

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

Posted on 12 October 2010
The EU Regulation on Illegal Logging cleared its final legislative hurdle on Monday, following the adoption of the proposed draft by the Council of Ministers, effectively issuing a ban on illegal timber. In July, the European Parliament overwhelmingly approved a crack down on illegal timber, voting 644-25 in favor of the legislation.

The new law will require that all operators placing timber products on the market for the first time to ensure that their products have been legally harvested.

"WWF's Global Forest & Trade Network (GFTN) welcomes this development and looks forward to the day on which Europe is no longer a market for illegal timber. For too long, those striving to operate responsibly, such as companies participating in the GFTN, have been forced to compete on an uneven playing field against less scrupulous operators,” said George White, Head of the GFTN.

“The passing of this Regulation sends a strong message to forest managers, forest communities and governments worldwide that their efforts to act responsibly and within the law is appreciated and now needed within this major market,” he added.

In requiring operators to ensure the legality of their timber products, the Regulation calls for ‘due diligence’ systems to be put in place that address three elements inherent to risk management: access to information, risk assessment and mitigation of the risk identified.

“Combined with the US Lacey Act, this new Regulation begins to close two of the world's major markets to those who act irresponsibly and outside the law. The GFTN will continue to welcome companies that seek guidance on legal compliance and are committed towards taking this first step towards responsible forest management and building a solid foundation for robust and responsible forest products industry," concluded White.

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Businesses call for EU policy move to 30% emissions cuts by 2020

Posted on 13 October 2010
29 European companies today called on the European Union to increase its ambition to cut EU emissions to 30 per cent by 2020 from 11000 levels in the interests of strengthening Europe’s economic future, boosting jobs and providing greater certainty and predictability for investors.

It is the first time such a large and diverse group of EU businesses has called for Europe to increase its policy ambition to cut emissions to 30 per cent.

Companies supporting the joint business declaration [“Increasing Europe’s Climate Ambition will be Good for the EU Economy and Jobs”] include Acciona, Alstom, Asda, Atkins, Barilla, BNP Paribas, BSkyB, Capgemini, Centrica plc, Climate Change Capital, Crédit Agricole, DHV Group, Elopak, Eneco, F&C Asset Management, GE Energy, Johnson Controls Inc, Kingfisher, Google, Marks and Spencer, Nike, Philips Lighting, SKAI Group of Companies, Sony Europe, Standard Life, Swiss Re, Tryg, Thames Water, and Vodafone.

The declaration reflects a growing coalition of businesses and climate ministers who believe Europe must review its climate policy to secure its long-term economic competiveness with China and the US in growing global market for low carbon goods and services. The current European target is for the EU to cut emissions by 20 per cent from 11000 levels by 2020.

The joint business declaration has been led by The Climate Group, The Cambridge Programme for
Sustainability Leadership, and WWF Climate Savers Programme and will be published and sent to the
European Commission, Council, Parliament and Presidency ahead of the EU Environment Council tomorrow where Ministers will debate the costs, benefits and nature of increasing the EU’s climate reduction target.

The joint declaration states “There is no high-carbon low-cost future for Europe” and calls on the EU to consider increasing its greenhouse gas reduction target to drive low carbon investment, saying:


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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