

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

Posted on 11 December 2010
Honolulu, Hawaii: The Commission responsible for managing tuna resources in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean has yet again failed to take any effective action to reduce the decline of valuable big eye and yellowfin tuna.

The failure, just weeks after the Atlantic tuna commission made only cosmetic cuts to Mediterranean bluefin tuna catch quotas, adding to increasing scepticism that the global system of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) can prevent the unsustainable plunder of the world’s oceans.

The week long Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) annual meeting in Hawaii saw strong interventions from Japan and the EU on the urgent need to freeze fishing capacity of purse seine super fleets and fishing pressure on the most stressed tuna stocks, moves that won support from the US and some other powerful fishing states.

But the WCPFC ultimately stuck to the familiar course of throwing overboard the scientific advice, rejecting its own Scientific Committee’s recommendation of an immediate 29 per cent reduction in the big eye tuna catch.

“Once again we see the WCPFC failing to hear their own scientific advice and condemning the region’s most stressed tuna stocks to another year of overfishing,” said Peter Trott, Fisheries Program Manager with WWF-Australia.

“I have never seen such strong support from the big fishing nations on the need to reduce pressure on big eye and other stressed stocks but this was still not enough to make any real progress on halting the decline of these species.”

"absurd" conservation measure for striped marlin

There were some positives to emerge from the meeting, most significantly agreement to develop a shark research plan and introduce greater monitoring and reporting of shark catches. A conservation measure was also adopted for heavily fished Northern Bluefin tuna.

And the Commission agreed to finally go ahead with an independent review of its own performance, a commitment originally made years ago.

“This level of agreement on shark catch has been one of only a few progressive steps taken at this year’s meeting and we hope it will help better inform, and stop the decline of key shark species within the region,” Mr Trott said.

But the credibility of the WCPFC was further undermined with an absurd conservation measure for overfished striped marlin that according to the Commission’s scientific advisor will allow the catch to increase.

“This level of agreement on shark catches has been one of only a few progressive steps taken at this years meeting and we hope it will help better inform, and stop the decline of key shark species within the region,” Mr Trott said.

“The WCPFC meeting in Hawaii demonstrated that its most powerful fishing members are ringing the alarm bells of the regions tuna stocks, calling out for urgent action on its most critical issues,” Mr Trott said.

“Unfortunately the Commission still lacks the teeth required to meet its responsibilities in terms of conservation and sustainability.”

WWF is advocating consideration of new rights- basedmanagement frameworks, cuts to fishing effort from the industrial purse seine sector, care over initiatives that could largely have the effect of displacing rather than reducing fishing effort.

“Most importantly however, the WCPFC should take heed of its contribution to the failures of global fishing regulation and be prepared to set the example in terms of following the scientific advice,” Mr Trott said.

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Navigation threat barges in on Danube

Posted on 09 December 2010
New plans to ease navigation bottlenecks on the Danube could threaten some of the river's most scenic and natural values, said WWF after the release today of plans of the European Commission to increase navigation on the river as part of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

The Danube River basin, the most international river basin in the world, comprises 19 countries and is currently home to close to 100 million people. One quarter of them depend on the river for their drinking water.

WWF criticises the decision to increase navigation on the Danube by removing the so-called bottlenecks, obstacles to navigation during low water level. This usually involves deepening and widening the fairway with the help of old-fashioned and expensive infrastructures. Such interventions would not only affect local ecosystems, but the entire river morphology and dynamics as well as the associated flora and fauna.

The number of existing navigation projects show the alarmingly broad definition being applied to the term bottleneck - it includes the last free flowing stretch of the Danube in Germany and the entire Hungarian section of the river. Many areas with outstanding natural values are also being investigated for intrusive navigational works. In the Lower Danube, islands like Belene, Cama-Dinu and Turcescu are considered bottlenecks at the same time as being part of Nature Parks or designated EU Natura 2000 sites.

Although the river has seen considerable improvements in its condition over the last decade, this decision could result in significant negative impacts on its unique environment without bringing the expected economic benefit to the region.

"Heavy investments in diking and dredging the Danube have been justified by various officials with reference to the Rhine river. But the Rhineland has very different conditions from the Danube area, with an industrial base that has developed over centuries and not just thanks to the river. Expecting an economic miracle from investments in Danube navigation is a myth, and potentially a very costly mistake." said Andreas Beckmann, Director of the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme.

The Danube as opposed to the Rhine, does not harbour as many industrial sites, and many of the large economic centres on the Danube are not located on the river.

“Today is a sad day”, said Petruta Moisi, a prominent Romanian environmentalist who lives close to the river in Galati. “It’s sad not because there will be navigation along the Danube River – the river has always been navigable – but because of the narrow mindset of the hydrologists and river engineers, who were all trained over the past 50 years and this is their final lifetime opportunity to get things wrong”.

“It's the same pattern of thinking that made it possible for the former river wetlands and floodplains to be destroyed for good starting back in the early 1970s.”

“I feel sad because I truly believed in all the decision makers' capacity for understanding the issues here. But who will pay the price now for doing things in an unsustainable way? You do not need to be smart to know that”, Moisi said.

The current focus of the proposed strategy on expensive and out-dated approaches to increase navigation risks not only waste money but destroy valuable biodiversity and associated ecosystem services, from flood protection to water purification.

“Solutions for improving inland navigation without changing drastically the nature of the river are available and are less costly in financial as well as ecological terms. We need to invest in innovative ship design that fit the existing depth of the river, better information systems, and nature friendly infrastructure.” added Beckmann.

WWF is calling on Danube countries and on Hungary as next leader of the EU Council to seize the opportunity of the Strategy to bring short and long term benefits to its population by using its enormous natural and cultural assets in a sustainable way.

Other aspects of the plan, which will continue the improvement of water quality and offer special protection to the sturgeon, were praised by WWF.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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