

Environmental Panorama
January of 2012

Environment Minister Nick Smith today launched the environmental recovery plan, to address the long term effects of the Rena disaster on the wider Bay of Plenty region.

“This plan is needed to bring together a wide range of central, regional and local government organisations as well as iwi to ensure the long-term clean-up job is well coordinated,” Dr Smith says.

“The grounding of the Rena was New Zealand’s worst maritime environmental disaster. This plan has been developed to co-ordinate the long-term recovery and restoration of the Bay of Plenty environment. Our goal is to restore the Bay of Plenty environment to as close as is possible to it’s pre-Rena state,” said Dr Smith.

Following the ship’s grounding on 5 October, the appointed salvors have prevented further significant oil spills and removed some containers from the vessel. This and the work of Maritime New Zealand, iwi, community volunteers, New Zealand Defence Force, DoC and the Wildlife Recovery Team, have provided an effective emergency response.

“This plan identifies the environmental issues for the beaches, seabed, water, fisheries, wildlife and management of waste and sets out who is responsible for the recovery and monitoring of each. A governance group has been established to oversee the implementation of the plan and to make sure everything possible can be done to restore the environment,” Dr Smith says.

Dr Smith also announced that Catherine Taylor, formerly Maritime New Zealand’s Chief Executive has been appointed as the Rena Recovery Manager.

“We are very fortunate to get someone who has been so intimately involved in the everyday response to the Rena grounding to lead the coordination and implementation of the long term recovery plan. Ms Taylor’s appointment will mean a seamless transition from incident management to recovery implementation.

“Disasters can bring out the best in people and so, it has been here. I want to acknowledge the contributions of iwi and Councils to this plan and commit to working with them to restore the Bay of Plenty environment,” says Dr Smith.

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Funding for red zone household hazardous waste disposal

Nick Smith - 23 January, 2012 - The Government will provide $509,000 from the Waste Minimisation Fund to help residents in Canterbury’s red zone to dispose of their hazardous household waste safely, Environment Minister Hon Dr Nick Smith announced today.

“With more than 6000 properties identified in the red zone in suburban Christchurch, it’s important that any hazardous household materials such as cleaning products, paint, LPG, and garden sprays are dealt with in a safe and environmentally-sound way,” Dr Smith says.

“Christchurch City Council is partnering with Waimakariri District Council and Environment Canterbury to provide a free drop off service for residents. A mobile service will collect waste from those unable to bring it in themselves and properties will also be swept for any remaining hazardous waste prior to demolition.

“We don’t want to see these hazardous materials being tipped down drains or buried just to create a future environmental and health risks. This initiative means that residential red zone homeowners can easily and safely dispose of hazardous waste from their properties.”

The initiative was proposed by Christchurch City Council, which in conjunction with Waimakariri District Council and Environment Canterbury, are providing a further $260,000 towards the collection and disposal of the waste.

“The earthquakes in Canterbury have caused an unprecedented amount of waste. This project joins a number of other government supported initiatives to help Canterbury deal with this waste and help the region get back on its feet,” says Dr Smith.


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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