

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

OTTAWA, Ont. -- October 13, 2010 -- Today Canada's Environment Minister Jim Prentice released the results of a joint industry and government review of the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel in Canada. The report indicates that Canadians currently have access to high quality fuel. The report was developed by a joint Technical Working group at the request of Minister Prentice following concerns raised that Canada's fuel quality was below standards. The group analyzed fuel quality parameters related to on-road gasoline and diesel.

"This government is taking action on a number of fronts to reduce emissions from road transportation which accounts for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada," said Minister Prentice. "I am pleased to deliver this report that validates that current standards are delivering results for Canadians, therefore helping to reduce vehicle emissions."

Given the highly-integrated North American market for both vehicles and fuels, a comparison to fuels in the United States was viewed as most appropriate when assessing the quality of Canadian fuels. The working group report indicated that the quality of Canadian gasoline and diesel is equal to, or better than the current United States quality requirements in most parameters studied.

"This report confirms that Canadians have access to high quality fuels that deliver strong environmental performance", said Peter Boag, President of the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute. "We are pleased that the Government has reaffirmed its commitment to aligning Canadian and United States fuel standards."

"The members of the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada appreciate the fact that the Minister established the working group to assess fuel quality parameters in Canada," said David Adams, President. "Fuel producers and vehicle manufacturers must continue to work together in a 'systems approach' to ensure that emissions reductions from motor vehicles can be maximized for the benefit of all Canadians. This type of assessment and analysis from time to time is useful and helpful for both industries, and ultimately for our shared consumer."

Mark Nantais, President of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association said that "Vehicle technology and appropriate fuel formulations operate as an integrated system, which is necessary for maximum emission reductions and reliable performance throughout the life of a vehicle. Because vehicle manufacturers design vehicles for the entire North American market, Canada must align itself with the United States on fuels and emissions regulations, including renewable fuel quality and blend level requirements."

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Canada Announces a New Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

OTTAWA, Ont. -- October 6, 2010 -- Canada's Environment Minister, the Honourable Jim Prentice, today announced the tabling of a new Federal Sustainable Development Strategy for Canada, which provides a government-wide approach to improve environmental sustainability. The Strategy renders federal environmental decision making more transparent and accountable to Canadians.

"For the first time, Canadians and Parliamentarians will be able to see a comprehensive picture of federal actions to achieve environmental sustainability and also be able to track progress," said the Honourable Jim Prentice. "The Strategy tabled by the Government of Canada today responds to comments and recommendations by Commissioners of the Environment and Sustainable Development over the years about systemic weaknesses in the previous approach to Sustainable Development in the Government of Canada."

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy makes three key improvements to the transparency of environmental decision-making. First, it provides an integrated, whole-of-government picture of government actions and concrete results to achieve environmental sustainability. Second, it forges a clear link between sustainable development planning and reporting and the Government's core expenditure planning and reporting system. Lastly, it sets the stage for effective measurement, monitoring, and reporting in order to track and report on progress to Canadians.

The Strategy increases transparency that will drive change over time. The three-year cycle to update and report on results in the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy establishes a system of "plan, do, check, and improve". The new approach promises to be a useful and meaningful addition to results-based public management.

At the same time, the Government of Canada is also taking measures to reduce the environmental footprint of its own operations in the key areas of green buildings, electronic waste, printing units, paper consumption, green meetings, green procurement, and greenhouse gas emissions from federal operations. The Government will take action now to reduce levels of greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations to match the national target of 17% below 2005 by 2020.

The Strategy also commits to strengthening the guidelines for strategic environmental assessments by federal departments which help integrate environmental considerations related to economic and social decision-making.


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
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