

Environmental Panorama
April of 2012

30 April 2012 - Environment Minister, Tony Burke, has today announced Australia's most at-risk koala populations need to be included on the national list of threatened species.

Minister Burke has decided to list koala populations in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory as vulnerable under national environment law.

"Koalas are an iconic Australian animal and they hold a special place in the community," Mr Burke said.

"People have made it very clear to me that they want to make sure the koala is protected for future generations.

"My decision to list the koala under national environment law follows a rigorous scientific assessment by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee which gathered information from a variety of experts over the past three years.

"Koala populations are under serious threat from habitat loss and urban expansion, as well as vehicle strikes, dog attacks, and disease.

"However, koala numbers vary significantly across the country, so while koala populations are clearly declining in some areas, there are large, stable or even increasing populations in other areas.

"In fact, in some areas in Victoria and South Australia, koalas are eating themselves out of suitable foraging habitat and their numbers need to be managed.

"But the Queensland, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory koala populations are very clearly in trouble, so we must take action.

"That is why the scientific committee recommended to me to list the Queensland, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory populations as threatened, rather than to list the koala as nationally threatened across its full range."

Mr Burke said the Gillard Government had committed $300,000 of new funding under the National Environmental Research Program Emerging Priorities to find out more about koala habitat.

"This funding will be used to develop new survey methods that will improve our knowledge of the quality of koala habitat using remote sensing, and help fill important data gaps to enhance our understanding and ability to protect the species," Mr Burke said.

"The new funding is in addition to more than $3 million we have invested since 2007 to ensure the resilience and sustainability of our koala population."

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New weather bureau radar for south-east Tasmania

27 April 2012 - Tasmania’s new state-of-the-art Doppler weather radar will provide coverage to large sections of the state for the first time.

Senator Don Farrell, Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, today officially launched the Bureau of Meteorology’s new Hobart Mt Koonya radar, located on the Tasman Peninsula south-east of Hobart.

“This radar, at more than 36 metres high, is the tallest anywhere in Australia and is a very important addition to the Bureau’s national radar network,” Senator Farrell said.

“It significantly improves the Bureau’s weather observation capability in Tasmania and its ability to warn the community about the potential impact of severe weather.

The Hobart Mt Koonya radar will cover all of south-east Tasmania, extending the Bureau’s radar coverage to the west coast, north-east and Central Plateau, which links up with coverage provided by the West Takone radar in the north-west of the state.

“The $48 million Strategic Radar Enhancement Project – funded through the 2009/10 Federal Budget – has delivered new weather radars for Wollongong and Hobart, with radars at Mount Isa, in Queensland, and Warruwi, in the Northern Territory, to follow over the next year.”

Federal Member for Lyons, the Hon Dick Adams MP, said the Hobart Mt Koonya radar’s Doppler capability means detailed wind information can be provided in addition to rainfall, enhancing the Bureau’s capability in forecasting extreme weather events in the state.

“The new radar will make it easier for communities to track Tasmania’s ever changing weather through the Bureau’s website and public forecasts, which will make planning weather-sensitive events and functions much easier – no one likes a wet picnic!”, Mr Adams said.

Labor Senator for Tasmania, the Hon Carol Brown, said the radar will provide accurate and timely information about severe weather events such as fire, strong winds and heavy rainfall.

“That information will help people to better prepare for severe weather events at a community level and across industries including the agricultural, maritime and recreational sectors,” Senator Carol Brown said.

Labor Senator for Tasmania, the Hon Catryna Bilyk, said the new radar would provide significantly more detailed wind and rainfall information across the south-east of the state.

“The location of the radar and its extra-tall tower were designed to enable it to look out over our State’s iconic forests and mountains,” Senator Bilyk said.

Radars send out radio waves that reflect particles in the atmosphere such as raindrops, hailstones or snowflakes. Measuring the characteristics of the reflected radio waves allows meteorologists to monitor the development and movement of showers, thunderstorms, cold fronts and rainbands.

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Third approved arrangement announced for National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme

4 April 2012 - Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, Senator Don Farrell, today announced that E-Cycle Solutions Pty Ltd is able to deliver services under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.

“The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme is an Australian Government initiative that will provide householders and small businesses with access to free recycling of televisions and computers,” Senator Farrell said.

“It will boost the recycling rate for these products and provide a long-term solution to television and computer waste.”

“E-Cycle Solutions joins Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform (ANZRP) and DHL Supply Chain as an administrator of an approved co-regulatory arrangement, able to sign up television and computer manufacturers and importers and collect and recycle products on their behalf.”

A variety of providers will give television and computer manufacturers and importers choice about which arrangement they join and , equally importantly, is expected to lead to more options for Australians in terms of how they disposes of unwanted televisions and computers.

Senator Farrell said E-Cycle Solutions Pty Ltd is part of the QLS Logistics Group and has been established specifically to be the administrator of a co-regulatory arrangement under the scheme.

“E-Cycle Solutions’ business model differs from the existing approved co-regulatory arrangements and clearly demonstrates the success of the scheme in encouraging innovative approaches to providing recycling services to the community,” Senator Farrell said.

“E-Cycle will focus on providing membership to television importers, and will offer recycling services to the community primarily through electrical retail outlets. In particular, it has established a partnership with Retravision, which will provide an alternative place for consumers to drop off their end-of-life televisions.”

On-ground activity under the scheme is on track to commence in mid 2012, with access to services expanding across Australia by the end of 2013.

As an administrator of an approved co-regulatory arrangement, E-Cycle Solutions is required to achieve annual targets for recycling computers and televisions, starting with a 30 per cent recycling rate in 2012-13 and rising to 80 per cent in 2021-22, roll out reasonable access to free collection services across Australia by December 2013, and ensure that appropriate occupational health and safety and environmental practices are in place.

The industry run and funded National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme is regulated by the Australian Government under the landmark Product Stewardship Act 2011.


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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