

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

The project is called the Living North Sea project which promotes free fish migration. Fish, such as sea trout and eels, which migrate from the sea to fresh water to spawn, have fallen in numbers and the project aims to halt this decline.

It involves 15 different partners from seven different countries including the Association of Rivers Trusts, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and the Dutch Angling Association.

As part of the project, fisheries staff from the Environment Agency in the North East have collected samples from sea trout from a number of rivers including the Coquet, Wear, Tyne, Tees and Ure.

Phil Rippon, project manager for the North East Living North Sea project, said: “Our work is part of a bigger genetics project which involves taking samples from sea trout stocks throughout the North Sea area, from countries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Scotland.

“It is believed that sea trout stocks in different rivers are genetically different and it should be possible to track individual river stocks throughout their lifecycles once a genetic fingerprint for that stock is established.

“The aim is to collect samples from both juvenile sea trout in the rivers and adult sea trout caught at sea so that we can discover more about the migratory routes of this important species. The information will help us to identify where individual river stocks migrate to in the North Sea, whether sea trout stray back to different rivers and where there are pressures on individual river stocks.

“The link between rivers, estuaries and the North Sea is vital and we can use this information to see whether there are any problems in our own areas.”

The team has used different techniques to collect information about the North East’s sea trout. They have used information provided by anglers, and data from electrofishing which involves putting a small electric current into the water that temporarily stuns fish.

The results have been sent to Living North Sea partners in Denmark, who are experts in genetics, to be analysed.

Phil said: “Next year we hope to progress with our surveys by sampling adult fish around the North East Coast.”

The project is part of the Environment Agency’s plan towards meeting the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the European Commission’s Eel Regulation requirements. The WFD encourages everyone with an interest in water to work together to protect and improve the quality of the water environment, including wildlife habitat, fish population and recreational activities.

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Environment Agency Wales warns people in Conwy ‘Don’t be the only one who isn’t prepared for flooding’

Environment Agency Wales has been speaking face-to face with people in Conwy, in a bid to help them understand and manage their flood risk.

As a result, just under 80 per cent of those spoken with have agreed to take practical action to be better prepared.

Officers from the Agency’s Flood Awareness Wales team have spoken directly with over 3000 householders and businesses at risk of flooding in Kinmel Bay, Llanfairtalhaearn, Llandudno, Towyn, and Pensarn and Belgrano.

The Agency says that of those spoken with nearly 90 per cent are now more aware of the practical actions to take to prepare for flooding to minimise its impact. And just under 80 per cent have committed to taking action to reduce their flood risk such as completing a personal flood plan. Additional properties at risk of flooding in these areas will be further targeted in the future when the Agency seeks to engage with the wider community as part of its Flood Awareness programme.

As part of the Flood Awareness Wales campaign, launched in June this year, Agency officers are visiting communities across Wales, like those in Conwy, at risk of flooding.

The Agency has almost finished its £2 million scheme to 'top up' the floodbanks on the Clwyd which protects Towyn, Kinmel Bay and Belgrano. Such schemes are designed to reduce the risk of flooding, but the Agency cannot eliminate the risk of all future flooding so its important for communities to be prepared.

The officers provide advice about flood risk and encourage local people to complete personal flood plans and flood kits for use in emergencies, as well as providing information on practical measures that can be taken now to prepare for a flood.

To date the campaign has visited over 10,000 properties in north Wales to help raise awareness of flood risk and how to be prepared.

Leading FAW officer for north Wales Philip Jones said “We want people to be aware that although flooding cannot be completely prevented, there are things that they can do in advance to help reduce the devastating impact it can have. We’ve still got properties at risk in these areas that we want to engage with in the future. The message is simple - don’t be the only one who isn’t prepared.”

You can find out if your property is at risk by calling Floodline 0845 988 1188 or visiting

“If you are at risk find out if you are able to sign up to receive free advance warning of flooding from rivers and the sea by calling Floodline or visiting our website. We also encourage people to create a personal flood plan containing important information you would need during a flood such as insurance policy numbers, locations of gas, electricity and water mains and emergency contact numbers, and we recommend you keep this somewhere safe and easy to reach in a waterproof folder. You can also survey your home to identify the ways in which floodwater may enter. Sandbags and plastic sheets can be kept to hand to put in front of the entrances to your property, or you could purchase flood boards for a more permanent method of prevention”, added Philip.

Visit to download a personal flood plan, view a short film providing a step to step guide of the practical actions needed to prepare for a flood and for further information about what to do before, during and after.

Darren Millar AM for Clwyd West said: “The threat of flooding is never far away for those of us living and working on the coast in North Wales. Having had personal experience of the floods in Towyn 20 years ago, I know only too well how devastating flooding can be. I welcome Environment Agency Wales’ ‘Flood Awareness Wales’ campaign which will help homes and businesses prepare to take appropriate action to minimise the risk and impact of flooding. A number of communities in Clwyd West are at risk of flooding and I would urge everyone to take action to be prepared.”

Gareth Jones AM for Aberconwy said: “I commend Environment Agency Wales for undertaking this extremely important work in raising awareness of the risk of flooding to constituents in Aberconwy. The Welsh Assembly Government has worked with Environment Agency Wales, Welsh Water, Conwy County Borough Council and landowners, and invested millions of pounds locally in reducing the risk of tidal, river and storm flooding, but no government can eliminate that risk completely. I would urge all householders in Aberconwy to make sure they take advantage of all the information that is being given to them in this awareness campaign. It’s vital to be ready so please don’t miss out on this chance to find out exactly how you and your family can be best prepared if the worst should ever happen.”

‘Flood Awareness Wales’ is a Welsh Assembly Government funded project.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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