

Environmental Panorama
March of 2012

Nairobi, March 2012 - The Government of Norway has delivered a major boost to efforts to protect vulnerable communities in Ethiopia from the impacts of climate change, with a donation of over $1.5 million to the Ethiopian Environment Ministry.

Further Resources
Climate Change Adaptation and Development InitiativeThe money will allow existing projects, which encourage local communities to fight food insecurity and environmental degradation linked to climate change, to be upscaled and duplicated in other parts of the country.

The grant is a vote of confidence in the policy of addressing climate change mitigation at the local level, a policy spearheaded by a joint project of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with funds provided by the Government of Denmark.

The project, CC DARE (Climate Change and Development-Adapting by Reducing Vulnerability) has championed community-based climate change mitigation in eleven countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia. Between July 2010 and July 2011, CC DARE channeled over $300,000 into nine projects in Ethiopia, helping an estimated one million people.

Projects included diversifying income sources for farmers though activities such as beekeeping, fruit cultivation, and fish farming. There was a particular emphasis on conservation of water resources through rainwater harvesting, and research was conducted into expanding the hardiness of indigenous cattle species to cope with a changed climate.

"These CC DARE projects daringly help tackle climate change in spite of, but generously because of, our vulnerability in Ethiopia," said Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, Director General of the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority.

The additional $1.5 million, courtesy of the Government of Norway, will allow these existing projects in Ethiopia to continue once CC DARE's operations reach their culmination later this year. The funds will also allow the successful projects to be replicated elsewhere in the country.

Notes for Editors:

With targeted short-term activities, the CC DARE project has demonstrated that integrating adaptation into national development policies can strengthen and enhance the resilience of countries and communities against the impacts of climate change while also contributing to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The CC DARE Programme has provided countries in sub Saharan Africa with concrete climate change adaptation actions that will continue to sustainably provide them with resilient livelihoods under a changing climate. The programme has spurred impacts in multiple fronts including catalytic, Strategic, Policy and innovative. The merits of the approach is evident in the engagement of local communities, using local materials, keeping the implementation process simple and thus, making adaptation actions more efficient, more effective, more affordable, more equitable, and more environmentally sustainable. The CC DARE approach has demonstrated that, it is possible to achieve consolidated solutions for national priorities on adaptation to climate change that serve communities.

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Aquatic species dominate UN-backed scientific meeting

Geneva, 21 March 2012 Geneva, 21 March 2012 – The 26th meeting of the Animals Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) today moves from Geneva, to continue in Dublin, Ireland, where the Committee will convene jointly with the CITES Plants Committee. During the sessions in Geneva, important recommendations were formulated, aimed at ensuring that trade in CITES-listed species of animals is sustainable and based on sound scientific management. The five-days in Geneva focused heavily on aquatic species.

Further Resources
CITES official siteOver 150 experts met in Geneva from 15 to 20 March. They recommended cautious export quotas for a variety of species and countries, including seahorses from Southeast Asia, giant clams from the Pacific and sturgeons from the Caspian Sea. Furthermore, the Committee recommended that exports of live dolphins from Solomon Islands should be limited to a maximum of 10 animals a year. The Committee discussed a list of shark species submitted by member States that may require additional action to enhance their conservation and management (see list attached).

Germany announced that is considering preparing a proposal to include porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in Appendix II, and submitted a draft to the Committee for comments. Senegal submitted a draft proposal to transfer West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) from Appendix II to Appendix I for advice. The Committee noted the proposals and the issue of how to determine whether a commercially exploited aquatic species qualifies for listing on CITES Appendices.

The Committee also examined international trade in Asian snakes, tortoises and freshwater turtles, endemic reptiles and amphibians from Madagascar, scorpions and African birds. Scientists expressed serious concern about trade from certain African countries in grey-crowned and blackcrowned cranes (Balearica regulorum and B. pavonina), large waterbirds that typically inhabit open land near inland water bodies. International trade in cranes consists principally of live, wild-taken birds, with trade in captive-bred specimens also reported. Between 2000 and 2010, trade in some 1,300 live birds has been recoded. Specific recommendations were adopted to protect the crane populations of Guinea, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda.

Mr Carlos Ibero, Chair of the Animals Committee, stated: "I am glad to see that the Committee was able to focus on key aquatic species such as sharks, dolphins and corals in preparation for the upcoming meeting of the Conference of the Parties to be held in Bangkok in March 2013".

CITES Secretary-General, John E. Scanlon, said: "It is essential that we provide CITES Parties with sound science and the best available information and advice upon which to base their decisions at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties. We are most grateful to the Committee for the scientific expertise they bring to the work of CITES, which is a critical part of the success of our Convention".

The CITES Animal Committee provides its technical and scientific advice to help ensure sustainability of international trade in specimens of over 4,500 CITES-listed species of animals, including caviar from sturgeons and reptile skins used in luxury goods.

The 26th meeting of the Animals Committee will be followed by three scientific meetings that will be held in Dublin, Ireland: a joint session of the 26th meeting of the Animals Committee and the 20th meeting of the Plants Committees, from 22 to 24 March; the fifth meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodies of the Biodiversity-related Conventions (CSAB), on 25 March; and the 20th meeting of the Plants Committee, from 26 to 30 March.


Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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