

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

Global businesses set a shining example to governments at the Cancun climate talks this week when the Consumer Goods Forum, a consortium of over 400 companies, pledged to implement climate-friendly refrigeration using natural refrigerants.

Greenpeace, which has led a 20-year campaign on the refrigerants issue, expects companies like Unilever, Coca-Cola, Carrefour, Ahold, Nestle, Pepsico, Procter & Gamble, Kraft, General Mills, L’Oreal, Walmart and others to put forward a timeline for the phase out of hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, by 2015. HFCs have very high global warming potentials (100-3000 times that of carbon dioxide.)

Governments must now match the voluntary progress of the Consumer Goods Forum with a binding ban on HFCs. This corporate initiative signals a need for policy actions to create further incentives for a shift to cheap and available climate-friendly alternatives. When corporations step out ahead of legal obligation and demonstrate climate leadership, they show policy makers that climate change is an opportunity for economic transformation, setting the stage for stronger policy frameworks.

And participants in the climate negotiations need just such a reminder. While some companies are already leading, governments need to continue to raise the bar and demonstrate climate leadership in Cancun and beyond.

Greenpeace, usually known as an aggressive opponent to corporate polluters, also works collaboratively with big businesses that demonstrate bold leadership on pressing global environmental issues. Our Cool IT Campaign works with the Information Technology (IT) sector to drive the progress of IT companies and IT technologies toward inducing an economy-wide shift to clean energy and energy efficiency.

IT companies have an economic interest to ensure widespread adoption of their carbon-cutting technologies and climate solutions, such as smart grid and energy management systems. Many of the top global IT brands – Google, Ericsson, Microsoft, Cisco, and others – are at this week’s climate talks in Cancun to do just that. These companies have great potential to drive low-carbon innovation and use their political prominence to advocate for policies that catalyze a clean energy transformation.

But how IT companies currently measure up to that potential will be revealed next week when the Cool IT Campaign launches its 4th IT Leaderboard, a ranking of the top IT brands on climate leadership. Last year, Cisco topped the ranking for best performance overall across the Leaderboard’s three main criteria: climate solutions development, mitigation of a company’s own energy footprint, and political advocacy. Google earned top marks for political advocacy in the past, but many of the IT companies are still sitting on the sidelines, waiting for governments to act first.

But increasingly, consumers are demanding that companies walk the walk, and consumer brands are pouring more money than ever into measuring their supply chain impacts and mitigating their carbon footprint. So while there are good examples of companies, in the IT sector and beyond, beginning to take action on climate change, the business community needs to dramatically increase its efforts by pushing policy makers to follow suit.

Paul Dickinson from the Carbon Disclosure Project calculates that only 35 percent of the world's 500 largest companies are engaging with policy agencies and governments to drive climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Companies need to engage with policy makers to hasten a shift to clean energy and spur green economic growth. Strong climate policy offers a real opportunity, both for business and the planet.

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The Brazilian Revolution!

In just 40 years, Brazil has the potential to reach 93% renewable energy and not long after that, could even reach 100% renewable, IF they have the political will. The country has enough wind, sun, biomass and hydropower to fill its energy needs, triple consumption while increasing GDP by four times and decrease its carbon emission until 2050. Sound impressive? It’s all outlined in the new version of the Brazilian Energy [R]evolution launched this week!

Launched in Cancún, during the UN Climate Conference (COP16), the report shows that by combining the right investments with the countries immense potential to provide natural renewable resources, Brazil could be a world leader in clean and sustainable energy.

This future is good for the environment, even better for the economy. The scenarios projected by the report prove that investing in renewable creates green jobs and saves money – up to hundreds of billions of dollars in the period.

“In 2050, Brazil can emit far less CO2 in the atmosphere – 23 million tons – than if the government insist on investing in fossil fuels – approximately 147 million tons”, says Ricardo Baitelo, Brazil´s Energy Campaigner and coordinator of the report.

Inspiring news at a moment when the worlds eyes are turned towards all countries’ initiatives on reducing their carbon emissions in order to stop climate change.

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Solar Generation youth delegates fight for solutions in Cancun

The Solar Generation crew is at the UN climate talks once again this year, bringing voices from around the world to Cancun to be heard at the negotiations. Many of them arrived in Mexico earlier in the month to attend the Conference of Youth (COY) in Mexico City. The COY was started in 2004 to bring together young people to discuss cliamte change ahead of the UN Conference and Solar generation has been able to attend every year including this one.

The CYO conference is a place for youth to help empower a global climate movement, and to prepare their strategies for bringing this movement to the UN climate negotiations. By actively lobbying, staging public activities and taking direct action, the youth aim to bring fresh energy into a process which can be seen as an old fashioned and out of touch with younger generations. They aim to put pressure on the delegates to hear them out on their concerns for the future and their proposals for a solutions based approach to combating climate change. Gathered as one unique global movement; from poor to rich, developed to developing countries they actively testify of their will for change, their will for a fair and better world.

While the youth can often be seen having a bit of fun while bringing their message to the talks, the weight of their message is unavoidable. The depth of knowledge on climate change and inspiring vision with these youth is amazing! No doubt: they are ready to rule the world and to actively participate in building a better future. A future without tons of excess of CO2 released in the atmosphere, a planet where everyone has a safe place under the sun without the deadly threats of droughts, flood and malaria.

They might be ready, but will they have time enough? If countries here in Cancun fail to to agree on the building blocks of a global deal to tackle climate change in the coming decades, the youth are left wondering what kind of planet will they inherit.

Watch this space for news on what Solar Generation is doing to make their voices heard in Cancun!
Frederic Amirl is the Coordinator for Greenpeace's youth program - Solar Generation


Source: Greenpeace International
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