

Environmental Panorama
May of 2012

29 May 2012 - Environment Minister Tony Burke has approved Flinders University to import six samples of blue whale tissue for genetic research to improve conservation of the species.

The import includes five samples of skin tissue collected in 2004 from live whales using non-lethal techniques and one tissue sample taken in 2009 from a beached whale.

"The samples for this import were collected using entirely non-lethal methods and will add to the scientific understanding of these magnificent creatures," Mr Burke said.

"Blue whales are under threat of extinction and improved scientific knowledge will help in the conservation and recovery of the species.

"This import is consistent with the international conventions that are so important in protecting species like the Blue Whale.

"These non-lethal methods are the right way to research the magnificent blue whale.

"They are the opposite of Japan's so-called scientific whaling where the alleged research project begins with a harpoon."

The collection of the samples was authorised by the Sultanate of Oman, Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs.

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Operation to protect migrating whales

26 May 2012 - The Gillard Government, in partnership with state agencies and the New Zealand Government, has activated an operation to protect whales as they migrate across our coast.

Environment Minister Tony Burke said teams of conservation and environment officers from Australian federal and state agencies will monitor and enforce approach limits for boats and ships, low flying aircraft and people in the water interacting with whales.

Mr Burke said the Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork’s (AELERT) Operation CETUS, now in its second year aims to ensure whales are better protected during their migration.

“Whale migration provides us with a unique opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat,’’ he said.

“But we must recognise that there is a balance between watching the whales and getting in their way.

“Whales have already been spotted on the move in many coastal areas and now is an opportune time to remind everyone that whale approach guidelines exist and are enforceable in both State and Commonwealth waters.

"It is vital that whales are able to migrate, whether over great distances or in localised areas and people must observe the whale watching limits.

“Any vessel on the water or low flying aircraft must be on the lookout for whales – it doesn’t matter if you operate a tourist boat, surf boat, transport ship or pilot a charter flight these guidelines apply to everyone.

“Operation CETUS is another demonstration of our commitment to marine conservation and just one initiative the Gillard Government is committed to ahead of the 64th annual International Whaling Commission meeting later this month.

“Whale approach guidelines exist for the safely of the animals, the public and to minimise the impacts of human and shipping interactions on individual and larger populations of whales and dolphins.”

For more information visit
Whale approach guidelines vary between coastal areas so contact your local state conservation and environment department for more information.


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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