

Environmental Panorama
May of 2012

Published: May 30, 2012 - Greenhouse gas emissions increased in 2010, as a result of both economic recovery in many countries after the 2009 recession and a colder winter. Nonetheless, emissions growth was somewhat contained by continued strong growth in renewable energy sources. These figures from the greenhouse gas inventory published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today confirm earlier EEA estimates.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU-27) increased by 2.4 % (or 111 million tonnes CO2 equivalent) between 2009 and 2010. This can be partially explained by the fact that there was a sharp 7.3% (or -365 million tonnes) decrease of emissions between 2008 and 2009.

The EU remains fully on track to meet its Kyoto target. The long-term reduction trend continued, since EU-27 greenhouse gas emissions still remained 15.4 % below 11000 levels in 2010. Emissions in the 15 Member States with a common commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (EU-15) in 2010 were 11 % below the Kyoto Protocol base year. These consolidated figures confirm earlier estimates for the EU, published by the EEA in October 2011.

“Emissions increased in 2010. This rebound effect was expected as most of Europe came out of recession,” EEA Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade said. “However, the increase could have been even higher without the fast expansion of renewable energy generation in the EU.”

Why were greenhouse gas emissions higher?

Higher emissions were partly due to the economic recovery (GDP grew by 2 % in the EU in 2010), as many European countries emerged from the 2009 recession. Higher final energy demand (+3.7 % in 2010) also contributed to the emissions growth. Moreover, the winter in 2010 was colder than in the previous year, leading to higher heating demand.

However, GHG emissions growth was contained by several factors. As in previous years the growth in the use of renewable energy sources continued in 2010 with a 12.7% increase of total consumption of energy from renewable sources. In addition, gas prices fell markedly in 2010 and EU total consumption of gas used for energy purposes went up by 7.4%. The higher share of gas led to an improved carbon intensity of fossil fuel consumption in many Member States.

Other findings
Emissions were higher in most of the key sectors in 2010, particularly those sectors relying on fossil-fuel combustion. Sectors with the highest GHG emissions growth included: CO2 emissions from residential and commercial sectors (caused by a higher heating demand due to a colder winter); CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (including iron and steel process emissions); and CO2 emissions from public heat and electricity production.

Road transport emissions continued to fall in 2010, despite more demand for freight transport.
Higher industrial activity during 2010, after the economic contraction in 2009, appears to have led to higher final energy demand and related emissions in those sectors covered by the EU emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) compared to other sectors.
Among the greenhouse gases reported to the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC), carbon dioxide (CO2) accounted for the largest increase in emissions in 2010. The gas represented 82 % of total EU GHG emissions.
Industry emissions of hydroflourocarbons (HFCs), extremely potent GHGs, grew significantly in 2010, continuing the upward trend observed since 11000.
Methane (8.6 % of total EU GHG emissions in CO2 equivalent) and nitrous oxide (7.2 %) declined.
Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom accounted for 56% of the EU’s total net increase in GHG emissions. The relative growth in emissions was highest in Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Latvia. Spain, Greece and Portugal again reported lower GHG emissions in 2010.

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Do we live in a 'green economy'? New report assesses progress in Europe

Published: May 16, 2012 - Despite progress in some areas, Europe must do more to create the 'green economy' needed for the continent to become sustainable, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA).
The focus on green economy in Rio reflects the issue’s importance as a key environmental priority, and is particularly timely, given that it can provide a path to renewed economic growth and job creation in response to the current severe economic crises facing Europe.

Green economy is set to be one of the two main themes at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June this year. Simply put, a 'green economy' is one in which environmental, economic and social policies and innovations enable society to use resources efficiently, while maintaining the natural systems that sustain us.

"The focus on green economy in Rio reflects the issue's importance as a key environmental priority, and is particularly timely, given that it can provide a path to renewed economic growth and job creation in response to the current severe economic crises facing Europe," EEA Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade said.

The 'Environmental indicator report 2012' presents established indicators that illustrate progress towards improving resource efficiency, and indicators that depict the risk of passing environmental thresholds. Jointly, they enable policymakers and the public to reflect on where Europe stands vis-à-vis some aspects of a green economy.

Several of the indicators presented in this report show encouraging trends, while others point to issues that require urgent attention.

European environmental policies have helped Europe use resources more efficiently. However, policies aimed at making ecosystems more resilient have been less successful. Both are central to Europe achieving a green economy and becoming sustainable, according to the report.

The report emphasises that improving resource efficiency remains necessary, but stresses that this in itself may not be sufficient to ensure a resilient, sustainable natural environment. In some cases, reduced ecosystem resilience may even be irreversible, for example biodiversity loss leading to species extinction, or when environmental or climate tipping points are passed.

Following these findings, the report also considers the merits of designing policy objectives and targets that more explicitly address the links between resource efficiency, ecosystem resilience and human well-being to support the transition to a green economy.

Key findings

The report uses well-established environmental indicators, assessing progress towards a green economy along six environmental themes.
Nitrogen emissions and threats to biodiversity: progress has been made to reduce pollution causing acidification and eutrophication. However, nitrogen emissions from sewage and agriculture remain high, and these pollutants continue to damage ecosystems and habitats.
Carbon emissions and climate change: domestic greenhouse gas emissions have decreased substantially across the European Union but continue to rise on the global level. Rising temperatures threaten ecosystem resilience.
Air pollution and air quality: air pollutant emissions have decreased in many parts of Europe; nonetheless, poor air quality is still a serious health issue, particularly in many cities.
The marine environment: overfishing, shipping and other maritime activities put pressure on the marine environment; leading to altered, often less resilient marine ecosystems.
Stress on water resources: managing water use and demand has helped reduce water use in all sectors; but high levels of water stress still endanger ecosystems in European water bodies. This problem is exacerbated by climate change and inefficient water use in some areas.
Use of material resources: there has been progress in 'decoupling' economic growth and material resource use. However, overall consumption and production patterns are not sustainable.

The report was presented to members of parliament (MPs) from more than 20 EU Member States during a visit to the EEA on Monday 14 May 2012.

Slovak MP Mikuláš Huba, Chairman of the Agriculture and Environment Committee said: "Green economy is mentioned in the government's programme in Slovakia. This is a positive first step, but we are yet to see what might develop in terms of action." He added: "I believe it is very important to carefully consider the outcomes of economic decisions, so growth and job creation (even if called 'green') do not result environmental destruction."

José Llorens Torres MP, who is President of the Spanish government's Commission on Agriculture, Food and Environment, explained the need for a green economy in his country: "Spain has to both comply with EU objectives to reduce carbon emissions, and we have to reduce the deficit in line with the demands of the EU."

UK MP Joan Walley, Chair of the UK government's Environmental Audit Committee said: "Everyone understands what is meant by business as usual but few have signed up for the step change now urgently needed if we are to withstand the pressures on the earth's natural resources. The EEA's measured and robust research is the necessary point of departure if we are to safeguard our future. Their work needs to be understood, applied and used by all government departments including the Treasury."


Source: European Environment Agency
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