

Environmental Panorama
June of 2010

Over last weekend, 26 and 27 June 2010, Environment Agency officers were out and about checking rod licences in targeted fisheries in the Midlands region which are known to have a higher-than-average evasion rate.

Officers expectations turned out to be well founded. They visited lakes and pools in Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Leicestershire where they found a whopping 11% of anglers were not able to produce a licence and there was no record of them having made a purchase.

Environmental Crime Team Leader for fisheries Al Watson said "This is a worrying result and one that we hope will not turn into a trend. We realise that the recession and the World Cup could dent licence sales and even reverse some of the strong sales last year"

He went on to explain "Every licence evasion means less money to spend on protecting and improving the nation's fisheries. It is wrong that most pay and some choose not to. The weekend's results show that its not worth trying to cheat your fellow anglers. At just £27 a licence is still great value."

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Environment Agency cleans-up river Lark

The Environment Agency is to undertake desilting work at Eastgate weir on the River Lark in Bury St Edmunds. The work will start on Monday 5 July and will last for about a month.

It will reduce the risk of unpleasant smells that can occur during periods of warm weather.

The weir has acted as a silt trap during periods of low flows. During prolonged warm spells the organic matter caught up in the silt has begun to rot with the public then reporting unpleasant smells.

For several months Environment Agency staff have been monitoring the River Lark to identify a way to overcome the odour problem. The Environment Agency has decided that desilting the Eastgate weir is the best solution and has engaged Breheny Civil Engineering to do the work on its behalf.

Geoff Brighty, the Environment Agency’s Area Manager, said: “I am very pleased to announce the start of this desilting work at Eastgate Weir. The build-up of stagnating silt at the weir created these unpleasant smells and by removing this silt and by improving the efficiency of the weir the odour problems should now be a thing of the past.”

Geoff added: “We have worked hard to identify and eliminate possible causes of these unpleasant smells, and we are doing everything possible for the local community to make certain there is no repeat of the odour problem. We are also eager to ensure there is no undesirable run-off from industry or agriculture into the River Lark.”

At the same time as the desilting the Environment Agency is carrying out maintenance on the weir’s bypass chamber and its penstock sluice mechanism which will help the overall drainage of this stretch of the River Lark.

The Environment Agency is trying to minimise inconvenience while this work is being carried out although some odour may occur as the silt is disturbed.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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