

Environmental Panorama
March of 2012

Posted on 30 March 2012 - Tumon, Guam: Deadlocked talks and a deferral of key conservation and management measures for high value tuna stocks mark a disappointing outcome for the annual meeting of The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), WWF noted as the meeting closed in Tumon, Guam today.

Particularly disappointing was the failure to find solutions to resolve the downward spiral of already overfished bigeye tuna despite scientists asking for the fishing to be cut substantially. More and more bigeye tuna are being caught with no adequate action to reverse the decline. Precautionary conservation measures to protect yellowfin stocks, facing increasing fishing, were also put off.

Positive actions taken by the WCPFC to protect oceanic whitetip shark and cetaceans were overshadowed by inaction on whale sharks entangled by purse seine nets.

WWF expressed dismay at the rapid growth in longline fleets in the Western and Central Pacific that target southern albacore tuna. Catches of albacore have risen from 53000 metric tonnes to 71000 metric tonnes over the last ten years, placing at risk other vulnerable marine species like seabirds.

WWF was heartened that a joint WWF and other conservation organisation submission in the closing minutes of the meeting that the commission take urgent action on the conservation of albacore had drawn the support of Japan and Pacific island countries and territories.

“Progress towards sustainable management of tuna stocks has been frustratingly stalled and in some cases gone backwards”, said Daniel Suddaby, Tuna Manager of WWF’s global Smart Fishing Initiative. “By not implementing good fisheries management, the WCPFC is showing a worrying lack of precaution for the future of one of the world’s most important tuna fisheries.”

WWF strongly urges WCPFC Member States to take action to support the implementation of the precautionary approach to fisheries management, more in particular to:
Adopt harvest control rules and reference points in line with international best practice for tuna stocks;
Strengthen regulations on bycatch species impacted by tuna fishing; and
Reduce fishing capacity in line with long term sustainable yields

"Short-term interests combined with a lack of political will are amongst the drivers of unsustainable tuna management. Despite the ground-swell of consumers and retailers demanding sustainable tuna, WCPFC’s failure to implement a precautionary approach to tuna management risks damaging the natural resources that these fisheries depend upon. ” said Mr Suddaby.

“Incentives to limit fishing effort in Pacific tuna fisheries must be given serious attention. A working fisheries management system that makes sustainable fishing a viable long-term economic activity in the Pacific and offers a choice for global tuna consumers is critical.”

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Africa's prized park needs protection from oil threat

Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is Africa’s oldest and most biodiverse national park and a World Heritage Site. Almost half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas live inside the park, along with numerous birds, reptiles and mammals found nowhere else on Earth. But its under threat from British company looking for oil.

Marc Languy is WWF’s Green Heart of Africa Initiative Leader and has sent in this update:
“Over the past two weeks, WWF has received alarming reports from our conservation partners working in Virunga National Park, that British oil company SOCO International is making preparations for oil exploration within park boundaries.

Virunga is an “integral reserve” under DRC national law and its World Heritage Status clearly forbids any type of industrial exploration within the Park. The company does have authorisation to explore for oil outside Virunga National Park and above it by aerial surveys. But if SOCO confirms its repeated intention to explore for oil on the ground within the park the company will be breaching national laws and international conventions.

WWF has been working in Virunga National Park for over 40 years together with the Congolese government and many other conservation organizations dedicated to preserving the area’s unique natural treasures. Shockingly, in that time, more than 100 Virunga rangers have given their lives in the fight to protect this jewel of Africa from those who wish to destroy it.

Having survived years of armed conflict, it is devastating to see an oil company jeopardise the park’s people and wildlife in its pursuit of profit. It’s not only because of the drilling and pollution that oil exploration will damage the park – the associated influx of people brings a risk of renewed conflict that could have a devastating impact on the lives of local community members, and on the park’s endangered species.

European governments have a responsibility to ensure that companies headquartered in their territories respect international conventions and national laws, including when operating overseas. So we’re asking companies and their shareholders and investors to join us in declaring World Heritage Sites off limits for oil exploration.

There are very few extraordinary places of biodiversity and beauty remaining on Earth where nature provides so many benefits to mankind. Virunga National Park is one of them and it should remain untarnished for future generations.”


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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