

Environmental Panorama
November of 2012

Wed, Nov 7, 2012
TEEB for Business Coalition launches in Singapore
Founder board members left to right – Herman Mulder, Jurgen Voegele, Dr Dorothy Maxwell, Vivian Balakrishnan, Peter Bakker, Pavan Sukhdev, Peter Seligmann, Tony Gourlay

Singapore, 7 November 2012 - International leaders from business, government and non-governmental organizations gathered in Singapore on Tuesday to launch officially the new TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) for Business Coalition Headquarters, which aims to achieve a shift in corporate behaviour to preserve and enhance, rather than deplete, the earth’s natural capital.

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)
The Coalition brings together global stakeholders to study and standardize methods for natural capital accounting to enable its valuation and reporting in business. This is the business application of the G8+5 and UNEP-supported TEEB programme, led by Pavan Sukhdev, which provides a compelling economic case for the conservation of natural capital and is a cornerstone of the Green Economy.
“The work of TEEB makes another sound case for an inclusive Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and highlights an urgent need to integrate the valuation of natural capital into business practices in the vital private sector - the Business Coalition aims to do exactly that,” said Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme.

The Coalition focuses on global stakeholder engagement, focused research and development of methods for natural capital accounting. The Coalition’s founding members have pioneered much of the science and business case for natural capital valuation and accounting, providing a credible platform to take the business application of this forward.

These existing activities will be built on to ensure the necessary stakeholders from business, government, support organizations, academia and civil society inform effective and pragmatic methods. This will maximize uptake and enable the transformative change that valuing natural capital in business can bring.

“The invisibility of corporate externalities is a root cause of many errors of judgement across economics, ecology and governance,” said Pavan Sukhdev, Study Leader of TEEB, & UNEP Goodwill Ambassador. “Solving this complex problem is a crucial challenge for sustainability, and it will need global collaboration and research expertise of significant scale. I am therefore delighted that so many leading global institutions, who are represented in this Coalition, are combining forces to address this challenge.”

For businesses to be viable in the long term, the ecosystems and resources upon which they depend must be maintained. Businesses rely on ecosystems that provide critical provisioning services (e.g. water and food) and regulatory services (e.g. climate regulation, water purification, flood management and waste treatment). However, 60 per cent of the world’s ecosystem services have been degraded over the past 50 years.

Resource constraints represent a significant business risk. This is not only from the potential inability to source the necessary inputs for products but also from the threat of political and/or regulatory intervention into operations.

Currently natural capital is invisible in many business decisions - most ecosystem services are environmental externalities and not accounted for in market economics. However, government and business alike are recognizing the importance of valuing natural capital.

Sarah Nolleth, Director of The Prince of Wales’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S), said: "A4S is delighted to be a founding member of the TEEB for Business Coalition which is leading the way to develop consensus around ways for business to more effectively incorporate natural capital into decision making and accounting. This is an important step in helping to reform the way that business is done to reflect the reliance of our global economy on the capital and services we get from the environment."

Dr. Dorothy Maxwell has been appointed as Director for TEEB for Business Coalition. Dr. Maxwell joins the Coalition with over 20 years professional experience working in the environmental/ sustainability arena in business, government and academia in the EU, USA and Asia Pacific.

The ceremony, held at Burkhill Hall, Botanic Gardens, Singapore, took place as part of the Responsible Business Forum on Sustainable Development, which presented practical ways to accelerate solutions for a more sustainable world while increasing business and industry growth.

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New Constitution, Public Opinion Give Kenya Unique Opportunity to Reverse Deforestation that Costs Economy US$70 Million Each Year

Wed, Nov 7, 2012
Natural Capital Can Serve as Vibrant Engine for Sustainable Growth, Say Delegates at National Dialogue on Water Towers, Forests and Green Economy
Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director(4th R) and Dalmas Otieno, Public Service Minister of Kenya (3rd R) joined by other participants at the closing of the National Dialogue on Water Towers, Forests and Green Economy

Nairobi, 7 November 2012 - Kenya should seize a unique opportunity provided by the new constitution and public opinion to reverse deforestation in the nation’s water towers, which deprives the economy of almost six billion shillings ($US 70 million) annually and threatens more than 70 per cent of the water supply, delegates said at the end of a high-level dialogue in Nairobi.

Over 200 delegates - including key decision-makers, the private sector, development partners, civil society and international observers - spent three days searching for a concrete way forward to deal with an issue that a joint UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Kenya Forest Service report issued on Monday revealed causes major economic damage.

