

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

09 December 2010
Your Excellency President Felipe Calderon,

Media professionals,

I wish to take the opportunity to thank you for inviting us to to Cancun.

We are delighted to be here to during the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change, as well as to have discussions that are focused on deepening the relations between South Africa and Mexico.

We congratulate Mexico on the excellent arrangements and hospitality extended to all delegates attending this very important Conference.

South Africa and Mexico enjoy strong bilateral relations. Since the inauguration of our inaugural Bi-national Commission in April this year, the partnership between our two countries has deepened.

An important element of the BNC is to deepen economic relations between our two countries.

Mexico is South Africa’s third largest trading partner in Latin America after Brazil and Argentina, whilst South Africa is Mexico’s largest trading partner in Africa.

Trade between our two countries has been growing at a steady pace since the early 11000s after Mexico lifted its ban on trade with South Africa, which had been instituted to support our struggle for liberation. We thank you for that solidarity.

We will work harder on our side to further strengthen investment and trade relations between Mexico and South Africa.

Mr President,

I was honoured with your presence earlier this year on 11 June, when you attended the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup opening ceremony in Johannesburg.

That memorable match between the Mexican and South African Teams set the tone and pace for what was to become Africa’s first football World Cup.

We were particularly pleased with Mexico’s performance and also the attendance of scores of Mexican supporters who travelled the long distance to our shores.

This proved the potential for deeper bilateral relations between our two countries, including people-to- people linkages especially through tourism.

South Africa and Mexico also cooperate in the international arena, and Mexico has strong relations with Africa, and has observer status at the African Union.

You addressed the AU Summit held in Uganda earlier this year, Mr President, which indicates this country’s relationship with the continent.

In this way Mexico will keep in touch with developments in the African continent and is able to become a good partner in many international forums.

We were pleased with South Africa’s election earlier this year to serve as a non-permanent member on the United Nations Security Council from 2011 to 2012.

We thank Mexico for support and also acknowledge the work done by Mexico the past two years as a member on the UN Security Council.

We also work together in other forums including the G20 which we regard as a critical forum for the world to discuss socio-economic and challenges facing us at this time.

The effectiveness of the G20 and the fruitfulness of our participation as the developing world, will depend on the extent to which it is able to implement all the decisions reached at previous Summits.

There are some development issues that were considered in the G8 context that remain unresolved. The G20 could consider an appropriate manner to take these forward.

We seriously want to see the G20 finalising the outstanding decisions before taking on too many new issues. We will also urge a greater focus by the G20 on the development needs of low income countries and Africa.

These are some of the issues we will want to engage on with Mexico as part of our cooperation in the multilateral arena.

Today, I also wish to congratulate Mexico on the celebration this year of its Bicentennial of Independence and 100 years of the Mexican Revolution.

The government and people of South Africa wish to donate a rock art painting to the government and people of Mexico in commemoration of this historic event.

We trust that this token that represents our history of rock art, which will be delivered through diplomatic channels, will find a suitable place among Mexico’s rich and colourful cultural treasures.

Mr President,

We find our presence in the city of Cancun invaluable as we prepare to host the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Durban next year.

We dare not lose this opportunity in Cancun as the world, to secure consensus and progress on the implementation of climate action from now up to 2012.

We also need to establish the building blocks for the longer term negotiation of the future legally binding outcome.

Cancun presents a crossroads for Africa and the international community.

It is a critical opportunity to build confidence and momentum towards a multilaterally agreed legally binding outcome, which is an inclusive, fair and effective global climate change regime.

In Durban next year we will build on the achievements of Cancun and I look forward to welcoming you in South Africa!

Thank you for fruitful bilateral talks and for hosting us in this beautiful city.
I thank you.

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South Africa would like to congratulate the government and the people of Mexico for having hosted a successful 16th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 6th Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. These climate change conferences were held from the 29th November to 10th December in Cancun, Mexico.

