The highest deforestation rate was registered in the Cerrado.

The mapping of the deforested area was conducted by IBAMA, which only took into account the limits of the Pantanal biome, disregarding the area of the Upper Paraguay River Basin, because the source of the Paraguay River is in the area of the Cerrado.

According to Izabella, among the main causes for deforestation in the Pantanal are charcoal production and expansion of areas for pasture. The minister explained that the creation of new Protected Areas in the region would be a good way to curb deforestation, but according to her, the Federal Government still lacks detailed studies for this proposition.

The Pantanal is the third Brazilian biome to have its deforestation monitored. Soon, the deforestation rates of the Pampa and of the Atlantic Forest will be presented by the MMA. It is expected that, by the end of this year, data from all the Brazilian biomes for the period 2008-2009 will be released.

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Minister explains proposals to be presented at COP-10 in Nagoya, in October

The Brazilian minister of the Environment, Izabella Teixeira, explained yesterday (June 9) in a session at the House of Representatives, in Brasília, the proposals Brazil will present at the United Nations Conference on Biological Diversity, to be held in October in Nagoya (Japan). The minister said that the main objectives of the conference are: conservation of biological diversity; responsible and sustainable use of its components; and the equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic heritage with traditional communities, which is the main point defended by Brazil and other 16 mega-diverse countries.

"We will try to establish compulsory obligations by the signatories of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) around the actual goals in order to mitigate the loss of biodiversity. The goal by 2020 is to halt the causes that trigger this loss", said the minister.

According to Izabella, the international mobilization around the conservation of biodiversity is not the same as that which exists around the climate issue. She stressed that the challenges faced nearly 20 years after Rio-92 have not been defeated. According to the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook report (GBO3), recently launched by the UN, no country has fully complied with the targets agreed under the CBD.

The session at the House of Representatives was held in order to clarify the political position of the Brazilian government regarding the issue of biodiversity, considered essential to the sustainability of the country and the planet. Representatives of civil society, the productive sector, government agencies and members of the Parliamentary Environmentalist Front took part in the event.


Source: Brazil - Ministry for the Environment
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