

Environmental Panorama
March of 2012

Nick Smith - 8 March, 2012 - New Zealand’s priority at the United Nations Rio+20 Summit in June will be on improving environmental management of oceans and opportunities from greening growth, Environment Minister Nick Smith said when opening the United Nations Association New Zealand Conference in Wellington today.

“We are putting strong emphasis on oceans in New Zealand’s contribution to Rio+20 because it is so important for our part of the world and more needs to be done globally to protect the marine environment. Our concern is that illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing continues unchecked and often supported by Government subsidy.”

“New Zealand will also be promoting its ideas around greening growth at the Rio+20 Summit. We have a real contribution to make noting our ranking as best performer in the 2011 Global Green Growth Index. The global community, in these difficult times, needs to focus on policies that enable improved living standards and incomes while ensuring better stewardship of natural resources.”

“We will be particularly active in advocating for reform of fossil fuel subsidies. The debate on carbon pricing to reduce emissions is undermined by global subsidies of $500 billion per year of fossil fuels. There is real opportunity for significant emissions reductions and saving for governments from removing these distorting subsidies.”

“Real gains were made at the original Rio Earth Summit with conventions on climate change, biodiversity and desertification. Our ambition for Rio+20 is for progress to be made on improving management of our oceans and on greening global economic growth,” Dr Smith says.

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Tyre recycling initiative announced

Nick Smith - 14 March, 2012 - Government will provide funding of $133,000 to the Product Stewardship Foundation to explore recycling options for used tyres, Environment Minister Nick Smith announced today.

“This funding will be used by the Foundation to work with tyre industry importers and retailers to identify the best way for New Zealand to recycle and re-use our used tyres,” Dr Smith says.

“We have a significant environmental problem in New Zealand with the disposal of about 4 million tyres annually at the end of their useful life. 85% of those tyres end up in landfills where they leach contaminates that pose a long term risk to the environment. We need to find economic ways in which these used tyres can be put to better use.”

“This project is about trying to find a cost effective and more environmentally friendly solution to tyre waste. Possibilities include processing the tyres for road surfacing products, converting them into floor tiles, useable fuels and recycling the steel.”

The Motor Trade Association has taken a lead in bringing vehicle and tyre industry importers and retailers together, with help from project manager, 3R Group. The working group will look at schemes in other countries and develop options and guiding principles for New Zealand. Recyclers and local authorities will also be consulted on preferred options.

“Many countries have product stewardship schemes that enable a high proportion of used tyres to be recycled into alternative products. I am open minded about using the Waste Minimisation Act powers to declare a priority product to enable such a scheme to operate here. This project is about working with industry to see whether a cost-effective solution can be found,” Dr Smith said.
The Government expects to receive the report detailing options by April 2013.


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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