

Environmental Panorama
June of 2012

Suva, Fiji – The importance of implementing seafood traceability as a measure for combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing was emphasised at the opening of the second Coral Triangle Fishers Forum today.

More than 100 participants from the Asia-Pacific region are converged at the Novotel Convention Centre in Lami, Suva, Fiji to discuss the challenge of IUU.

Marine Stewardship Council Pacific Fisheries Manager Bill Holden said the Asia-Pacific region must work to remove the market for IUU products and this can be achieved by tracing the source of the fish.

“The ultimate deterrence to stop fishers engaging in IUU practices is if they have no markets to sell their catch to,” Mr Holden said.

“However there are always temptations and grey areas that cause some to turn a blind eye to certain practices. Therefore seafood traceability from the catcher to the plate is essential to eliminate IUU practices,” Holden added.

IUU preys on millions of tons of fish stocks within the Coral Triangle (Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste) and the Pacific region—which accounts for more than 60% of global marine capture production.

IUU fishing places millions of livelihoods within the Asia-Pacific region at risk.

Fiji’s Acting Minister for Environment Colonel Timoci Natuva called for the protection of the ocean and tuna stocks.

“It’s our lifeblood, our very existence, so protecting our fisheries helps protect the ocean,” Colonel Natuva said.

“Besides, we also boast the best and last remaining healthy tuna stock in the world and we want to keep it that way,” Natuva added.

WWF South Pacific Programme Representative Kesaia Tabunakawai said nations of the region need to acknowledge that their fisheries are a finite resource that needs sustainable management for everyone’s sake.

“Traceability under a catch documentation scheme is a useful tool in identifying legally and sustainably-caught fish from others,” Ms. Tabunakawai said.

“I am a Pacific islander and live surrounded by the sea. I grew up in an oceanic environment and was brought up with an appreciation for the offerings of the sea especially for our daily sustenance.

“My work has allowed me to appreciate even more the bounties of the sea in providing food, employment and the bedrock of many economies.

“No doubt we must treat conservation and management with a sense of urgency and recognise that we are dealing with a finite resource that requires regional and joint actions to ensure its long term security,” shared Tabunakawai.

The Coral Triangle Fishers Forum runs from 18 to 20 June.

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Australia creates world's biggest marine park network on eve of Rio+20 summit

Australia today created the world’s biggest network of marine protected areas, setting an important precedent for ocean protection as countries prepare to meet for the Rio+20 meeting on sustainable development.

WWF welcomed the new system of marine parks that would now cover more than one third of the Commonwealth waters of Australia – a milestone that WWF has been working towards for more than 15 years. The jewel in the crown of the new network is the Coral Sea marine park that, together with the adjacent Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, will make up the world’s largest marine park.

WWF-Australian CEO Dermot O’Gorman said Australia has the third largest ocean territory in the world that stretches from the tropics to the sub-Antarctic and is home to incredible creatures such as whales, dolphins, turtles and sharks as well as spectacular corals and other ecosystems.

“By declaring more than one third of its waters as marine parks, Australia has made a major advance in marine conservation that is both nationally and globally significant. Coming on the eve of the Rio+20 summit on sustainable development, this is an inspiring outcome for other countries to follow,” Mr O’Gorman said.

“In recent times the Australian Government has made it clear that it aspires to be a global leader in marine conservation. Today’s decision helps meet this aspiration and WWF looks forward to hearing how Australia will assist other countries in our region to better manage their marine resources at the Rio +20 summit.

“In places like the Coral Triangle and the Pacific, oceans support an incredible diversity of life and provide food security for millions of people.

“WWF’s vision is for there to be a network of marine parks from the freezing waters of the Southern Ocean to the teeming coral reefs of the tropics.”

“Marine sanctuaries provide areas where wildlife can feed and breed and help ensure the food security of millions of people who rely on the ocean for their daily sustenance and livelihoods.

“The oil spills and ship groundings in recent years have shown the range of threats facing our oceans. It is important that we get the balance right by ensuring places are set aside for conservation as well as having well-managed, ocean use.”

The Australian network of marine protected areas was announced by the Australian Environment Minister Tony Burke in Sydney today and incorporates places like the reefs of the Coral Sea and the deep sea areas off Western Australia.

In welcoming the announcement, WWF expressed some concern that some of Australia’s most critical marine environments had been excluded from the marine park and left vulnerable to industrial exploitation.

“While this is a big step forward, oil and gas rigs are still moving closer to places like the stunning Rowley Shoals and Ningaloo Reef off Western Australia,” Mr O’Gorman said.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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