

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

As a Pacific Islander, attending large political conferences like the CBD can be overwhelming. Back home in Fiji, I wear sandals every day, so running around in heels while carrying bags filled with documents and computers is hard to get used to in the first few days. The sheer size, grandeur, pomp, ceremony and complicated language (diplomatic-speak) might be enough to force any sane islander into a passenger seat role.

This is not the case for the Pacific Island nations that are part of the CBD- they are here in Nagoya, Japan tfighitng to protect our Pacific Ocean— the waters that have for generations sustained so much life under the waves and on land. We are here as Pacific Island people to ensure that our oceans are protected expeditiously and effectively.

Greenpeace is a partner along with the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), other environmental groups and the Environmental Defenders Office— all here to ensure that all of the life that is dependent on the Pacific- human and otherwise, is given the chance to survive.

There are four areas, or "pockets" of international waters that flank more than a dozen Pacific island countries which have already been declared off limits to purse-seine fishing by eight island countries: Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. Purse-seining is one of the most destructive fishing methods out there- one that must be stopped.

Large ocean states of the Pacific urgently require protection as it is integral to the lives of Pacific Islanders who are dependent on it. It is critical that our oceans are protected so that we maintain a healthy economy through a sustainable tuna fishing industry, help alleviate the impacts of climate change and create a better future for us and our generations to come.

Eight years ago, governments committed to significantly reduce biodiversity loss by 2010 and they have failed. The people of the Pacific who need healthy oceans and forests for survival need solutions, not another political failure. This meeting in Nagoya must produce the solutions to enable our planet to sustain future generations. Time is running out. The Pacific, our Planet and our Cchildren need more than empty promises.

Greenpeace wants a strong CBD Strategic Plan which creates a global network of marine reserves, a legally-binding protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) that that takes into account indigenous and local rights and which have strong compliance mechanisms.

If our planet is to sustain life on earth in the future and be rescued from the brink of environmental destruction, we need action by governments to protect our oceans and forests and to halt biodiversity loss.

Join me and the other Pacific Island communities in demanding more areas of our ocean set aside for the future- for all of us- as marine reserves. Together, we can tell the CBD that creating a rescue plan for our planet Can Be Done.

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Projecting Change at Biodiversity Meeting in Japan

In the opening ceremony of the CBD here in Nagoya, Japan, Japanese Environment Minister Matsumoto (also chair of the conference) reminded delegates that biodiversity is the legacy we will leave our children. Greenpeace is here at CBD COP10 to make sure that the legacy we leave our children is one that is sustainable and healthy.

One of the main focuses of Greenpeace’s work here is sustainable fisheries and oceans. The oceans are a source of food for so many people on Earth. Here in Nagoya, governments gathered here can help us to leave these future generations with food and life.

As the second day of negotiations here came to a close, the team from Greenpeace Japan, where I work, projected messages urging delegates to save life on Earth and rescue our oceans in front of Nagoya Castle. It was a unique cloud projection- photos and text displayed on an artificial cloud. The Nagoya Castle is a major tourist attraction here in Nagoya. The Greenpeace Japan team had spent much of the day passing out flyers about the projection and when they arrived, we invited them to sign our petition to create more marine reserves, areas of ocean off-limits to industrial activity: things like fishing and drilling for oil. There were many Japanese journalists at the projection also, which was good. Today, many people in Japan woke up to newspapers with the photo of the projection and the demand for marine reserves: something we hope the Japanese delegation also saw.

Nagoya is a city near the sea, a sea that must be protected. Greenpeace is campaigning for a network of marine reserves covering 40% of the world’s oceans. That goal can begin to become a reality here in Nagoya.


Kaoru Narisawa is a Media Officer with Greenpeace Japan, who helped coordinate the Greenpeace Japan cloud projection at Nagoya Castle above. Messages urging governments to take action to save life on Earth were projected onto an artificial cloud at Nagoya Castle, in the host city of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.


Source: Greenpeace International
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