

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

Nagoya, Japan, 25 October 2010 - What is a 'Key Biodiversity Area'? Why is it important, how was it established and what is its relevance to business? The answers to these and other key questions can be now found on the 'A-Z Areas of Biodiversity Importance' website, which was launched today at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity taking place in Nagoya, Japan.

Spotlighting some 35 important areas worldwide -such as Ramsar, World Heritage sites and Protected Areas -this electronic guide also explains the species and habitats they seek to protect as well as in their legal status and the extent to which local communities are present.

"The A-Z guide is a useful reference to support business and other sectors with their biodiversity commitments to mark our contribution to the Year of Biodiversity," said Jon Hutton, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) which created the guide in partnership with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

The guide, the first of its kind, is geared to assist the business community, governments as well as NGOs by providing useful expert reviewed information, links to tools with spatial data, and further online resources to raise awareness and support decision-making about areas important for biodiversity conservation.

"The A to Z guide is a useful tool to inform decisions by businesses on the siting of projects so as to minimize the environmental footprint and maximize conservation opportunities associated with infrastructure development," said Ernani Pilla, Natural Resources Senior Specialist of the IDB.

The guide also covers the criteria behind the management practices for protecting different areas and important information, like legal and compliance aspects as well as the biodiversity and socio-cultural values that need to be upheld in each location.

"For the mining and metals sector, this practical and easy-to-access tool will help those in the industry better understand the many different areas of biodiversity significance," said Andrew Mackenzie, Senior Program Director ICMM.

The A-Z is a one-stop information shop on over 30 different areas of biodiversity importance. It can be used by all sectors including business, government and environmental agencies and is easily accessible via the website -

"This online tool is a useful resource for the oil and gas sector. Whilst explaining the different types of areas protected for their biodiversity importance, it also provides informative business context for managing operations," added Ruth Romer, Biodiversity Project Manager of IPIECA.

"The A-Z will add value to the increasing biodiversity management toolbox by providing information and knowledge to help the private sector better address the risks and opportunities associated with the business-biodiversity interface," said Peter Carter, Associate Director, Head Environment and Social Office of the EIB.

More information about the areas of biodiversity importance can be found at

UNEP-WCMC is the specialist biodiversity information and assessment centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), run collaboratively with WCMC, a UK charity, based in Cambridge, U.K. UNEP-WCMC's mission is to evaluate and highlight the many values of biodiversity and put authoritative biodiversity knowledge at the centre of decision-making. Since its establishment in the 1970s, the Centre has been at the forefront of the compilation, management, analysis and dissemination of global biodiversity information, and has an outstanding record of achievement'.
Nagoya 2010: Weighing up the risks and benefits of biofuels development


Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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