

Environmental Panorama
August of 2012

Amy Adams
28 August, 2012
Environment Minister Amy Adams has welcomed the passing of a new law that for the first time will enable comprehensive environmental management of activities in New Zealand’s vast exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf.

“This new environmental legislation will allow us to carefully manage development of the resources in our oceans, and help us unlock the enormous economic potential that lies in our oceans in an environmentally-responsible way,” Ms Adams says.

“The Government has ensured that beefed up penalties of up to $10 million will apply under the Bill and that the purpose will align closely with the Resource Management Act in focusing on sustainable management of our oceans for economic growth.”

The Bill sends a strong signal that New Zealanders care about their marine environment, and want to see development occur in a sustainable way.
“I am pleased that the Bill has attracted the support of a number of parties in Parliament. Such cross-party support will help to ensure the laws governing our EEZ and continental shelf are enduring.”
The new law will come into force when the regulations that are being developed become operational.

“Work is already well underway on the technical detail to be contained in the regulations. This has been widely consulted on through a public discussion document, and the Government will be making decisions on the final content of the regulations in due course.”

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Ministerial talks to focus on environmental issues

Amy Adams
22 August, 2012
Environment Minister Amy Adams leaves for Canberra today to attend the Council of Australian Government’s Standing Committee on Environment and Water (SCEW).

“We’re interested in the work Australia is doing in areas such as national water reform, waste policy, and a national plan for clean air. Taking part in the standing committee and its working groups will help us with our environmental policy and implementation work,” Ms Adams says.

SCEW is a Council of Australian Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand Ministers with responsibility for environmental and water issues.

It meets every year to agree actions to address key environmental protection and water management issues. This is SCEW’s third meeting, and New Zealand has agreed to host the fourth meeting next year.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for Ms Adams to meet her Australian counterpart, Minister Tony Burke, as well as State Environment Ministers.

During the trip, Ms Adams will also meet the Australian Productivity Commission to discuss its water reform reports, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority regarding its work managing one of Australia’s largest and most important catchments, and Australia’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy.


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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