

Environmental Panorama
November of 2012

Media release
4 November 2012
The Gillard Labor Government today announced the National Wildlife Corridors Plan—a bold vision for reconnecting the Australian landscape through a network of wildlife corridors across Australia.

Environment Minister, Tony Burke, said the Corridors Plan was a Labor initiative to improve resilience for the environment by connecting protected areas.

"You can look at a map of reserved areas and sometimes it looks like someone has dipped a toothbrush in paint and splattered different unconnected dots across the land," Mr Burke said.

"Corridors are about connecting those dots; it's a way of improving resilience and ensuring that we are protecting nature in a way that preserves it for generations to come.

"The Plan unveiled today outlines a process for communities to identify and nominate areas they believe will contribute to a national network of wildlife corridors.

"An area that meets the criteria and is declared as a National Wildlife Corridor may be eligible for priority funding under a range of Australian Government funding programs.

"This is about setting priorities for conservation funding. The plan does not, of itself, lock up any land.

"The Corridors Plan identifies a number of ways communities can become involved in wildlife corridor initiatives, contributing to biodiversity conservation at the landscape scale and improving the sustainability of their local and regional areas.

"Under the Corridors Plan, communities will be able to nominate wildlife corridors for recognition and declaration as National Wildlife Corridors. Over time, a network of wildlife corridors will be established across Australia, benefiting our biodiversity, and our agricultural and built environments."

Endorsement of the Corridors Plan meets the Government's 2010 election commitment to establish a wildlife corridors plan that increases the resilience of Australia's native plants and animals, and agricultural landscapes, so they are more able to withstand the impacts of climate change.

Mr Burke thanked the National Wildlife Corridors Plan Advisory Group who undertook a thorough consultation process on the draft plan with stakeholders across the community.

"The consultation undertaken by the independent advisory group was essential in ensuring the community had input into the National Wildlife Corridors Plan," he said.

"The insights provided by regional natural resource management organisations, environment groups, local and state governments, scientists, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, tourism organisations, planning organisations and agricultural and mining peak bodies were all considered by the Advisory Group during the consultation on the draft Plan."

The plan will help guide future government investment through a range of initiatives, such as Caring for our Country and the Biodiversity Fund. The Clean Energy Future Plan's Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board will provide advice to the Environment Minister on wildlife corridors within the landscape.

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Biodiversity fund opens for land managers in Northern Australia

Media release
5 November 2012
Environment Minister Tony Burke today announced new funding to help protect and manage the unique biodiversity values of northern Australia.
Mr Burke said the Northern Australia Targeted Investment, the latest round of the Biodiversity Fund, would help Indigenous communities, farmers, environmental groups and land managers protect the unique biodiversity of northern Australia.

The Biodiversity Fund seeks to protect and sustainably manage high value ecosystems in Northern Australia including places which support significant natural and indigenous heritage values, for example through projects located in and adjacent to current or potential national and World heritage areas.

"Providing long-term support to land managers leads to enduring results for our environment and for the community," Mr Burke said.

"Across Australia, farmers and other land managers already do a great job through Landcare work and the Biodiversity Fund will build on this work.

"Invasive species, inappropriate fire regimes and changing land use are having a significant negative impact on some of Australia's northern landscapes.

"Northern Australia contains magnificent sights that are like No other place on earth. This round is intended to acknowledge and preserve those irreplaceable values.

"Declines in the numbers of native birds and mammals in Northern Australia are of particular concern along with the impact that certain feral animals play in the decline of small mammals.

"Today's announcement demonstrates the government's commitment to take action now to manage threats to northern Australia's landscapes and protect the environment for future generations.

"Through this round we are seeking to support projects that help protect and manage high value ecosystems in Northern Australia, including places which support significant natural and Indigenous heritage values."

The Biodiversity Fund: Northern Australia Targeted Investment is a key component of the Gillard Labor Government's Clean Energy Future, Land Sector Package. It is taking a targeted approach to investment and will help inform future targeted investments around the country.

The Biodiversity Fund provides funding to build connectivity and resilience in the landscape by promoting biodiverse carbon plantings and revegetation, management of existing biodiverse carbon stores and managing pests in a connected landscape.

The Biodiversity Fund complements other Australian Government initiatives including the Carbon Farming Initiative and Caring for our Country to achieve a healthier, more productive and more sustainable Australia. The Northern Australia Targeted Investment round also supports the government's ongoing commitment to Closing the Gap.

The application round is now open and will close 5pm AEST 4 December 2012.

Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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