

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

Posted on 22 December 2010
Suva, Fiji - The Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) has become the world’s first sporting body to pledge support for WWF’s Earth Hour, an annual global event that encourages people everywhere to take meaningful action to tackle climate change.

“We are very proud to have the Fiji Rugby Union take part in this global campaign, said Kenneth Zinck of the FRU Lottery Team.

“WWF's Earth hour is a fantastic opportunity for people from across Fiji to join in a global campaign to show support for action on climate change.”

The rugby union also says it will work with WWF to promote Earth Hour during the highly anticipated Fiji Rugby Lottery draw on 30 December 2010. The lottery aims to raise much needed cash to support the country’s famed Flying Fijians at the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand.

Kenneth Zinck also called for national support of Earth Hour during the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, which fall on the same day at the end of March.

“The FRU is behind Earth Hour and it would be great if the country could support us during Earth Hour by switching off the lights while watching the Hong Kong Sevens game which falls on the same date and time,” he said.

“I would like to urge all Fiji rugby fans to get behind Earth Hour and the boys’ campaign to the Rugby World Cup by switching their non-essential lights off - not only for an hour at 8.30pm on 26th March but also to go beyond that hour in our everyday energy consumption practices."

Earth Hour 2010 was the largest voluntary action for the environment in history with lights going out across 128 countries and over 4,500 cities worldwide.

Earth Hour 2011 will again see hundreds of millions of people across all continents come together to celebrate an unambiguous commitment to the planet by switching off their lights for one designated hour.

“Running into its fourth consecutive year, this campaign has continued to grow through the support of iconic organisations and personalities,” said WWF SPPO representative, Kesaia Tabunakawai.

“Fiji is a rugby crazy nation, so it’s only a natural approach for us to engage a sport that is an important part of Fiji’s history,” she added. “Earth Hour has been making history simply by inspiring individuals, businesses and households to be proactive in the face of climate change effects.”

“This is especially appropriate in the Pacific, a region vulnerable to the effects of Climate Change. In this Year of Biodiversity it is important to remember that Climate change also threatens biodiversity,” said Ms. Tabunakawai.

Earth Hour will be held from 8:30-9:30pm on Saturday March 26, 2010.

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Indonesia and Honduras tilapia swim into seafood guide upgrade

Posted on 23 December 2010
Gland, Switzerland: Tilapia produced in Indonesia and Honduras is to join the new WWF seafood guide category of “moving towards certification”.

Typical tilapia is currently rated as unsustainable in WWF seafood guides due to issues with harmful environmental effects including chemical use, waste spilling into waterways, risks of disease and escapes and weak regulation of aquaculture in many producing areas.

“The moving towards certification classification was set up to give consumers the ability to identify and support fisheries and fish farms that have signed up to achieve the highest standards of sustainable production,” said Dr Mark Powell, WWF International Global Seafood Leader.

“In some cases, these standards and the mechanisms to administer them are still being established, so we are rewarding producer commitment to sustainability.”

“We advise customers to buy tilapia from Indonesia and Honduras to support leadership in sustainable aquaculture.”

Tilapia is the world’s second most important farmed fish, and Indonesia and Honduras are important suppliers to the demanding US and European markets. Tilapia producers in these two countries have achieved or soon will achieve compliance with the tilapia standards that will be used by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council.

"The benefits we expect from certification are international recognition of all the efforts we have made in developing a socially and environmentally sound aquaculture model,” said Anne-Laurence Huillery, Sustainability Manager for Regal Springs, the leading tilapia producer in Indonesia and Honduras.

“We would also anticipate improved market access thanks to the use of the ASC logo and continuous improvement of the industry, with more producers seeking certification and raising consumer awareness."

The recent reclassification of Vietnamese pangasius (also known as tra or Vietnamese catfish) to the new category will see 50 percent of pangasius exports certified to Aquaculture Stewardship Council standards by 2015.

“We expect that the timeline for certification of tilapia from Honduras and Indoneisa will be very short and it will quite possibly be the first aquaculture product certified to the new standards” said Dr Powell

The long running Aquaculture Dialogues convened by WWF released sustainability standards for tilapia in 2009 and pangasius in 2010.

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council, modeled on the Marine Stewardship Council for wild caught fisheries, was established in 2010 and is expected to certify the first sustainable farmed products in 2011.

Certification to ASC standards will cover not just environmental impacts but also social issues such as protection against the use of child labor, forced labor, protection of worker health and safety, and collective bargaining.

WWF publishes consumer seafood guides in 19 countries.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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