Deforestation Costing Kenyan Economy Millions of Dollars Each Year
The Role and Contribution of Montane Forests and Related Ecosystem Services to the Kenyan Economy
Video News Release and B-Roll for Journalists
The Inclusive Wealth Report 2012
The Role and Contribution of Montane Forests and Related Ecosystem Services to the Kenyan Economy found that forests contribute to a wide range of sectors, accounting for 3.6 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), compared to the current official figure of 1.1 per cent.

The economic benefits of forest ecosystem services are more than four times higher than the short-term gains of deforestation, but trees continued to be felled due to a multiple and complex reasons, including unregulated charcoal production, livestock grazing and human settlements.

Kenya’s new constitution calls for an increase in forest cover to ten per cent, which, coupled with an increasing public demand to halt and reverse deforestation, has the potential to trigger unprecedented investment in the forest sector, the Dialogue’s final outcome document said.

“Kenya has already signaled its intent to build up this natural capital as a vibrant and sustainable engine for growth and prosperity,” said UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. “There now exists a unique opportunity to translate this pioneering and commendable intention into implementation.”

“The outcomes of this meeting provide an agenda for moving beyond an era when forests were seen as unproductive land that could be turned into something more valuable by cutting down the trees,” he added.

Sustained high-level political support for and the involvement of the private sector and local communities are essential to bring about the transformation, the Dialogue found.

Alongside the high-level momentum, enabling conditions for better management and private sector investment - such as secure land tenure, good forest governance and law enforcement - should be established, through a clear and conducive legal framework.

The Dialogue presented a Five-Year Roadmap to success, which included the following recommendations:

Implementation - Government should strengthen the implementation and enforcement of existing policies, which can serve as the basis of sustainable management of its water towers and forests.
Improved coordination and synergies - The new constitutional limit on government departments provides an opportunity to avoid multiple policies, plans and strategies with overlapping mandates, and should be seized.
Establish Payment for Ecosystem Services schemes - These schemes for conserving mountain forests and wetlands, which already exist in countries such as Mexico, China and the US, should be socially just, beneficial for communities and land owners, and directly support conservation.
Capture forest landscape restoration potential - Deforestation costs the Kenyan economy an estimated 5.8 billion KSh per year. The potential return of restoring degraded forest landscapes is therefore significant.

Develop a multi-source investment portfolio - A public-private partnership should be established to support the development and employment of a multisource investment portfolio for the sustainable management and utilization of forest ecosystems.

Build on research - Data for the critical role and economic importance of forest ecosystems for Kenya’s well-being must be up to date. Both water availability and water quality must be kept in view.

Promote participation, education and training - Capacity building should be offered to all stakeholders, including communities. The crucial role of forest ecosystem to economic and sectoral development needs to be communicated widely to sectoral ministries and institutions, private sector and media. The Dialogue further called for investment in the establishment of a vibrant small- and middle-sized enterprise sector, which delivers forest ecosystem services and goods and related value addition.

“The Government of Kenya has taken many steps over the last few years to transform the management and utilization of our water towers and forest ecosystems,” said Hon. Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya. “These public sector steps, for example the new Forest Act, are however just the first steps on a path which leads to our Vision 2030.

“I call upon communities, landowners and the private sector to demand and to push government for the proper implementation of our policies and enactment of such enabling conditions where investments in forests are viable,” he added.

Mr. Steiner also presented a new UNEP publication, Securing Water and Land in the Tana Basin: a resource book for water managers and practitioner, to Minister of Public Works Dalmas Otieno.

The booklet documents field-tested practical technologies from other countries that can be replicated in Kenya to help improve management of water and land resources. Examples of the technologies include bench terraces and tied ridges, sand dams and subsurface dams, flood water management, and improved agroforestry.

The Tana basin is crucial for Kenya, with the river providing drinking water, irrigation and power - with up to 64 per cent of Kenya’s hydropower deriving from dams along the river. However, the river has high siltation due to poor land use and faces a deteriorating water shed.

About the National Dialogue

The high-level Dialogue featured a number of distinguished personalities including Hon. Noah Wekesa, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, Hon. Dalmas Otieno, Minister of State In Charge of Public Service, Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, H.E. Mr. Lodewijk Briët, Ambassador European Union, and was held between 5-7 November, 2012, at UNEP’s Headquarters in Nairobi.

The Dialogue was held as part of Kenya’s follow-up to the Rio+20 outcome “The Future we want” and as part of the Government of Kenya’s efforts to implement its Vision 2030 and environment and forest policies. The Dialogue has received funding from and was facilitated by the UN-REDD Programme, a joint initiative of UNEP, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, and the UN Development Programme, which provides support to over 40 countries to implement efforts for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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