

Environmental Panorama
November of 2012

Published : Nov 14, 2012 Last modified : Nov 29, 2012 11:54 AM
Water pollution and physical modifications are still affecting the ecology of many of Europe’s lakes, rivers, transitional water bodies and coastal waters. These problems are likely to prevent the water bodies reaching ‘good’ status by 2015, a target set by the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD).

EU Member States look set to miss upcoming targets by a wide margin, so they need to urgently step up efforts to protect both human health and the ecosystems we rely on.

The report, ‘European waters - assessment of status and pressures’, published this week by the European Environment Agency (EEA), considers the status of 104 000 rivers, 19 000 lakes, and 4000 transitional and coastal water bodies reported by EU Member States according to the WFD and the river basin management plans (RBMPs). The authors conclude that water bodies are generally improving, but not quickly enough to meet the targets set by the WFD – in fact only 52 % of water bodies are predicted to achieve good ecological status by 2015, according to Member States own plans.

Jacqueline McGlade, EEA Executive Director, said: “European waters have improved a great deal over the last two decades, as legislation has successfully reduced many types of pollution and improved wastewater treatment. But EU Member States look set to miss upcoming targets by a wide margin, so they need to urgently step up efforts to protect both human health and the ecosystems we rely on.”

For surface waters, there are two separate classifications: ecological and chemical status. Groundwater bodies are classified according to their chemical status and quantitative status. For a water body to be in overall good status, both types must be at least good.

More than half of the surface water bodies in Europe were reported to be below good ecological status or potential status, according to the latest data showing status up to 2009.

Many European water bodies remain polluted by excess nutrients, mainly from fertiliser, the report notes. When fertilisers run off from croplands into a water body, it can create eutrophication, a process characterised by increased plant growth and harmful algal blooms, depletion of oxygen and subsequent loss of life in bottom water. Diffuse pollution from agriculture is a significant pressure for more than 40 % of Europe’s water bodies in rivers and coastal waters, and in one third of lakes and transitional waters.

Ecological status also includes considerations of ‘hydromorphology’ – the extent to which the shape of water bodies and natural flow of the river has been altered. Dams, straightening and dredging alter habitats and damage ecosystems. Hydromorphological pressures resulting in altered habitats is the most common pressure on water bodies, affecting around 40 % of rivers and transitional water bodies and 30 % of the lakes. The report calls for the ‘re-naturation’ of many water bodies to restore their natural features, such as restoring the natural continuity of rivers.

Chemical status refers to levels of heavy metals and other harmful substances. While 10 % of Europe’s surface water bodies are in poor chemical status, there are no chemical status data available for 40 % of Europe’s surface waters. Ground water bodies are in a worse condition – approximately 25 % of groundwater, by area, has poor chemical status across Europe. Sixteen Member States have more than 10 % of groundwater bodies in poor chemical status. This figure exceeds 50 % in Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Belgium (Flanders) and Malta.

Overall, concentrations of several water pollutants are falling in many river basins. For example, if ammonium and phosphorous levels continue to decline at their current rate, they will be at levels that meet good status by 2015 and 2027 respectively. Nitrates are also falling, although this pollutant will still be too high for several decades at the current rate of decrease, according to the report.

The challenges for river basin management are numerous and diverse, the report says. The RBMPs submitted by Member States distinguish between different types of pressures faced by river basins, however they include less detail on how these pressures will be addressed and to what extent selected measures will contribute to achieving environmental objectives in 2015.

To maintain and improve the essential functions of our water ecosystems, they need to be managed better, the report says. This can only succeed if an integrated approach is adopted, as introduced in the WFD and related water legislation. All sectors in a river basin need to fully implement the WFD to reduce pressures on water bodies, ensuring all users are committed to healthy water bodies achieving good status.

The report is launched to coincide with the launch of the European Commission’s Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources, intended to improve implementation of existing water legislation and show opportunities for further policy improvements.

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Berlin park wins award for its soundscape design

Published : Nov 07, 2012 Last modified : Nov 13, 2012 02:30 PM
A city park in Berlin has won the European Soundscape Award for its innovative design which cuts traffic noise and creates a more attractive acoustic environment. The prize, presented at a ceremony in London by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Noise Abatement Society (NAS), is intended to raise awareness of the health impacts of noise and recognise initiatives that help create more tranquil environments.

Winner and runner-up with awards

Noise pollution is not only a nuisance - it can also affect human health when it increases stress levels or disturbs sleep. Prolonged exposure can even trigger serious illness such as hypertension and heart disease.

Across Europe, at least 100 million people are exposed to damaging levels of noise just from road traffic. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year Europeans lose at least 1 million healthy life years due to traffic-related noise. Giving people better access to tranquil places can on the other hand enhance mental and physical health and improve quality of life.

This year was the second time the EEA and NAS encouraged applications for the European Soundscape Award. The competition was open to any product, campaign, innovation or scheme offering a creative solution to the problem of noise. The organisers received 10 entries spanning 11 countries, covering a wide range of initiatives in the field of noise control or soundscape management.

The winner of the European Soundscape Award 2012

A German consortium led by Prof. Dr. Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp, Technische Universität Berlin won the European Soundscape Award 2012 for the remodelling of Nauener Platz, a city park in Berlin. The winning project had a highly participatory approach, involving residents and people working in the area. Ideas for creating a new attractive park were collected through public discussions and workshops. The people behind the project also organised ’sound walks’ to be sure local people’s expertise was considered in the reconstruction of the park’s soundscape. One of their contributions was to identify the areas they felt were most noisy.

Although traffic can still be heard in Nauener Platz, users feel that the park has a much more pleasant atmosphere. This was achieved by installing devices in sculptures and benches playing recorded sounds of birds and water. The consortium also built a 1.5 m sound barrier made of stone and plants at one side of the park close to playground. Benches for parents were situated directly behind the wall to increase the noise reduction effect. The redesign of the park also included more attractive playgrounds, sports areas and green spaces which increased the lively sounds from human activities.

European Soundscape Award 2012 - runner-up prize

Estonian NGO Ökokratt won the runner-up prize for its educational project ‘Noise is not music’. The project aimed to raise awareness of the adverse impacts of noise among children and young people. Approximately 30,000 children from 214 different schools and institutions participated.

The project educated 100 teachers about noise and its health impacts. The teachers subsequently planned and implemented a ‘Silence Week’ at their respective schools and institutions. The multi-faceted project also brought together many other activities involving schoolchildren, including a research project competition, resulting in a play by a theatre group. Several groups also created noise maps and monitored noise levels in their own classrooms (video).

Source: Inquiry Centre Environment European
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