

Environmental Panorama
September of 2010

An Environment Agency Flood Risk Management Project has brought a number of benefits to a local nature reserve at Wychall Reservoir, where the Friends of Kings Norton Nature Reserve, a local volunteer group, are staging an Open Day on 11 September 2010.

Environment Agency staff will be available at the Open Day to answer questions and explain what we have been doing to improve flood safety for the community and enhance the environment for wildlife.

Kings Norton Local Nature Reserve is managed by Birmingham City Council Park and Nature Conservation Division but the operation and maintenance of Wychall Flood Storage Reservoir, which forms part of the nature reserve, is the responsibility of the Environment Agency.

Last February (2010), we began work on a flood defence project to improve the reservoir dam. This was completed at a cost of £350,000, but we allocated a further £17,500 to create a better place for local people and wildlife.

To allay any concerns about the impact of our work on the ecological value of the nature reserve, we worked closely with the council and the volunteers, agreeing with them beforehand what we planned to do.

The modified section of the dam has been sown with wildflower seed mix to create a wildflower meadow.

We have created three interconnecting scrapes (shallow pools) on the high ground where they do not affect the flood storage area, in an area that was predominantly nettles and thistle. These scrapes fill when it rains and allow water to be kept at about 30cm deep. Excess water spills into each one consecutively before finally discharging through an existing but previously drying reedbed into the flood storage area.

We also created three further scrapes which, when they fill with rainwater, are likely to be marshy rather than permanently wet.

These scrapes and ponds will benefit a wide range of aquatic insects and plants that in turn will provide feeding habitat for smaller wading birds, such as snipe and redshank in the winter and bats during the summer months.

Previously, large debris from the River Rea lodged in the silty area of the open water, making it unsightly and difficult to remove. At the request of the volunteer group we embedded steel poles in the channel where water flows from the river into the flood storage reservoir to prevent this happening in future. These steel poles will also provide an opportunity for decoration or artwork in conjunction with local schools and the community.

We will be funding the planting of trees to compensate for those lost during the work on the dam. The felled trees and chippings were used by the volunteers for environmental enhancement activities in the area.

Technical Specialist Chris Farmer says “We used our own expertise and our own workforce, the Operations Delivery Team, to carry out the work at Wychall Reservoir. This kept costs down and enabled the project to benefit from our local knowledge. The result is improved flood protection for the local community and enhanced habitat in this local nature reserve, which is a haven for both people and wildlife.”

Phil Evans, part of the community team supporting the project, said: “The Friends of Kings Norton Nature Reserve appreciate being a partner in the project which will increase local biodiversity."

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Environment Agency prosecutes Ferry Lane car breaker and land owner

Rainham car breakers yard prosecuted for operating without a permit.

A site owner and his tenant, the operator of a car breakers site in Rainham, have today been sentenced at court after their illegal activities caused at least four fires and allowed car parts to fall in the river close to Rainham Marshes.

Festus Odonowo was given a 12-month community service order and ordered to do unpaid work for 100 hours after he pleaded guilty on 18 August 2010 to three offences:
1. Causing the deposit of controlled waste including vehicles and vehicle parts on the land at 2b Ferry Lane South, Rainham when there was no management licence in force
2. Treating the waste without a waste management licence and
3. Operating a regulated facility without an environmental permit.

John Palmer, the owner of the site, pleaded guilty on 20 August 2010 to the offence of knowingly permitting the deposit of controlled waste, namely vehicles and vehicles parts, at the site when there was no waste management licence in force. He was fined £10,000 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of £17,000.

Basildon Crown Court heard that Mr Odonowo operated an illegal car breakers yard at the site, where infrastructure was completely inadequate for that type of operation. The activities on the site posed a significant risk to the local environment and caused a number of fires. Parts and engines, which should have been stored on impermeable surface with adequate drainage, were left on unprepared ground which meant that oil would seep into the earth. Vehicles and car parts were not stored safely and often fell over the site boundary into the local brook.

During an interview under caution, Mr Odonowo said his business involved receiving polluted waste vehicles and breaking them up on site so that some of the parts could be exported to Africa. The oils and coolant were disposed of in the drain outside the site.

Mr Palmer owned part of the site since 16th August 2006, and the rest in 2008, and rented the land to Festus Odonowo who carried out the illegal activities. Mr Palmer was made aware of the illegal activities by the Environment Agency and was present on some of the occasions when the Environment Agency visited the site. He failed to attend an interview with the Environment Agency about the site.

Between 2005 and 2008, the Environment Agency served various notices to both Mr Palmer and Mr Odonowo to halt the car breaking activities on the site, to no avail.. The unregulated activities caused severe disruption to neighbouring business especially when the Fire Brigade had to be called out to deal with fires at the site. This case was assisted by a co- ordinated multi-agency operation in June 2008. The operator has ceased all waste activities at the site. The waste vehicles and car parts have been cleared from the site although a considerable amount of tyres still remain on the site.

Environmental crime officer, Kim Egbokhan said: “The sentences of the court send a clear message to illegal operators that the courts will not tolerate violations of the environmental regulations..Cars contain liquids which have the potential to harm the environment if they are not disposed of correctly. We issue environmental permits for car breakers so that we can work with them to ensure they operate in a way that won’t harm the environment. Sites that do not have environmental permits are a real threat to our environment and human health.

“This site was close to Rainham Marshes nature reserve and so posed a very real threat to the natural environment. The fact that vehicle parts fell into the brook meant that there was also a risk of contamination even further afield, as contaminants could be swept downstream of the site by the flowing water.

”The fires that occurred on site were further proof of the dangers associated with these sorts of illegal operations.”


Notes to editors

. The deposit, treating, keeping or disposing of controlled waste is the subject of the environmental permitting system. The objective of the environmental permitting system is to ensure that permitted facilities do not cause pollution of the environment and or, harm to human health.. The permit will seek to achieve these aims by conditions specifying the management and control systems for the facility.

. Section 33 (6) of the 11000 Act creates a statutory offence where a person contravenes any condition of a waste management licence, as it was known prior to 6th April 2008.

A person who commits an offence under Section 33 (6) by virtue of Section 33 (8) is liable, on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or to both, or on conviction on indictment to an unlimited fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or to both.

. Regulation 38 (1) (b) of the 2007 Regulations came into force on 6th April 2008 and creates a statutory offence where a person operates a regulated facility without or contravenes any environmental permit condition.

. A person who commits an offence under Regulation 38 (1) (b) prior to 26th January 2009 is by virtue of Regulation 39 (1) liable, on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £20,000 and from 26th January 2009 to a fine not exceeding £50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or to both, or on conviction on indictment to an unlimited fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or to both.

Advice and guidance regarding compliance with the regulatory regime is available on the Environment Agency website.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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