

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

GATINEAU, Que. -- October 7, 2010 -- The Honourable Jim Prentice, Canada's Minister of the Environment, today joins Quebec's delegate Minister for Natural Resources and Wildlife (MRNF), the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the National Capital Commission to mark the Nature Conservancy of Canada's acquisition of a 477-hectare property in the Outaouais for biodiversity conservation and species protection. This project was guaranteed in part by funding obtained under Environment Canada's Natural Areas Conservation Program, and has a total budget of $685,000.

"This acquisition marks another achievement under our government's Natural Areas Conservation Program. With this investment, we are taking real action to protect and conserve our ecosystems and sensitive species for present and future generations," said Minister Prentice. "Your actions, large or small, will help to protect the abundance and variety of life that is part of our natural heritage."

"This acquisition represents specific action by our government to preserve wildlife habitats. The protection of biodiversity and natural landscapes, and the restoration of wetlands are among the MRNF's priorities. These actions also help maintain economic and social activity in the regions, because they allow the public to benefit from these outdoor areas," noted Serge Simard, delegate Minister for Natural Resources and Wildlife.

"The long-term protection of this large forested area is the reflection of a solid partnership at the local and regional levels. It also allows us to leave a precious natural heritage to our children and grandchildren," added Nathalie Zinger, Regional Vice-President of the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

The property, which covers nearly 5 square kilometers, is located directly on the northwest edge of Gatineau Park. This natural setting is representative of the forest ecosystems of the hills of the Outaouais. The property is composed of a forest mosaic, with several wetlands scattered through it and a few bodies of water. The acquisition of this property will favour the development of ecological corridors, in accordance with the priorities of the Gatineau Park Ecosystem Conservation Plan.

The National Capital Commission, which manages Gatineau Park, contributes financially to the management fund for this property. "The acquisition of this property is an example of cooperation for environmental protection. The ecological corridors foreseen in the Gatineau Park Ecosystems Conservation Plan create areas of natural continuity to support ecosystems and species protection," said Marie Lemay, Chief Executive Officer of the National Capital Commission. "Our contribution to the management fund underscores our commitment to the preservation of Gatineau Park."

The Government of Canada's $225-million Natural Areas Conservation Program is an important on-the-ground initiative that takes real action to preserve Canada's environment and conserve its precious natural heritage for present and future generations. It is through the ongoing contribution from all donors that we can ensure the protection of natural areas in Canada. As of July 2010, under the Natural Areas Conservation Program, over 138 800 hectares (342 982 acres) had been secured, protecting habitat for over 79 species at risk.

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Canada Announces Final GHG Emission Regulations for New Light-Duty Vehicles

OTTAWA, Ont. -- October 1, 2010 -- Today, the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment, announced final regulations that establish progressively more stringent greenhouse gas emission standards for new passenger automobiles and light trucks for the 2011-2016 model years. These are aligned with similar regulations in the United States.

"Any significant approach to fighting climate change must include serious action to address on-road emissions. Canada has worked closely with the U.S. government to establish common North American standards for regulating GHGs from new light-duty vehicles -- and we look forward to further collaboration," said Minister Prentice.

The Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations provide certainty to the automotive industry and require significant technological improvements to vehicles to reduce GHG emissions. As a result of the regulations, it is projected that the average GHG emission performance of new vehicles for the 2016 model year will be about 25% lower than the vehicles that were sold in Canada in 2008.

Minister Prentice also released a Notice of Intent regarding the government's commitment to continue working with the United States towards the development of tighter standards for light vehicles for the 2017 and later model years. Canada and the U.S. will continue to undertake technical assessment of potential annual improvements in GHG emission performance of up to 6%.

Canada is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions 17% from 2005 levels by 2020, a target which reflects the importance of aligning with the United States. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles will play an important part in helping us achieve that goal. Cars and light trucks account for about 12% of Canada's total GHG emissions.

For more information and to view a backgrounder on this announcement, please visit the Web site of Environment Canada, at


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
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