

Environmental Panorama
June of 2012

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - June 22, 2012 - Today, Canada's Environment Minister, the Honourable Peter Kent, delivered Canada's country statement on the final day of the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on sustainable development.

"Canada is pleased with the positive outcome at Rio+20, and we are ready to do our part," said Minister Kent. "The result is clear; there is 'no one size fits all' solution to enhancing global sustainability and we will only achieve our collective goals through collaboration."

The Conference was successful in renewing global support for sustainable development, one of Canada's main goals heading into Rio+20. This includes the recognition of green economy as a tool for achieving sustainable development and the strengthening of the United Nations Environment Program. But it also highlighted the importance for all members of society to work together to achieve sustainable development, the key role of partnerships, and of international cooperation.

Canada played a central role in the run-up to, and throughout, the Rio+20 Conference including being elected as one of the Conference's Vice-Presidents when the Conference began on June 20. In addition, Canada was one of the 10 countries elected to serve on the Rio+20 Conference Bureau, which oversaw preparations for the Conference.

The Canadian delegation also facilitated three of eleven formal negotiating groups, including the group on the green economy, one of the two major themes of the Conference.

During negotiations, Canada was pleased to have supported the launch of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one of the main outcomes of the Conference.

Canada shared a number of policy tools and best practices, which include the Chemicals Management Plan, our Strategic Environmental Assessment process, the Green Mining Initiative, development of greenhouse gas regulations, augmenting oil sands monitoring, and the establishment of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

Canada's approach to responsible resource development will play an important role in achieving a sustainable future for Canadians.

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Canada and Saskatchewan working together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

REGINA, Sask. – June 8, 2012 – Canada’s Environment Minister, the Honourable Peter Kent, and Saskatchewan’s Minister of Environment, the Honourable Ken Cheveldayoff, announced today that they are working towards an equivalency agreement on coal-fired electricity greenhouse gas regulations.

Both governments wish to avoid duplication of effort to control greenhouse gas emissions, and are working together to ensure that industry does not face two sets of regulations. An equivalency agreement would see the federal regulations stand down in favour of a provincial regulation, as long as the provincial regulation achieves an equivalent or better environmental outcome.

“The Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan are steadfast in our commitment to address climate change,” said Minister Kent. “We remain focused on our mutual goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired electricity, but want to ensure that Saskatchewan has the flexibility to choose an approach that best suits its circumstances.”

“Saskatchewan looks forward to working with the federal government to negotiate an equivalency agreement that reflects our unique circumstances, and advances the technology and innovation required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Minister Cheveldayoff. “This agreement will provide the flexibility needed to implement clean coal and carbon capture and storage technology at Boundary Dam 3 and other coal-fired plants in Saskatchewan.”

Saskatchewan is the second province to work with the Government of Canada on an equivalency agreement for coal-fired electricity regulations, with the Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia having made a similar announcement earlier this spring.

In August 2011, the federal government proposed new regulations for the electricity sector that will apply a stringent performance standard to new coal-fired electricity generation units and those coal-fired units that have reached the end of their economic life. Final regulations are expected to be published later this summer.

Tackling emissions from coal-fired electricity generation, which represents 11% of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions, will go a long way towards meeting Canada’s target of a 17% reduction in total greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels, by 2020.
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The Biosphere Launches Its Summer Season with Eight Environment-themed Exhibits

MONTRÉAL, Que. -- June 14, 2012 -- The Biosphere environment museum is opening the season with its jam-packed summer programming featuring eight exhibitions, four science-themed events, and three facilitated outdoor tours. A visit to the Biosphere is an opportunity to learn about major environmental issues and to discover solutions for green living.

Among the new elements being presented this summer are the over-sized photographs of the outdoor exhibit Nature Close Up!; the facilitated scientific activity Adaptation: The Winning Edge; and a self-guided tour highlighting this spectacular symbol of Expo 67 using portable digital players. Take the time to check out the Biosphere’s new 5.7-metre high interior green wall and learn about its properties.

Nature Close Up!
The natural world is a constant source of wonder. At the microscopic level, it teems with well-guarded treasures: beneficial relationships between species and ingenious strategies for surviving and staying fed. These secrets have also inspired major innovations that serve humanity well. This outdoor exhibition of 40 out-sized photographs presents this remarkable universe, often invisible to the naked eye. Presented free until May 22, 2013, Nature Close Up! lines the path stretching from the Jean-Drapeau metro station to the Biosphere.

Adaptation: The Winning Edge
Kids and adults alike will enjoy this science-themed activity, which is inspired by television game shows. Playing in teams, participants must work quickly to find ways for communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Self-guided Indoor Tour
The Biosphere is now offering a new visiting experience using portable digital players. Short vignettes provide additional information, photos and videos to complement the museum exhibits. Interested visitors can also hear about how green technologies work at the Biosphere and learn about the American pavilion of Expo 67 and its famed architect and visionary, Richard Buckminster Fuller.

There’s more!
Among the other activities and exhibitions being presented is the large-scale exhibit O.N.E. | Outfits from a New Era, a display of 16 outfits fashioned from castoff consumer products, as well as the exhibit on climate change +1°C: What Difference Does It Make? This summer is also the last chance to enjoy Water Wonders! Since its opening in 2005, this exhibit has regaled thousands of children with its water games and numerous challenges, including walking on water!

This is also the ideal time to mark the 45th anniversary of Expo 67 by taking the GeoTour 67 using a digital media player (devices available at a cost of $5 or free with the purchase of a museum entrance fee). Discover the old pavilions of the 1967 World’s Fair from a new environmental perspective accompanied by information, audio vignettes and anecdotes as you travel the two 4-km routes.

The Biosphere is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until October 31. Visitors aged 17 and younger are admitted free at all times (not applicable to organized groups). Please visit the Biosphere webpage for more information on all the museum’s programs and entry fees.


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
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