

Environmental Panorama
May of 2012

Published: May 10, 2012 - The world is entering a period of growing water scarcity: by 2030, global demand for fresh water could outstrip supply by more than 40 % if water is used in the same way that it is today. These stark figures are the background to a new report from the International Resource Panel, a group of natural resources experts hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme.

Many parts of the world could face a water crisis in the future, not because they do not have enough water, but because they are not using it smartly enough. Accurate water accounts quantifying the amount of water we can safely use can help us use this resource both wisely and fairly.

The report 'Measuring Water Use in a Green Economy' argues that while the world faces serious water problems, their causes are often economic, social and political in nature, rather than bio-physical. These problems can be solved by balancing water use and needs between different sectors and ecosystems.

The report serves as a powerful reminder just weeks ahead of the Rio +20 global summit on sustainable development that the world needs to radically rethink the way it uses natural resources.

The lead author of the report, Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), said: "Many parts of the world could face a water crisis in the future, not because they do not have enough water, but because they are not using it smartly enough. Accurate water accounts quantifying the amount of water we can safely use can help us use this resource both wisely and fairly."

The growing demands placed on water supply are not only the result of population growth, but also a result of the way in which our economies develop, according to the Resource Panel. Since 1900, humanity's water consumption has grown at twice the rate of population growth, jumping from 600 billion cubic metres in 1900 to 4,500 billion cubic metres in 2010.

People are not the only water users – environmental systems also need water to function. Maintaining these 'ecosystem services' should be seen as vitally important, as they form the basis of the European economy, the report argues.

Water accounting is a crucial tool for the purpose of water management and making economic assessments, alongside GDP growth and other economy-wide indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions. Ecosystem services should be considered within such resource accounting schemes to establish the links between resource efficiency, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The private sector is showing increasing interest in taking water resources into account when considering future business. For public bodies to determine water balances, the report states that it is important to produce quantitative estimates of stocks and flows. Water accounts should also include other information, such as analysis of the impact of fluctuations and uncertainties associated with the global hydrological cycle, water licences, access rights and water quality.

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Clean water at majority of EU holiday destinations

Published: May 23, 2012 - Good news if you're planning a beach holiday in Europe this summer: 92.1 % of bathing waters in the European Union now meet the minimum water quality standards set by the Bathing Water Directive. This includes the Serpentine Lake in London, which will host several Olympics events, including the Open Water Marathon Swim and the swimming section of the triathlon.

The quality of water at beaches and other bathing spots is one of the most important environmental concerns of European citizens. But in several countries there is still a problem with pollution from agriculture and sewage, so we need to see more efforts to ensure safe and clean water for the public.

The results are from the latest annual Bathing Water Report of European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission, which describes water quality in more than 22,000 bathing sites at beaches, rivers and lakes acrossEuropelast year.

Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said: “I am pleased to note that the quality of Europe's bathing waters generally remains high, and has improved since last year. A clear majority of Europeans are concerned about water quality issues, and want more information on this. We must therefore continue our work to ensure our waters are appropriate for all legitimate uses – from bathing to drinking - and that the overall aquatic ecosystem is in good health.”

Professor Jacqueline McGlade, EEA Executive Director, said: “The quality of water at beaches and other bathing spots is one of the most important environmental concerns of European citizens. But in several countries there is still a problem with pollution from agriculture and sewage, so we need to see more efforts to ensure safe and clean water for the public.”

The report found that 77.1 % of sites had excellent quality, i.e. complying with the most stringent guide values, an improvement of 3.5 percentage points on last year's data. Some 93.1 % of coastal bathing waters were classified as ‘sufficient’, or complying with the less stringent mandatory values – a 1 % increase. Less than 2 % of bathing waters were non-compliant.

Cyprus, Croatia, Malta and Greece had excellent reports on their bathing water sites, all with more than 90 % of bathing water sites meeting the most stringent guide values (excellent quality), and the remainder complying with the mandatory values. At the opposite end of the scale, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Latvia, Luxemburg and Belgium had relatively low proportions of sites meeting the strict guide values, especially as regards inland waters.

Water quality at Europe's most popular summer destinations was generally good – with more than 90 % of bathing water sites meeting the mandatory values. Spain,Italy and Portugal had more than 80 % of sites with excellent water quality.

The overall quality of bathing waters in the EU has markedly improved since 11000. The number of coastal bathing waters not complying with the Bathing Water Directive’s provisions fell from 9.2 % of sites in 11000 to 1.5 % in 2011. The number of inland bathing areas not complying with mandatory values decreased from 11.9 % in 11000 to 2.4 % in 2011, which is among the lowest percentages to date.


Bathing water in Europe needs to comply with standards set in the 2006 Bathing Water Directive, which must be implemented by December 2014. The EU publishes an annual summary report on the quality of bathing water, based on reports that the Member States should submit before the end of the previous year. In this year's report, all 27 Member States as well as Croatia, Montenegro and Switzerland monitored and reported bathing water quality, most of them according to the new provisions.

Two thirds of bathing sites were in coastal waters and the rest in rivers and lakes. The largest number of coastal bathing waters can be found inItaly ,Greece, France and Spain, while Germany and France have the highest number of inland bathing waters.

Laboratories analysed levels of certain types of bacteria, including intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli bacteria, which may indicate the presence of pollution, mainly from sewage or livestock waste. Sites are classified as compliant with mandatory values, compliant with the more stringent guidelines, or non-compliant.

European citizens can find out about the water quality at their favourite swimming spot by checking the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). The site allows users to download data and check interactive maps. People can also report the state of their local water using the Eye on Earth website.


Source: European Environment Agency
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