The Mexican COP presidency’s guided a transparent process run in accordance with United Nations rules that built confidence and established an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. This is an important achievement and lays a solid basis for South Africa as the incoming President of the UNFCCC.

At the talks, South Africa, along with most other developing countries in Africa, among Small Island States and Least Developed Countries, called for a two-track legally binding outcome; where on the one hand, a track where developed countries who joined the Kyoto Protocol agree to a 2nd Commitment Period under the Protocol.

Whilst, on the other hand, a second track where developed countries who did not join the Kyoto Protocol, will take comparable commitments under the Convention with the collective effort of all developed countries adding up to a level of ambition required by science (a 25-40% aggregate reduction from 11000 levels by 2020).

Under this second track, developing countries would also contribute to the global solution to the climate crisis, where their climate action will be provided with finance, technology and capacity building support. While some progress was achieved in relation to how developed country mitigation targets are reflected, in Cancun there was no agreement on a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol.

Further negotiations on this matter will be forwarded for decision to the Climate Change Conference in Durban next year.

Never the less, the adoption of the Cancun agreement was a extraordinary achievement which has preserved the possibility for a two-track legally binding outcome. Firstly, developed countries agreed to continue work on a 2nd commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.

While secondly, all countries agreed to list their commitments or actions, together with an outline of the major building blocks for a future multi-lateral climate change regime. All credit must go to the Minister Espinosa as the Mexican COP President for her great leadership and her ability to build consensus between nations with vastly differing positions.

The Cancun Climate Change Conferences delivered a remarkably detailed outcome covering all the main elements of the two-track outcome as agreed to in the 2007 Bali Road Map mandate. In this regard, COP 16 has reinvigorated the multilateral process by reflecting the political will of the international community to seriously and urgently address the climate change crisis. The Cancun agreement is formulated as a set of decisions under both the Convention and its’ Kyoto Protocol.

In summary, the Cancun agreement decisions have 3 types of outcomes:

• Firstly, capturing and reflecting agreement that has been reached in the negotiations since the 2007 Bali Climate Change Conferences, including: the establishment of Global Climate Fund; agreement on a Cancun Adaptation framework and Adaptation Committee; the establishment of a technology mechanism; and in relation to mitigation an agreement on the way in which the pledges made in Copenhagen last year should be further elaborated for both developed and developing countries and the establishment of a registry to match mitigation actions with financial, technology and capacity building support,

• Secondly, where necessary, the Cancun decisions set up a process to elaborate the governance and operational modalities and or procedures of the agreed building blocks; such as the process needed to flesh out the details of how the Green Climate Fund or the Adaptation Committee would be governed and operate..

• Thirdly, for elements that do not yet have full agreement among Parties, to forward these for further work to either the negotiating Ad-Hoc Working Groups or the other Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC.

Despite the above progress, the Cancun outcome was not able to answer many difficult political questions and these have been forwarded to the COP17/CMP7 Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa for further work. Most obviously, Cancun was unable to address the politically difficult question of the legal form of the final outcome of the negotiations in the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperation (AWG LCA) under the Convention, which then calls into question whether or not it will be possible to reach an agreement on the second track of a Second Commitment Period under the Kyoto Protocol.

South Africa has an immense amount of work to do in order to move forward from Cancun to Durban. Our challenge is to address the unresolved issues while at the same time ensuring that the agreements made in Cancun are further developed and elaborated. It was heartening to note the way that the Mexican government and people used the opportunity of the climate change conference process as a means to showcase their country and the work they are doing.

We also intend to showcase our country and the work we are doing on climate change and sustainable development more broadly, when we host the COP17/CMP7 Climate Change Conference in Durban, in December next year. To this end, starting in January, Government will launch a comprehensive consultation programme that will include all stakeholders and will develop a shared vision for the Durban Climate Change Conference and a work programme that will ensure our hosting will be a truly “Team South Africa” occasion.


Source: South African Environmental
Press consultantship
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