

Environmental Panorama
June of 2012

Amy Adams21 June, 2012 - Environment Minister Amy Adams says the key goals on oceans pushed by New Zealand at the Rio+20 conference in Brazil have been included for discussion in the summit’s outcome document.

“This is a great step and shows that the international community recognises the need for urgent collective action to address the state of our oceans,” Ms Adams says.

“This is an area that we believe can deliver real and substantial economic, social and environmental global benefits.

“The text in the outcome document commits to further improvement of regional fisheries management, and actions to crack down on illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.

“The text clearly registers the importance of small island developing states and getting a greater share of the return from their fisheries resources. This has been a long-standing New Zealand and Pacific goal.”

The outcome document also endorses the United Nation’s process to assess the health of the oceans, and locks in the global goal of having 10 per cent of the world’s oceans in marine-protected areas.

New Zealand is particularly concerned about harmful fisheries subsidies, Ms Adams says.

“These only add to the worsening state of global fish stocks, distort trade and undermine sustainable development.

“Some governments subsidise new fishing boats when the world already has too many, some subsidise fishing industries that are targeting already over-fished stocks, and others even give subsidies to fishing entities linked to illegal fishing.”

Tackling government subsidies for fossil fuels is another area of New Zealand’s focus that has seen some progress at Rio.

Ms Adams says that while New Zealand supported stronger commitments in this area, the Rio+20 text nevertheless represents further international recognition of the importance of fossil fuel subsidy reform by all UN members.

“Fossil fuel subsidy reform is becoming an important internationally, as we’ve seen from a number of civil society campaigns in the lead up to the conference.

“Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies over the medium term would deliver significant benefits for a greener economy and the climate.

“We are mindful that reform will have consequences for poorer populations, and needs to be done progressively, but money spent on fossil fuels is huge.

“This is money that could be spent on other sustainable development priorities. Some countries spend more on fossil fuel subsidies than they do on health or education.”

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NZ delegation leaves for Rio+20

Amy Adams18 June, 2012 - Environment Minister Amy Adams leaves for Brazil today to lead New Zealand’s delegation at the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development.

“At Rio de Janeiro, New Zealand is focussing on areas that can deliver real and substantial economic, social and environmental benefits,” Ms Adams says.

“We won’t have the biggest voice, but we will be able to contribute practical and relevant ideas.

“New Zealand wants all the countries at Rio+20 to commit to eliminating harmful fisheries subsidies. These contribute to overfishing and to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. They also create perverse economic incentives that affect the long-term sustainability of the world’s fisheries.

“We also want a commitment to phase out the inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that some countries have in place. If we are successful, this could reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by up to 10 per cent by 2050.”

New Zealand also has a strong contingent of youth, business and non-governmental organisations attending Rio+20.

“New Zealand’s position reflects the concerns of our Pacific neighbours. Our focus is on achievable commitments that advance sustainable development.

“I am acutely aware that Rio+20 is taking place against a backdrop of global recession and uncertainty. This is inevitably creating challenges.

“Nearly 200 countries will be at Rio+20, all with their own needs and aspirations, but I am hopeful that we can all work constructively together for continued action on sustainable development.

“We think it is important to be a part of the global conversation on sustainable development. New Zealand is a strong supporter of a multilateral rules-based system, and we will play an active part in Rio+20.”

While in Rio de Janeiro, Ms Adams will also hold meetings with her counterparts from Australia, China, Korea, United Kingdom, Canada, Chile and Indonesia.


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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