

Environmental Panorama
November of 2012

Tue, Nov 6, 2012
A flagship book that documents and analyzes the devastating impact of war on the environment in 23 conflict-affected countries and territories across the globe was released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), the University of Tokyo, and McGill University following 5 years of unprecedented field research.

Washington, DC and Geneva 6 November 2012 - A flagship book that documents and analyzes the devastating impact of war on the environment in 23 conflict-affected countries and territories across the globe was released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), the University of Tokyo, and McGill University following 5 years of unprecedented field research.

Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding highlights how post-conflict reconstruction efforts based on the sustainable use of natural resources and the environment can foster lasting economic and social growth in war-torn nations. In fact, re-establishing access to land and water are often the two most important priorities at the rural level.

Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
Environmental Peacebuilding
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
UNEP and Disasters and Conflicts
This set of case studies, edited by David Jensen, a member of UNEP's Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch and Steve Lonergan, professor emeritus at the University of Victoria, is the result of an extensive collaboration between 35 specialists from the United Nations, government ministries, non-governmental organizations, academia and the military. The research spanned the globe, including case studies from Iraq, Sierra Leone, Haiti and Afghanistan relating to a wide range of topics such as the assessment of direct and indirect environmental impacts of war, the restoration of key natural resources, the impacts of road infrastructure on land rights, the remediation of polluted sites, and the risks of depleted uranium contamination.

Today, on the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reemphasized the need for "a greater international focus on the role of natural resource management in conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding." He also highlighted that "the resource curse must no longer be allowed to undermine the security of fragile and conflict-affected states and the foundations of sustainable development."

"Addressing the environmental dimensions of conflicts and disasters is one of UNEP's seven priority areas," said Jensen. "As natural resources become increasingly scarce, and the impacts of climate change intensify, fragile states will need additional support. The lessons contained in this book will be essential in helping to chart our future direction and to improve our capacity for rapid response."

A shift toward increased attention to natural resources and the environment during post-conflict recovery began when former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan asked in 1999 for a comprehensive assessment of the effects of the Kosovo conflict on the environment and human settlements. The report, The Kosovo Conflict: Consequences for the Environment and Human Settlement, was the first of its kind by UNEP to assess the environmental damage and risks for human health, livelihoods, and security.

"Hot spots - areas with acute chemical and other contamination - pose grave and unique threats to human health and the environment," said ELI President John C. Cruden. "Although it is imperative that the hot spots be cleaned up, the post-conflict clean-up process can also invigorate local economies, advance the innovation of technologies, build cooperative relationships, and contribute toward capacity building. This is one of the main lessons highlighted in this groundbreaking publication, part of an entire program of research and assistance that ELI is proud to be working on."

"The post-conflict assessment process provides an invaluable opportunity to understand the role of natural resources after a conflict has ended and to plan accordingly," said Lonergan. "The book examines many successes in remediating specific environmental hot spots. It also demonstrates the importance of restoring the resource base upon which millions of livelihoods depend in order to prevent continued instability, food insecurity and potential conflict."

The book - funded by the Government of Finland, USAID, the European Union, the Center for Global Partnership of the Japan Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Compton Foundation - focuses on 4 themes: (1) Post-Conflict Environmental Assessments; (2) Remediation of Environmental Hot Spots; (3) Restoration of Natural Resources and Ecosystems; and (4) Environmental Dimensions of Infrastructure and Reconstruction.

It is part of a series of 6 books published by Earthscan / Taylor and Francis that addresses: high-value natural resources; assessment and restoration of natural resources; water; land; resources for livelihoods; and resource governance.

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Swedish Duo Win First Place in Climate and Clean Air Coalition Film Contest

Fri, Nov 9, 2012
Wallace and Gromit-Style Video Spells Out Urgency to Act on Soot to Methane
Paris, 8 November, 2012 - Two Swedish students today scooped a new award aimed at alerting the world to the huge benefits of fast action on crop, health and climate-damaging substances, known as Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs).

Frans Wiberg and Staffon Druid, ages 17 and 18, took first place for their production entitled, A Short Video About SLCPs, at a meeting of the Coalition in Paris, France.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC)
Other winners included Nonyelum Umeasiegbu from Nigeria who took second slot for a new slogan on SLCPs and Linnea Fahlstrom and Hilda Broqvist, also from Sweden, for their video entry which took third place.

Answering the call for young video producers and budding social media experts between the ages of 12 and 25, Wiberg and Druid teamed up lending their creative vision to raise awareness of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) as part of a school project in their home town of Linköping, Sweden.

"Our School principal learnt of the contest and alerted our teachers to the opportunity," said Wiberg. "We were studying sustainable development in our Social Studies class and our teacher made an assignment of the project."

The students submitted a video under the category for Best Audio-Visual Product addressing the impact of SLCPs, which are responsible for a substantial portion of current global and regional warming trends effecting health, agriculture and ecosystems.

"Our video gets the message through easily, without being too technical or simplistic in tackling the issue," Druid commented. "If we don't work towards protecting the earth, the future seems very dark for the planet."

Fast action to reduce these pollutants - especially methane and black carbon - has the potential to slow down the warming expected by 2050 by as much as 0.5°C, as well as prevent over two million premature deaths each year and avoid annual crop losses of over 30 million tons.

Both young men plan to pursue careers related to the environment.

Frans plans on studying Green Economics and Staffan would like to pursue a career in either hydrology or geology.

While they have yet to receive a grade on the project, the CCAC has awarded them top marks and looks forward to following their future successes.

The duo were last night given each a signed photograph by award winning film maker Jan Arthaus Betrand who is also a goodwill ambassador to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

The presentation, conducted by UNEP Spokesperson, Nick Nuttall, happened during a meeting of the Coalition in Paris to which the Swedish students were invited.

For more information, please contact Nick Nuttall, Acting Director UNEP Division of Communications and Public Information/UNEP Spokesperson on +254 733 632755 and

About The Climate and Clean Air Coalition

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC), is a voluntary partnership of governments, intergovernmental organizations, private sector representatives, environmental actors and other members of civil society. Established in February, 2012, CCAC's primary focus is to catalyze action for the reduction of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in the atmosphere such as black carbon, methane and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

SCLPs responsible for a substantial portion of current global warming with particularly large impacts in urban areas and sensitive regions of the world like the Arctic, and have harmful health and environmental impacts. Reducing SLCPs can have immediate, multiple benefits, protect human health and the environment immediately and slow the rate of climate change within the first half of this century.

Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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